A threatening note was found on the door of a Jacksonville, FL Democratic Party office. It read: “We want blood. You lost the election. Redress our grievances now or we will.” Mehdi Hasan speaks with the chair of the party, Daniel Henry, about that incident and other disturbing events across the country thanks to GOP conspiracies about the election and pandemic. Aired on 12/18/2020.
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#Election #DemocraticParty #MSNBC
Local Florida Democratic Party Gets Death Threat After Trump Election Lies | The Last Word | MSNBC
You said “we need to burn it all down” now you wanna run and cry? Lmfao.
@Kepora1 There has never been a society that didn’t incorporate aspects of socialism. You understand nothing. It’s literally impossible not to. The only reason you people keep mentioning it is because you’ve been instructed to, by your sheep herders who’ve brainwashed you into assisting the top 20% in their ownership of 85% of the country’s wealth. It gets even worse when you start mindlessly bleating “communism” which no one wants. You people have a seriously low IQ.
@BlueWaveDragon Ummm no we don’t? And have you been reading my comments? I made it crystal clear I feel the EXACT opposite way
@user name only of you’re being disingenuous about what “socialism” is.
Also, “aspects” =/= full socialism, which is what a vocal minority are trying to push.
@Rob Wagner Look, I never participated in riots, and I don’t identify with people who use meaningless violence and turn it on fellow citizens, so I don’t really feel obligated to put effort into publicly and loudly denouncing them, I think that’s a given. You’re pretty much saying that if I’m a liberal, then I have to take responsibility for any bad things other liberals do.
@Kepora1 Not vocal, since you never hear from them. But, according to you, we should accuse all conservatives of being skin heads with swastika tats. Your party is a mess, friendo. You don’t even believe what you claim to. You’ll take that social security disability check while railing bitterly against the welfare state. A company that’s owned entirely by it’s employees is some evil socialism indeed. Explain how’s that’s a problem. It will cut a filthy rich owner out of the loop, which is why you’ve been instructed to oppose it.
I don’t see any of this ending well! Good luck fellow America’s! I hope we all make it out of this!
@LotWizzard In defense? Absolutely!! Just cause? Never!
Thank the Lord I live in a Stand Your Ground state!!!
@lynne baker How Hitler seized power in Nazi Germany:
1. Create a crisis.
2. Demonize opponents.
3. Declare a state of emergency.
4. Undermine elections.
5. Make the rule of law irrelevant.
6. Rule by executive order.
Thanks for this video, its very detailed. Having got involved in the stock market and made little profits, i still greatly believe in bitcoin trading mostly as the market is very bullish at this point in time. I strongly advice us to get involved in DAY TRADING properly guided by a pro traded with a working strategy/daily signals. For me it’s been very successful because i was being guided by a pro trader called Mr Richard whose strategy/daily signals has proven to be so accurate and well analysed. Trading and growing my portfolio from 0.9btc to 5.8btc within 4 weeks is so awesome and credible. Don’t you think this is the right time to grow the little we hold ahead of more bullishness ? Mr Richard can be reach via Insta @richard_brucefx* for inquiries into profitable trading systems
I know it’s not possible to get something good so easy but sometimes we make mistakes and lose money and time on things we don’t know. i have been on stock trading for months throwing away my money and my time for long i have been in debt on till i saw a comment about Richard Bruce, contacted him and he explained all to me, helped me back all that I have lost in just one month it’s amazing and I am thankful to him with his good strategies I was able to make up to $39000 every 2week is that not amazing? hahah well I want to use this time to advise anybody who has been losing his or her money and time to try him maybe he will be of help to you am sure he will. feel free to write him on Whatsapp+1(971)5122836 or (@richard_brucefx) on Instagram..
@jennti just be honest and say you want to shoot someone
Anyone else think this was another Key & Peele skit when it first popped up?!?
@lynne baker I personally would never do that. it’s just not fair when everyone doesn’t have the same rules
@Sharrene Shrider , Ura what? I don’t understand U. although I know more about U then U know about Urself.
The extreme left will stop at nothing! As for Daniel Henry’s remark that our President Donald J. Trump “threatened” before and after the election that “the election would be rigged if he didn’t win”. Where is Henry’s proof of this threat? The proof, that all but turned Mr. Henry, white (Blanch)? Where is it? This supposed threat needs to be displayed as corpus delicti, evidential claim not heresy. If this was a “Death threat”, why did Mr. Henry call the NON-emergency number instead of the FBI. or Homeland Security? This smells of Smollett a creative, yet failed attempt to claim our president, or any Conservative, or republican would stoop to the level of the left by demonstrating the hate and ugliness that is being pushed by the left?
Conservative Republicans are God loving, God fearing people. We don’t create, or perpetuate hate, we demonstrate peacefully with compassion and conviction.
Furthermore, the violence, the threats that we have ALL witnessed unfolding, have all come from the left. Let us all see FACTual evidence of Kemp’s children’s threats! Why the kids? Why not Mr. Kemp?
Every word that came from both Henry’s mouth as well as this nameless news anchor that msnbc chose to not display, hasn’t spoken one word of truth about the real deceit being said by this outlet, as well as all other mainstream media, ALL soon to be up stream and over the waterfall. Since their narrative continues to obscure the real truth and demonstrates that real reporting in journalism died in 2016.
The title of this news segment is also worth pointing out that “Local Florida Democratic Party Gets Death Threat After Trump Election Lies | THE LAST WORD | msnbc: I’ve got news for you! GOD has the final word and this isn’t over yet! So enjoy your holiday because come the New Year the truth will be exposed and your false reporting and narrative will destroy you!
Finally, where was this man, the perpetrators MAGA hat?
blanched; blanching; blanches
Definition of blanch
transitive verb
: to take the color out of
Age had blanched his hair.
: such as
cooking : to scald or parboil in water or steam in order to remove the skin from, whiten, or stop enzymatic action in (such as food for freezing)
blanch the asparagus in salted boiling water
: to bleach by excluding light
blanch the leaves of a plant
: to make ashen or pale
fear blanches the cheek
intransitive verb
: to become white or pale (as from shock or fear)
His face blanched with horror.
—often used figuratively to describe a reaction of shock or dismay that makes someone unwilling or reluctant to proceed
Civilians also saw benefits to the system but blanched when talk then included references to $300-plus user fees.
— Dan Fales
… the managers of the companies blanched at the expenditures necessary to retool factories.
— Charles C. Mann
@Linda Observes is full of crap, stinky rotten trump crap. Sad…..
WarriorPoet01 Touche’!!
I keep saying we haven’t seen nothing yet.
@Baby Yoda hey…are you my son getting on yt?
he loves grogu
typical grammar of a Trump supporter crybaby snowflake- “we haven’t seen nothing yet.” Rofl Learn to construct a sentence deplorable.
@John Fox Wow, you just attempted to poke fun at someone because of their grammar and did not pay attention to your own… priceless.
@John Fox man the balls you have hiding behind a screen. I can’t wait
@Smarter than you It’s all entertainment to me….
If you think the people who “own” this country would allow a trump to rule it, you need a dose of reality.
Do you know Obama is a decendent of Plymouth Rock.
Orangie had 4 yrs to act a big shot… Times up!
i automatically read local florida man

find the people making the threats and put them.in jail for 20 yrs!!!
Yeah if you start with the Democrats they’ve been lying stealing and cheating for decades
@Keith Jordan ffs
There’d be a lot of BLM and antifa members in prison!!!
The jails would be full with 95% of them being “peaceful, tolerant” liberals.
Just like Jussie Smollett?
Yep just like Jussi Smollett! Good one!
Zzz zzz noise pollution.
These people locking things down and destroying lives should get what they deserve . Bring on the violence.
You say that now but the last time we had a civil war the conservatives lost badly, and begged for the union to stop slaughtering them…
Isn’t it Incredible, that the Party that is supposed to have some Light is the one intimidating everyone with deaths Threats and Violence
Yeah…..those dumbassocrats are that way!!
We need to remember all of this in the next Florida governor election
The level of divisiveness has been exacerbated under this great hate monger and compulsive liar sitting in the White House
@Mark Lefebvre that fat fool isn’t even in the white house he’s at the fkn golf course lol
@Joe Schmoe He had blamed Obama for playing too much golf, and he was saying then that work would confine him in the White House. I have a feeling that the orange man was born in Kenya where the orange race is said to thriving.
It is The party of rump..
Sounds like, according to this news interview, It has ALREADY started !!!!
Oh it has started. Have you noticed how new revelations get revealed everyday? The STORM is here. Stock up on what you need for a month.
2.8k dislikes, wtf?
made up lies
They simped for China all for some easy noodles and all too get limited access to the next season of dragonball super
Amusing. They manage to twist every single fact into the opposite of it’s actual meaning.
Thanks for this video, its very detailed. Having got involved in the stock market and made little profits, i still greatly believe in bitcoin trading mostly as the market is very bullish at this point in time. I strongly advice us to get involved in DAY TRADING properly guided by a pro traded with a working strategy/daily signals. For me it’s been very successful because i was being guided by a pro trader called Mr Richard whose strategy/daily signals has proven to be so accurate and well analysed. Trading and growing my portfolio from 0.9btc to 5.8btc within 4 weeks is so awesome and credible. Don’t you think this is the right time to grow the little we hold ahead of more bullishness ? Mr Richard can be reach via Insta @richard_brucefx* for inquiries into profitable trading systems
A possible solution,,,Repulocrates!! Done!
This BS…
So get the guns ready, shoot back. 2nd admendment civil war all the same….
nbc jussie’ing America with a Lemon and the bot –