Live coverage from USA TODAY after former Vice President Joe Biden is declared the winner of the 2020 Presidential Election.
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#ElectionNight #ElectionResults #Election2020
8:35:00 as estimated thank me later
8:35:12 thank ME later
Thanks both of u
You’re welcome.
mine is 8:35.13 wink*
Awe thanks.
search general Thomas McInerney hammer scorecard
search general Thomas McInerney hammer scorecard
The Man burning the T-Shirt has to learn to accept differences with pease. Show and live by example
like the Democrats have done? LMAO
@ben wolfgang
At 8:35:14, Biden wins the election!!
He didn’t win yet
It’s not over….
MEXICO’S PRESIDENT REFUSES to congratulate Joe Biden and Kamala Harris until the election is “legally resolved.”
Just because the Mainstream Media “called” the election, does not mean that any state has Certified it. And the election cannot be legally certified, until the Cases are heard (Supreme Court ?) and the Recounts and Runoffs are Completed ( Georgia, Wisconsin, etc)
What the democrats and their stooges in the Media are trying to do is run off the field before the Officials review if that runner crossed the goal line or not. GTFOH !!!
Seeing as Canada did.. It’s a matter of days.. Trump is finished. Done.
So is America
ALL of Europe is celebrating Biden’s WIN……Fireworks in London, All the church bells ringing in France…..Numerous counties have ALL sent their congratulations and best wishes. Supreme Court??? Cases must go through the State Courts first and Trump has NO basis for this to ever get to the Supreme Court. The US had an election, people voted, the votes were counted and Trump LOST. Does Trump believe he can object to every states vote count? He has NO path to victory…it’s time to ADMIT he lost, concede the race and go retire in Florida in January. Democracy WINS.
Dammmm. they recounted them that quickly? Sonic must be doing it
Sorry america from now on you have to know that the world will not trust in b coz you are a part of china

What the fak are you blathering about?
No the rest of the world will start trusting America again and stop thinking of it as a corrupt joke.
It that WHY all of Europe is celebrating Joe Biden winning??
Donald Trump ako Pino protect nya ang pilipinas
Thank you America.
Hello people i am of brazil i love your country
Get a Visa and come on over. Now accepting again.
Congratulations Joe, now when do I get my stimulus check and my Obama phone? I would like an iPhone 12 Pro Max not the cheap bare bones SE model.
It was BUSH not Obama who set up the free phone program……LOOK IT UP. and McConnell already stated no stimulus checks until after January…..Screw the American people for Christmas….it’s the Republican way.
May the gods smile upon america once again.
I have no proof that biden will have any significant effects on the usa
The world is going to hell..GUARDIAN OF SETAN-JOE BIDEN
I understand your all happy but what’s the point of this picture video?
!!!!!!!!!!!!! LET’S CELEBRATE ! ! ! ! !

I am a Vietnamese, even though I do not eat rice in the United States, I hope Mr. Trump will be elected if you enter the hands of your country biden Debate will belong to China and make you suffer in the future.
China won USA through Biden haha haha