Joe Biden is projected to have captured enough elctoral college votes to win the presidency, replacing incumbent Republican President Donald J. Trump to become the 46th President of the United States.
Results from the 2020 presidential election as Americans vote in races for the presidency, 11 governorships, 35 Senate seats and all 435 House seats.
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#ElectionNight #ElectionResults #Election2020
606k views, only 4 comments, sure….
They just turned them on
What happen to COVID-19? Oh yea, doesn’t matter anymore.
Bruh what, Biden literally said the first thing the nation needs to do in the address he just gave is beat the virus
@Beep Boop
They’re not hearing , trump has blinded their minds .
All a hoax?
It only matters when it comes to Trump and then it’s mass murder in the 3th°!
But for me I think is Point of making money thosen’t think to many people,
I guess this people are immune

Yeah lol
These*, not this. Also, those people are wearing masks.
@Ash Sun Yeah,
cloth masks.
It was a political theater!what is “ Covid19”
and just like that covid is
Not my president
Now he is
It’s not official yet.
@Jeffrey Quinonez so trump is just gonna secure 64 more electoral votes out of nowhere?
Excuse me? It took 37 days to resolve the florida hanging Chad issue. The hammer/dominion software is being exposed along with Evidence pouring in from multiple states. This election is far from over. The rule of law will rule, otherwise…
and what u gonna do about it? cry? oh and BIDEN 2020, like it or not Biden is our President, and if you don’t like it then you can leave
@tqrii isn’t most of it projected winners? In which they project Biden to win. And even without a projected win, he won. He won Georgia and Pennsylvania. Which Trump needed. Say hi to your new president
@Ren ial Thank you, at least someone understands that Biden didn’t cheat and was the right choice. Trump literally fumbled the bag when it came to Covid. And told people to inject lysol into their lungs. Ik it was a joke, but still, a bad president
Evidence or put your hood back on
@Ren ial Go back under that rock you crawled out from !
Lies lies lies NOT MY PRESIDENT
aww are you gonna cry? Trumpies is scared that they gonna get their human right
When he sell us to China don’t say nun that’s all I’m saying and no I don’t support Donald trump because he wicked to but not as wicked as Biden.
So true. Tariffs will shortly drop on Chinese imports. Us jobs will start going bankrupt. Imagine if this happens in the same time frame as the federal minimum wage going to $15 per hour. Our economy is going to collapse.
Just go back to making make up videos that no one watches
So I guess social distancing is not important now?
Fun Fact: Biden was disqualified in 1988 for cheating.
Time for Republicans on 1-23-2021 to run on Nationwide Bank, a runoff on all major banks. All 70M on us, that’s how we fight back
5 Days later!!! C’mon man!!!!
A sad day in history for America, almost as sad as when Obama won. This time start the impeachment before the end of the democratic president’s term.
Don’t cry when you lose all jobs and pay big amount of taxes
Damn if only this was real