Rep. Liz Cheney spoke to reporters minutes after a vote by the Republican conference that removed her from a leadership position. Cheney vowed she would work to make sure that former President Donald Trump would not get "near the Oval Office."
#CNN #News #InsidePolitics
If this video isn’t a sign of the times we’re in I don’t know what is!
@Dranamolous No he actually did not. The employment for people were at the highest level which was good in paying down debt.
@Charles L Jones Nothing is FREE…Even the Bible says if you are not willing to work you shouldn’t eat!
@lilly pad Yes sure his employment numbers were fine but that’s not what national debt is. The national deficit is how much money did the government make minus how much did they spend. That number was the historic largest under Trump – thats indisputable.
@Charles L Jones You are under deep delusion. The Tax cuts helped working people. We saw an increase in our pay with the Trump’s tax cuts. We had NO WARS break out under President Trump when he saw something was a miss he put that fire out pronto. Biden does nothing he is programmed by people behind the scenes that is why he will not take questions. I actually feel sorry for the Man that he is being used by radical democrats who want to destroy the USA with Socialism.
Thomas Jefferson-“The greatest danger to American freedom is a government that ignores the Constitution.”
Fuel Shortages, war in the Middle East, horrible jobs report, crisis at the border – Biden is a monumental failure
@jerickzane probably more democratic votes missing just like 2020.
@Toons on Strings which specific laws don’t u like?
Marty McFly: What about 2020, Doc?
Doc: Ohhhh no Marty. 2020 is blacklisted. They tried to burn me as a witch for knowing about SCIENCE!
@bLoWc16 you can prove they colluded but not what they did. Again, like I said. No tangible evidence of any vote specifically
Liz Cheney’s husband made a lot of money from the Chinese Communist Party. Just like Harris. So the Chinese Communist Party will support these two women.
Fuel Shortages, war in the Middle East, horrible jobs report, crisis at the border – Biden is a monumental failure
@Stan Wilson “Trumps white supremacists”
Yall crazy. Trumpers are kinda dumb, but they arent any more evil than you.
You hate them because you were told to
The thing that kills me is the woman gave a speech to an empty room the other day except for one other person. And everyone else is a liar according to the news. that right there speaks volumes. What is in the dark will come to light
@Kennedy Suggs Lol Whatever she is she is saying the truth to/about trump
You are absolutely right: the truth will see the light of day and it has! What people say is on public record and the truth can be verified by what they claimed to have stood for. HOWEVER, if you bother to look outside your bubble of information and see what the worldwide media is saying or verify the claims made by the GOP, you will also know what EVERYONE else in the US and the world except for the GOP truly thinks. It’s not just CNN or some US news media.
Fuel Shortages, war in the Middle East, horrible jobs report, crisis at the border – Biden is a monumental failure
@USA Rules lol sure it’s all Bidens fault or maybe Obama’s
@John Mcsorley you are right, Biden had nothing to do with any of this trash he caused
For the time will come when people will not put up with truth. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them people who will say what their itching ears want to hear. They will turn their ears away from the truth and turn to lies. 2 Timothy 4:4 …Yet the GOP swear they’re Christians.
Liz Cheney’s husband made a lot of money from the Chinese Communist Party. Just like Harris. So the Chinese Communist Party will support these two women.
@adrienne balboa no we can’t all be perfect and everyone has a different idea of what would work best for a country or community. However, anyone who embraces evil (eg. subverts the truth, disobeys God’s laws, demonstrates hate instead of love for his/her neighbour, protects the corrupt, and promotes discord instead of peace) (even if just means to an end) and does so with immense influence and power, works only to thwart Christ’s message, and thus would fall within the biblical definition of an antiChrist.
Fuel Shortages, war in the Middle East, horrible jobs report, crisis at the border – Biden is a monumental failure
I recognized that scripture right away. Very telling. That and 2 Timothy 3:5
@Rachel’s Ravels Yes, when I was younger I couldn’t understand how things The Scripture spoke of concerning end times were even logically possible but it is playing out right before our very eyes just as God said it would. We need to stay ready because there won’t be time to get ready. 1 Thessalonians 5:2
It was a voice vote because cults are all about peer pressure,
Yea even with covid Nancy Pelosi made sure she drug everybody in to stair them down when they voted on stuff. Your right about that it is peer pressure.
Why do the Dems do them all the time?
@youlooze2me dude, learn spelling 101.
Exactly and the democrat’s WOKE cult is the prime example of this
@Kathleen Wall LMAO! You should learn some manners. You have to critisize someone just because you disagree with them? Proper grammar does not make another persons opinion wrong.
Rep. Mike Quigley to DoD Miller: “I was in the room and you weren’t.”
I love that she won’t even use his name.
I love how she supported his agenda when he was in office because she agrees with him.
@Mmm? She is a rino? A Republican all her life & her philosophies have never changed & you think she is the Rino? Not Trump, former long time Democrat with his fascist agenda? Make sure you bring it up at your next Klan meeting. Idiot.
@Slothy She has been canceled for lack of loyalty to Trump ..
@wanakone voravong it was a coup. where’s your proof that it’s lies?
@wanakone voravong the election was a lie.
“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who see it without do nothing” – Albert Einstein
@The Infidel exactly only true racists involve race in everything
@Tom Batman your ignorance is what it’s wrong with that country..
Oh and the arrogance too.
America should invest more in education instead of that ridiculous 1790 2nd amendment
@Emanuel A actually it’s people like you who have been so brainwashed by the MSM that they have become completely unattached from reality.
And live in blind existence unable to see the truth.
@Kat loves dogs it’s the same exact thing… Anyway Einstein was an idiot.
The most overrated historical figure ever
Russia misinformation still runs deep in fools minds
You are just a troll, my bad.
No one can be that ignorant, even in America.
Yo mad respect to that journalist in the green who is still using a film camera in 2021. Woweee
He is a time-traveller!
She makes me think of the song from Tom Petty ~ “I wont back down”. She should use it for her campaign next year.
Liz Cheney you are right when you see something you say something. Right is right wrong is wrong strong woman.
It’s not about right, left, red or blue… it’s about character, values and dignity!
@finster909 After your derogatory childish slur, your boasting of recognizing character, values and dignity?
Everyone’s values and opinions about what dignity is are different
@David Leung But this fight is really not about policies though. It’s about the Orange Man perpetuating a lie about the 2020 election because he cannot accept a defeat, and for the rest of the Trumpist to go along with that lie to get back their power.
@David Leung good luck with that. You’re badly outnumbered.
This is why as long as Trump is the leader of GOP the party can only go so far. Centralists like me won’t vote him and neither will moderate Republicans so what does this action accomplish? Nothing it already has.
Wow….I cant believe how so many change their story after it had been on tape.
Bruh what
I know! Those dirty Democrats are shameless.
You don’t even know your bib needs changing, Joe.
What if you were the only one that had the sense to see Danger and no matter how many times you speak no one would listen what would you do then
Go Ma’am I knew there had too be some one in the gop with sanity,all the best from New Zealand.
This is what CNN said they did on a project veritas video…
Your danger you talk about is soon to be revealed. Hello Zephaniah!
Liz Cheney had more nuts than all of those men on the right…including that man they call Marjorie Taylor Greene.
Thank you Liz Cheney to continue the fight, the nation is with you.
“The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”