History and music collided at Lizzo’s concert in Washington D.C. when the pop star played an incredibly rare, 200-year-old crystal flute made for President James Madison.
RELATED: 2nd graders remix Lizzo for epic class song
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#Lizzo #Flute #Concert
Nice first note
Right into a straight trill– made me chuckle
Something very rare.
Have a salad
Have a break.
Thank you so much for this advice
I had a salad and I instantly lost 200 pounds in 5minutes and my depression was also cured

“As a jewel of gold in a swine’s snout, so is a fair woman which is without discretion.”
Proverbs 11 : 22
your disapproval as if you are important brings us joy and laughter
“F*** your big book of BS ”
Atheist 24:7
@Matthew Laskowski curious. Pray tell, oh wise one, which of my manners have I forgotten?
@Jodi Swenson for most, it is as you say. The Bible has some bigified words, several, (that means lots and lots) actually. Have you attempted to comprehend any picture books?
@sharks95 you are welcome. I’m glad you finally have something good in your life. May God continue to bestow blessings upon you. Peace
Thats freaking disgusting.
What, most of the disparaging comments in this thread?
Did she get bigger?
I think your ego was the only one.
Nothing compared to her ego
You keeping track of her weight or something? Weird
@Puggy i mean Im not blind
Looks like the
I assume you’re 10 years old?
@Matthew Laskowski 52 yo red blooded American here, and it’s ABSOLUTELY hilarious and true. That obese freak, ABSOLUTELY looks like a
emoji, it’s so hilarious and true.
It’s her concert so she can dress and act the way she wants there, but handling and playing an important and rate artifact of US history dressed like that and twerking is disgraceful to our nation.
The Library of Congress could have made a mention better choice in this case. And before you woke liberals accuse me of racism/sexism/etc. I would be perfectly fine with a black woman playing it if she was respectfully dressed and did respectfully.
Both exist. The library of Congress knows what they’re doing. Not to mention the inspiration to her young fans that might take up the flute because of this experience.
Okay now replace it with nazis. It’s their show and they can run it how blah blah blah. You’d be cunting up a storm were that the situation
I don’t get it
The 4th presidents and signer of the declaration of independence, rare flute. Priceless history kind of being mocked
It’s beyond gross that woman used such a historic artifact.
Shouldn’t decent be the dress code. My eyes hurt.
Oh hell naw
I can feel my dinner returning to my mouth, horrible degenerate behavior.