Lincoln Project Honors Fallen Heroes In New Ad | Morning Joe | MSNBC

Conservative group The Lincoln Project is out with a new ad honoring those who have served the country and those who have fallen on this Memorial Day. Aired on 05/25/2020.
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Lincoln Project Honors Fallen Heroes In New Ad | Morning Joe | MSNBC


  1. A moment of silence at 3 PM #GOSILENT for all the fallen American soldiers.
    The America I grew up in was suppose to do better. – Please vote.

    1. In Israel, on their Memorial Day, they sound an air raid siren, and all stop whatever they are doing, and stand silently at attention. We could do the same.

  2. Trump doesn’t care about Americans and people dying everyday, he just cares about his re-election. America deserves better

    1. @Debate Me! when things get bad enough people will start to move. But it has to be the right time. The pain needs to be much higher…

      Nurses and doctors are finally starting to speak out…

      If supply chains start to falter leading to shortages, then

      More people will be collectively push for change.

    2. @Carol Sitzberger I hear you but it’s been 3 years and we’re approaching a hundred thousand dead. If that’s not enough to move us I don’t know what is. People around the world have moved for much less.

    3. @Debate Me! I’ve been trying to get people to pay attention to ANTIBIOTIC RESISTANCE AMR AND SEPSIS FOR THE LAST 3YRS

      The numbers will balloon in the near future…

      AMR reports out of the UK, WORLD BANK AND UN show divistating numbers both financial & deaths

      I found people need to really feel pain before enough people are motivated to act.

    1. @SouthSide Chicago The fact that people voted for someone who publicly bragged about going backstage at a teenage beauty pageant to gawk at half dressed, underaged girls says so much about them and how they were raised. Children learn what they live.

    2. @Brother Sanguinary I like Putin, served my country called USA and yes I buy expensive vodka with black carviar and I don’t like people from MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, The NY Slimes, the Wash Post, Time Magazine, Newsweek, Meet the Depressed with upChuck Todd, Politico, LA Slimes, the Atlantic, NPR, BuzzFeed, The Economist, New Yorker, Vice, Huffington Post, Vox, the Nation, Slate, Telemundo, The Intercept, The Daily Beast, Democracy Now, the ACLU, Southern Poverty Law, The Guardian, The Hill etc are the enemy of the people, fake news that are opinion press for it’s party known as the Democratic party and not the news but telling me a country like Russia of hate and fear-mongering 24/7 that Americans can’t be friends with comrades but you say your veteran but you hate people who voted for Trump and especially Russians so when V-Day comes every year knowing how many lives the Soviets lost due to Nazi Germany to win the world’s worst war, WWII the Soviets did do all of Europe could not be Nazi Germany, somehow your democrat Kool-Aid news of there was a Russian collusion folks, hate those bloody Russians they’re such bad bad bad people they hacked our election but Mexico you can anytime you want just as long at it’s for the democratic party, Olay amigo go democrats, let us in for free free free stuff exchange for democrats. I guess when you served you said open borders folks no need for borders right. Heck why serve with a gun, democrats don’t like guns either, maybe your party would upgrade from guns to just billy clubs and nunchucks, right. Make America weak again, vote democrat and hate Russians but love Mexicans.

    3. @Liz Smith we’ll your not the only Scottish lad here, we Scottish supported Trump and we Scottish voted for the Brexit to make Scotland Great Again and not Migrants come in Scotland England again by having a border wall from Europe than importing illegal immigrants into Scotland, perhaps Scotland should not be made in Scotland according to you and your liberal labor union party known as democrats. And yes if Russia wants to buy our blankets whiskey beer and our products, they certainly can, we welcome it. Go Rangers

    4. The very thing people use to Hate & yet they Voted him in. The US is a Disaster….one man, one Mission.. Putin’s B–

    5. @SouthSide Chicago Trump is proof God hates us. No person who voted for Trump is a person of faith.

  3. I’m a vet who comes from a military family. My dad died serving his country. My grandfather died serving his country. I’m voting blue because Trump believes in his own freedom, not our freedom. With great power comes great responsibility. Trump’s the most irresponsible POTUS ever.

    1. @Carol Sitzberger and he took that from his charity fund! People should read David Cay Johnston’s book The Making of Donald Trump – a tell all based on public records.

    2. @Hazel McCloy $7 is nothing, but layered with everything else
      The big dollar transactions with Russians
      Holding on to millions for Vetrans
      Tax secrecy raises big questions

  4. Let us all take a moment to remember bravery and patriotism of one of great American war heroes: Cadet Bonespurs.

    1. This is not about our services. It’s aboyt President avoiding std is his Vietnam’s non response.

    1. @dan112020 Are you really hanging onto that? Here’s a shocker for you. There is no Easter Bunny! Please, don’t cry. You’ll believe anything.

  5. There are good Republicans. There are good Democrats. There are good independents and third party alternatives. Our current POTUS is none of the above.

    1. @Isay Look no, they’re quite public about themselves. Not just Conway, also Rick Wilson and a bunch of others.

    2. We’ve allowed Tfrump & his hateful crew to divide us. SAD! The Rich, divide & conquer and keep them suppressed…It’s called Control.

    3. C C TV star? Billionaire…won’t disclose taxes, a lot of debt, at least 7 bankruptcies!! Perhaps conman, grifter, criminal, etc. A
      are more appropriate.

  6. The Hero’s came from every home in America, They stood up and faced enemies. Our enemy is now in the White House, Our House.

    1. @Non Sibi thank you for your service. Please stay safe, and please continue to use your voice to speak truth in the face of lies.

    2. The enemy just left the White House. He was an Abomination to take down this country and to curse us. And he did.

    1. @Bud Fudlacker Hahaha! You did NOT serve and you support a man that lied to get out of Vietnam. How very unpatriotic of you. My family served in every single war that this country has had. Take a seat you disgraceful human being. Do NOT use soldiers to support your ridiculous rhetoric. You are just another person who loves the 5 time draft-dodging man-baby.

    2. @Bud Fudlacker you are so unoriginal that you have to borrow words! Its pitiful. One thing Hilary didn’t have was a cult like following.

      What are you, 5? Does your Mommy know you are playing on the internet?

    3. Any veteran or current service member that votes for trump is doing a great disservice to the fallen and the American people.

    1. @C C It’s what I would expect an abused child to say. There is hope. You can break free. “Hope is the desire of the heart to continue on when the mind says cease the foolish game.”

    1. @Blue Moon so then Mueller was appointed to do this for fun? Knowing that no one could do anything! Lol

    2. @Blue Moon Not to worry. Once we vote the orange turd out of the WH the SDNY will have him dead to rights.

    3. @D S plus the NY Ag. Probably some other state AGs as well. Guy has decades of crime waiting on him.

    1. Trump served in WW2, Vietnam and Afghanistan. He has of 7,000 confirmed kills and is immortal. Bow down and worship your God Emperor before he crushed you under his mighty foot!

    2. As Clinton sat up in a tree and the fire dept. came by everyday to hose down the pee & the poop.

  7. Thank you LINCOLN PROJECT for adding decency, respect, compassion and honor to the American people…👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

  8. The Conald said in front of putin and the world that he believes putin over our CIA and FBI. Please save our country and vote blue

    1. Bud Fudlacker you are a sad fool raised by trash … is this what they taught you to be ? you come on here trolling comments every single day . i never go on fox barf ever . your comments are weak and never make an iota of sense or rank . i feel sorry for your sad life.

    1. @C C yeah, Trump serves Putin. I guess you like a big body count of Americans just like Putin?

    2. @Linda Scott I could NOT conclude Trump committed a crime! – Robert Mueller! GET OVER IT!

    3. @Bud Fudlacker you have no idea what you’re talking about, but then all of your comments showed that already.

      NY Ag will have the last laugh here. Incidentally, she’s a black woman! Can’t wait for Trump to have to answer her indictments!

  9. I love it when people blame others for what trump has done for sure, it’s like they set the precedent so low for a president, really if Joe Biden shoots trump in the middle of 5th ave, I am still voting for JOE BIDEN!

  10. there hasn’t been a war to protect our freedom since WW2. Everything after was to protect the military industrial complex and millionaires.

    1. And yet Tfrump has spent Millions and Millions on the Military Budget….Why?? but has now deprived the National Guard of their Benefits….what type of Human Being is this??

  11. ” I earned my spurs on the battlefield while he got his bone spurs from a doctor ” – Gen. Mattis ….. < someone get this guy to run for Prez in 2024

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