Lindsey Graham: Lara Trump is ‘the future’ of the GOP

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) told Fox News that Lara Trump is the the future of the Republican party and that he would support her if she decided to run for senate in North Carolina. CNN's Jessica Dean reports Graham's comments illustrate the divide within the Republican party.

#JessicaDean #CNN #News

Lindsey Graham: Lara Trump is 'the future' of the GOP


    1. @Dahyne Abraham Antifa is just a name! They’re exactly what they say they’re fighting! They use fascist tactics. Then they said they don’t want Biden! They want “revenge”. Atleadt that’s what the signs said they were carrying the other day while burning down Democrat buildings. Their last “heroic” ani fascist victory is stopping emergency vehicles from getting to people in snowstorms. 🤦‍♂️

    2. Graham in 2016: “The bottom line is that I believe Donald Trump would be an absolute, utter disaster for the Republican Party, destroy conservatism as we know it. We’d get wiped out, and it would take generations to overcome a Trump candidacy. If you’re a xenophobic, race-baiting, religious bigot, you’re going to have a hard time being president of the United States, and you’re going to do irreparable damage to the party.”
      Graham in 2021: “The MAGA movement needs to continue, and Trump is the most powerful force of our party and it’s legacy.”

  1. …”count me out, enough is enough” …Miss Lindsey, the pinnacle of embarrassment, doesn’t miss a chance to boost his incredibility and to lower the reputation of the GOP…

    1. don’t let orange man bad get you down brother. You need to relax, step back and take some time off. You’ve been working so hard since 2016 following CNN breaking news reports.
      You need a vacation, use the comment section bonus and spend a couple weeks down south. You deserve it !

    2. The invertebrates, McConnell and Graham both have double standards. How anybody voted for them is a mystery to me.

    3. @billy rubin Cuz some people have the memory of a fricken’ gnat. That’s the only answer I’m able to come up with

    1. Here is an example how the PiS party of Jaroslaw Kaczynski in Poland destroyed the power of the parliament:

      In order to push a legislation which puts the media under government control they announced a vote in the parliament in the next 20 minutes in the middle of the night while the opposition politicians were sleeping. His PiS MPs did know about the vote in advance, so they gathered in the parliament on time, and the doors were closed. When the opposition MPs showed up the vote was already completed.

      Outrageous, isn’t it? But not a violent insurrection! If a president or a political party gets away with a violent insurrection then they will also get away with such tricks to undermine democracy with procedural tricks.

    2. @Liron Deline the one thing he said that was true in 2016 and now he’s being seen for what he is a two faced S.O.B.

  2. If a party has Cruz, Hawley, Lee, Johnson and Miss Lindsey Graham, then that party is a party of the awful.

    1. @AlwaysNerdy TV You mean the party that actually cares more for people then money. That would be the Democrat party. The crooks and disgusting people all are Republicans. Which are you? I bet I can guess.

  3. Lindsey Graham: “Lara Trump is ‘the future’ of the GOP”
    Every remaining SANE American, who isn’t in the MAGA cult: Over our dead bodies.

  4. I can’t believe they’re censoring senators for voting their conscience. Then they tell everyone on the fences “think for yourself?!?!” 🤔

    1. One of the idiots you mentioned showed up to respond to you as if they heard a clarion call, lol.
      “Wake up!”
      “You’re all sheeple, everyone here is a sheeple but me!”
      “Think for yourself and believe exactly what I believe!”

    2. @Magutz As an independent voter all I see is one party punishing house and senate member who don’t buy into the big lie, and hold Trump accountable.

  5. Why is gram even revelant he needs to help his own state he’s being paid to help does he know that
    !!!ssdi# sc has no one to help there state

  6. At this point why is anyone even interviewing Lindsey Graham, he will flip flop from one day to the next. He actually gives a bad name to liars.

    1. Graham in 2016: “The bottom line is that I believe Donald Trump would be an absolute, utter disaster for the Republican Party, destroy conservatism as we know it. We’d get wiped out, and it would take generations to overcome a Trump candidacy. If you’re a xenophobic, race-baiting, religious bigot, you’re going to have a hard time being president of the United States, and you’re going to do irreparable damage to the party.”
      Graham in 2021: “The MAGA movement needs to continue, and Trump is the most powerful force of our party and it’s legacy.”

    1. Yeah! Dam! Lindsey Graham
      trashed Trump immediately
      after the Riot! When several
      Senators made statements
      before they returned to the
      Electoral Vote Counting that same nite/early a.m.!
      He’s a lowly poisonous Slug!!

    2. @RurouniStarchild well let’s see what the FUTURE holds for not just him but all the trumplicans and democrats too let’s just waite and see

    1. There doesn’t have to be any damn conspiracy theory to explain this…It is what it is ffs. Why the hell does he need to be blackmailed to do this? You have seen the start of trumps 2016 campaign right? Or have you forgotten all of that already?

    2. Oooooo a nerve! don’t you think that same rhetoric should go to all of you as well. I mean its only right. Why does everything else have to be a conspiracy but not anything that has to do with them? Are they exempt ?

    1. @Liron Deline he already destroyed the Republicant party. Those who are real republicans will break away from the weird, Q a nothing,, conspiracy garbage. They need their own planet.

    2. @Dylan Rasmussen 1. He stopped the worst part of Obama care. I’m not sure how you believe that is “not a fucking thing” unless you are just not aware. 2. Mexico is paying for the wall and more thanks to Trumps USMC deal, again I’m assuming you are ignorant of this and not just confused. 3. Who told you that he made the promise of putting Hillary in prison? I suspect they were lying to you. So what does that leave for unfulfilled promises? Yes keep going if you have anything of substance

    3. @Richard Miller

      All of these are facts. Not only did he “forget” to drain the swamp but he lost more jobs than he made. But keep looking at the world through the glasses trump gave you. He’s the worst president behind bush in recent history.

    4. @Dennis W.M. he has literally been nominated for 2 Nobel peace prises for his negotiations. For you to claim he hasn’t negotiated anything is comically absurd

    1. Laura Trump may be the future of the MAGA party but more than 65% of Republicans want a third party, after Trump. Between 65 and 70% of the country wants a third party after Trump’s maga infiltration of the republican party

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