Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) spoke out against Sen. Richard Burr (R-NC) for voting to convict former President Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial. CNN's Fredricka Whitfield and Executive Director of Stand Up Republic Evan McMullin discuss. #CNN #News
Lindsey Graham speaks out against senator who voted to convict Trump

This guy is making a mockery of US Senate. A great country with clowns as politicians
Look around the streets across the country. Liberals are under attack. Portland, democratic HQ smashed by the same people Cumala Harris bailed out last year. Seattle, nearly 2 dozen liberals beaten with bats and sticks after gathering to celebrate Trump’s impeachment, that failed LMAO.
Chicago, young black kids are targeting anyone with “biden 2020” bumper stickers and carjacking them. 31 so far just this year!
The left created this division, then they pushed to defund the police, and now Karma is here. Going to be a looooong summer for the weak liberals! LMFAO
He is making a mockery of US Senate an state of South Carolina
@Mike Ditka Tacky.
@Don Nwzad troll!
The number of Trump trolls on here is proof of how insecure they are.
Lindsey should be worried about GA going after him next for trying to interfere in our election.
He sux
I heard a rumor that Lindsey Graham is a spy for the Democrats. Seriously…he apparently became pals with Trump only to feed information to the Democrats. Graham hates Trump. So, I guess I can’t hate him anymore.
Did He? when? who say’s ? been verified ?
Is Lindsey Graham gay .???
Lindsey is the closest thing Trump will ever have to owning a dog.
@ThewolfinsheepsClothing I can’t love him but I will not hate him either.
@Captain Waffles integritty of ally cat in heat lockstep not Jefferson who wrote your constitution in blood of Patriots. By majority rules.a good thing you destroyed. If your pity party can understand ignorance is not excuse.
@David Galehouse What the hell is Eric then? Coke fiend pet is the only descriptor I can apply. Not even Trump will call him a son.
@Miss Treicy Maybe Donald gives the best hjs ever? He’s got to be good at something, right?
@Alpha Sports

“If we nominate Trump, we will get destroyed…….and we will deserve it.”
-Lindsey Graham, May 3, 2016
@kelperdude Why? So you can add another lie to your list? tRump is facing indictments for bank fraud, insurance fraud, falsification of business records and criminal tax fraud. He can’t be saved by his criminal cohorts for state crimes. He had the lowest overall approval rating of any sitting president and historically, presidents with such low approval ratings never get re-elected. Your twice impeached, 1 term president who never won the electoral vote will be a distant bad memory soon and so will Lindsey.
@Kitti whieldon

Ooooohhh i remember those words, just forgot the date!
@Donna Willams – And yet, you people are terrified of Trump. That is the most hilarious part.
@Donna Willams – I need to add another. Price of gasoline has gone up 15% by me since Biden. That will seem like nothing once he really gets going. 19,000,000 jobs are projected to be lost from stopping fracking.
“Princess Lindsey” clutching his imaginary pearls…STFU!
I’m sure his pearls are real, like his bank accounts. It would be his principles that are imaginary.
Ffis that
oh yes
Lady G
@Sylvia Salinas So much for the lack of bigotry.
Other senators have their families to go to for affection after a long stressful day of work. Lindsey has Trump to ran to.……
Lindsey, don’t you remember saying “Enough is enough”. What a hypocrite!!!!!!
NYT now releases that Capitol police did not die of blunt force trauma.. yet, they knew this prior to impeachment hearing.
Suppress the truth is all they know.
Definition of political hack, LindseyLou
Look at his eyes. He is a broken man.
Hermaphrodite from South Carolina hiding inside its closet.
@Perfecthearts alternative facts aren’t facts
Lindsey Graham the, as Bill Maher calls him” Blanche Dubois of the Republican party” is a boot licker of epic proportions. He needs to be voted out.
@Perfecthearts sure proof of a troll. Same comment over and over again.
@social xen another troll. Sure sign is copying and pasting.
Closeted behavior makes one a very strange human being.
It’s not boots he’s licking
This guy has NO back bone neither has he any level of integrity
He doesn’t care about you or anyone’s family. He shows no empathy either for those who got hurt or killed Jan 6th. He has a very cold and dark heart.
NYT now releases that Capitol police did not die of blunt force trauma.. yet, they knew this prior to impeachment hearing.
Suppress the truth is all they know.
@Perfecthearts troll!
somewhere in a dark corner booth in a dive D.C. bar there’s a dry double martini waiting for hapless miss lindsay….
Trump has to have something incriminating against them. That’s what Russia did for him.
Comparing Trump to Hitler is totally off the mark! Cuomo can put thousands of covid19 patients in nursing homes and Hollywood gives him an Emmy. The democrats put billions of useless items that didn’t have nothing to do with helping our citizens! Purposely done knowing full well they would reject it and stall so Trump could be blamed! Just like the only but peaceful riots!
Totally agree. He’s got their balls in a vise for sure.
@Pat Dexter alternative facts aren’t facts Kelly Ann.
@JC Demp75 people stop whining over this trump is not president anymore get over it you weak minded ignorant people, god you people are pathetic
@Name Name I guess you didn’t see or can’t read a face
When t rump cam out of that private meeting with poootin
His face said it all
Poor Lindsey. Looks like he’s about to cry every time he sells a bit more of his soul.
@Perfecthearts troll.
@social xen troll.
Is Lindsey Graham gay ..???
Well you and the rest of the democrats are already crying… Even tho democracy won ..
Yes this guy looks evil
What happened to “count me out”, spineless Lindsey???? He’s an example of a flip flop.
Hermaphrodite from South Carolina hiding inside its closet.
And coward Mitch also!
@social xen gonna be some ahem “patriots “
Crying behind bars for a while Tee. Hee
he can join al democrats than.
Now Laura Trump?!? Gotta keep it American Royalty, huh?
When Lindsey was going in for liposuction, the doctor offered to remove his spine for half price. Lindsey, not one to turn down a deal, said “Snip away Doc. I wasn’t using it anyway.”
His balls neither
@Matthew Bennett lol you beat me to it
@Matthew Bennett I was about to say the same thing.
I heard a rumor that Lindsey Graham is a spy for the Democrats. Seriously…he apparently became pals with Trump only to feed information to the Democrats. Graham hates Trump. So, I guess I can’t hate him anymore.
@Zebulon Citanul Q told me the same thing, according to my secret decoder ring
He is sitting lookin scared almost as if hes being held hostage or has “battered womans” syndrome. Theres something evil going on behind the scenes. He looks so lost like his soul is gone.………
Trump surely has dirt on him, likely regarding his boyfriend(s).
fis that
oh yes
Lindsey Graham looks like he’s at any moment, going to cry. Or throw up. This is a very tortured man I think.………
He deserves what he gets.
The saddest thing about all of this is that lady that got shot and died gave her life for Trump,and he does not give a damn.
“count me out” – A Carolina slug said on January 6th.
That’d be SOUTH Carolina, btw
I really hope he gets a visit from the ghost of John McCain.
I love how these Republicans think they have a choice in the direction of their party…they are doomed and I cant wait for the next blue wave!!
They will fall because they are divided.
They all held hands and jumped off the cliff.
Wait for it……. It gonna be on helluva splat.
When will the criminal investigation begin for his quite obvious election tampering? He was making calls just like trump was.