“In an almost refreshingly honest moment, Sen. Lindsey Graham explained his party's predicament more clearly than just about anyone else, basically acknowledging that they just don't have an alternative to Donald Trump. He is their only way forward as a party,” says Chris Hayes.
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Chris Hayes delivers the biggest news and political stories of the day with a commitment to in-depth reporting that consistently seeks to hold the nation's leaders accountable for their actions. Drawing from his background as a reporter, Hayes at times reports directly from the scene of a news event as it occurs to provide a firsthand account, digging deep and speaking with people who represent different points of view. Hayes brings the nation's officials, legislators, policymakers, and local activists to the table to address key issues affecting communities across America.
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#MSNBC #LindseyGraham
Lindsey Graham has more positions than the Kama Sutra
No he doesn’t. He just has one position and a revolving door behind him.
@Brent Nuckolls Keep up that lying! It’s only helping to keep your criminal party from ever making a comeback!
@Mo India has the largest political party in the world. Lindsey would become Hindu and run for office.
Lindsay looks like a lesbian…
Maybe a few that were even censored out of The Art of War…
Graham keeps tossing 45 lettuce and tomato
Eric paul Thompson, Graham keeps assuming the position for Trump. He was terrified into wussydom during a stroll through an airport. His spine no longer exists.
@watchin’ it I’m confused. Is it the DSA (Democrat Socialists of America) or the DNC?
@watchin’ it

Making chopped salad out of America. Never Ever GOP Again.
I’ve determined that i can’t stand Lindsey Graham….
Waters, Pelosi, AOC, Tlaib and Omar and Schumer and Schiff.
Dems have the best of the worst.
@Bob Swanson. What took you so long? Lol. I decided that a loong time ago. Along with Jim Jordan, Mitch McConnell, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, to name a few.
@Kay Stevens AOC is still the DNC Bartender in Congress. Maybe AOC can make a mary?
Lindsay Graham to Trump: “can I have more sir”

@Nancy Ross don’t cry when your caught ! I see your a Criminal Worshiper !
@Brent Nuckolls Be careful who you call a liar. I didn’t. I also am not stupid enough to slander someone l don’t know in a comment section and about whom l have no knowledge, acquaintance, or could even recognize. Unlike you, l try not to be terminally stupid when l make a comment.
@Brent Nuckolls What crime have l allegedly committed?
Liberals are not criminals.
Graham is a dead fish he swims with the current…
” Go get my ball Lindsey ” Yes sir ! what should I do with the other one ???? lol
Trump is huge that gut
It reminds me of how Biden to black how to vote and 90% said yes master we listen

@david hale why you checking out guy’s bodies?

Put it on the green of course! Are you stupid?!
So, like usual, it’s about staying in power ONLY
Yes. Absolutely correct.
@D. S. So… the fact that none of these has happened is a straw man argument. You’re using the typical “look! A squirrel!!!” excuse…
@Friz Amen!
@Friz Watch this short documentary on youtube – Magnificent Storyteller Soldier Reveals What He Saw In Vietnam
@Brendon Miratana Serious? The fact that they keep pushing for it means nothing and therefor it’s excuse able? How about looking at their intent and realizing their sick!
Lindsey has a lot of skeletons .

If any of you have a friend that matches Lindsay graham personality/persona please run for your lives.
Rush died a month or so ago.
Lindsey Graham is basically a wind sock in human form.
AOC is a DSA Congressman stuck in a DNC suit.
Donald’s personal sock puppet.
Brilliant. But i would extend it to the entire republican party, and why? Because of 75 million of the DUMBEST human beings on this planet.
Just like that senile old man you all call President lol
With all that hot air he’s almost a balloon… just asking to be popped!
Why is Lindsey Graham still around?? Term limit please!!!!!
@Craig H. Rent free in your empty heads, LOL!
you voted for Biden…
Like Pelosi? Maxine Waters?
Good idea… MAxine Waters And Skeletor Pelosi should be first in line for that axe.
biden 47 years agreed term limits
Good. Graham is crystal clear so now everyone else can strategize accordingly.
Cruz and Graham both insulted trump, and they ended licking his boots for votes to stay in power. Trump really did reveal the true colors of the Republican party.
So now you know why the Demonrats hate him too.
Kamala Harris called Joe Biden a racist and possible sexual assaulter and then ended up licking his boots and became VP based solely on her race and gender. Democrat elites really did reveal the disgusting nature of the democratic party.
@J- Rukkus These deranged leftists are so blatantly hypocritical that I can’t even tell if they’re serious or joking.
@J- Rukkus Thank you… both parties are EXACTLY the same… they will do ANYTHING to maintain power
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That’s interesting, any way to connect with him ? I have to get started.
That leading photo looks like a little boy getting lessons from Papa!
Trump looks like he needs some more Big Macs
No, it looks Rodney Dangerfield TELLING clubber about the rough.
@Ignoranceisbliss only a Biden supporter would bring up little girls

Lesson #1 Lindzy. Humpy trumpy is top dog around here. Especially among eunuchs! Play my crooked game and you’ll share my crooked win…
@J. Gomez wow, are you desperate much? Perhaps you should talk to drumpf’s friends epstein, Moore and gaetz…
Why is it that when a network has Graham on for an interview …..they don’t play those clips first and have Graham try to explain whether he was lying then , or lying now …
I still remember when he had to get police to escort him from the airport after January 6. There was a mob of 3 people and a dog after him
The same people have been dictating our lives since our grandparents.
The return will be glorious!
Lindsay Graham Jan. 6th “Enough is Enough”
Lindsay Graham now: “Please sir may I have another”