A number of people were killed at a July 4th parade in Highland Park, Illinois, Highland Park police announced in a press conference. The suspect remains at large. CNN's Adrienne Broaddus talks to Zoe Pawelczak, a parade attendee who was present as the shooting occurred. #CNN #News
‘Like a battle zone’: Witness describes scary moment shots rang out at Highland Park parade

“Thoughts & Prayers.”
– The party of Life & Family values
@Killed The Cat I am a military family. tldr for the rest?
@Mua Hahahaha Buddy. Stop with the baloney. It’s just a time waster. Your time and ours. If you want a real conversation and real solutions, do some real research. If you just want attention, I don’t know… ask the kid that just shot up all those people how he got attention.
@Nerysk Kiran you didn’t have to read nor reply to my comment . That’s your problem.
@Mua Hahahaha True enough. Lucky me… an easy out.
*Last statement on video: “It was disgusting”…*
*Yes,.. yes it was!! And as long as incredibly uninformed and weak Americans allow corporate rule to guide their morals, it will remain disgusting …*
@Eric Smythe must be part of the build back better plan?
@Penguins For life Make America Great Again?
Last fight https://youtu.be/7Gf6-IgljyE
@Metalosopher probably will plead self defense….
This woman was in such shock that her emotions were numb. It wouldn’t surprise me if this evening she has a serious breakdown as the horror of what she witnessed sinks in. Gawd, what a stupid, senseless country this is.
Let’s be Honest We knew it
Crisis actor. Not as bad as Robby Parker..but pretty poor performance.
The Land of the “FREE!” Who the hell would want to live in the USA, where the politicians are more worried about keeping their kick-backs flowing than protecting the citizens.
The scotus is laughing all the way to the bank..
This country is going to hell! Gods help us!
Not me..Never!
Land of the Freedumbs.
I’m Shocked… Who could have predicted this?
Last fight https://youtu.be/7Gf6-IgljyE
@Mua Hahahaha Update, the shooter was a Trump supporter.. look it up
@Mua Hahahaha Trump didn’t predict it; Trump was the element of prediction.
In other words: There was a guy like Trump, so there will be more of this kind of terrible stuff.
So far, you’ve shown that you are good at diverting attention and thought away from the important things, from the real issues.
I bet you’d be very successful if you focused your energy on something important.
You could start with something small: why don’t you use today or this week to help someone who could use a hand?
Say, for example:
Help someone carry their groceries.
Mow someone’s lawn.
Help someone cross the street.
I don’t know… look around. There’s plenty of people who are struggling with little stuff that could be so easily helped by the people around them. And a little thing could really make a big, positive difference in someone’s life.
What you’re doing here is just taking attention away from the important stuff.
It’s not making it better. It’s making it worse.
By doing this, you are telling everyone that you don’t really care that a bunch of people just got shot up by a guy.
Good luck to you.
We are a country without a nation. The only thing we share is/are insults and violence.
@bang-bang We also share a tendency to shine a spotlight on baloney, as an excuse to not have to look for actual solutions to the actual problems.
@Michael Schramm Someone can incorrectly say a dozen items are a thing rather than things. They’re still plural items.
@Nerysk Kiran That’s very true. But one man’s baloney is another man’s steak I guess.
@Michael Schramm What about this? I’ll 99% agree with you I shouldn’t have been a grammar nazi. I already agreed about that anyway. I’ll even 50% agree with you that I’m wrong in this instance, IF you’ll 100% agree with me that the average IQ of the country has plummeted along with anything nearing a widespread use of correct grammar. Can we agree? The IQ drop is backed by data, so we really just need to agree on the widespread horrendous grammar. How ’bout it?
Don’t worry everyone will send their thoughts and prayers
. Then it’ll be forgotten about like all the rest .
Yeah no worries we need more guns in the street and we need less doors
To late for fucking prayers.
I was born in that town & live 10 minutes from there. I just left the scene where it happened. Trust me – if it can happen there, it can happen anywhere. Very affluent & family oriented town right on Lake Michigan 30 miles north of Chicago
That’s probably why he choose it..
@Joe Bean Go away with your hate.. Don’t you think there has been enough today? Don’t you ever get tired of it?
Why bother with the entire last sentence? You trying to drive up tourism in Highland Park?
Did anyone really think we were going to go into this day peacefully?
1 Becky Brown Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I was somewhat optimistic…
I purposely did all my shopping for hot dogs, burgers, alcohol, chips etc… on Friday. I thought to myself “It’s gonna happen in a grocery store” on the 4th so I don’t wanna be there. Well it happened at a parade.
Yes. I’ll never normalize this.
Hi all,
The woman is in shock, and holding it together pretty well, given what she just witnessed.
@Ronny Simon I should assume she/they are lying and your not

@Ronny Simon Don’t tell me you have your on fact checking and statistical data company thats existed since 2017?!
@Regista Me no Im a modeator on a block chain technology that deciphers the news and determines validity
Thank God for the 2nd Amendment. We get to be terrorized all the time.
1 MrAntiBuffoonery Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Don’t speak for me. You can be scared and terrorized, I’m going to go finish this crossword puzzle.
Don’t be surprised when we find out that he purchased all of the gear he used for this shooting legally. Hell, he probably bragged his plans to the guy at the gun store.
Would love to hear of any mass shootings, not connected with gang activity, that involve illegaly aquired weapons.
Last fight https://youtu.be/7Gf6-IgljyE
At this rate just imagine how bad things will be 5 years from now.
@Allen Aslin Channeling Revolutionary War spy Nathan Hale, I see.
There’s a very simple solution. Stop watching the news and don’t live in fear about all of this crap.
Hey, America, wouldn’t it be nice if we had the freedom to go out in public and not think about getting shot? I think so.
@Veterancon My life is just fine and I keep that way by not living in America…That would be my tip to you..So much easier and I Feel freeeee
@Sue Howie totally agree if you don’t like America leave
@Veterancon I’m sure the fine church goers of Sutherland Springs thought that same thing, lo those not so many years ago.
Happy 4th of July!! 10 year olds can be mother’s now and mass shootings every other day. Normal day in America. Glad we have such great people to make the changes necessary to fix the problems…Right??? (Note sarcasm for those who don’t get it)
1 Scott Smith Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
For years nobody has done anything about the guns so it’s not just the people who are in office now but maybe if little teddy Cruz would get voted out maybe it can change
@Katherine Taylor what you mean is for decades we have gutted the public health and school systems so now children raise themselves and dont have anyone to help them understand why theyre now broken young adults
Last fight https://youtu.be/7Gf6-IgljyE
Sorrow & grief are too much. Is there anywhere in our world where there is a worldwide educational movement designed to equip our children with traits of compassion, peace, joy, truthfulness, trustworthiness & sincerity? We can’t continue killing on such a large scale.
We shouldn’t have to keep saying “Thoughts and prayers for the victims.” And yet it hurts every, single, time. We say we’re a great nation and yet these shootings keep happening, majority of people want to see change, and yet the minority choose to ignore these shootings because they love the power of being a gun owner. Nothing against gun owners themselves, but the responsible ones, but there has to be more that can be done. Take a look at Switzerland! They love their guns and haven’t had a mass shooting since 2001. Why is that? Maybe we should look into that or other country’s and see what works from them no? In the meantime I’m still crushed, and heartbroken again for the family’s that are hurting and some forever changed in another shooting…. Happy 4th everyone.
Honestly, it’s to late for prayers! Change the weapon laws!
@Lotten Lidén You could not find any more restrictive weapons laws than you find in Illinois and particularly within the Chicago suburbs. An honest person must jump through all sorts of hoops in order to obtain a weapon. Your background checks, licensing, waiting periods and all the other restrictions that many of our most progressive politicians want to incorporate throughout the country. The city of Chicago and if suburbs have the most restrictive gun laws in the Country.
A nation soaked in prescription medicines from an early age, illegal drugs and firearms, political intolerance, what can go wrong?
All of this is literally giving me bad dreams. But when I’m awake I find my dreams are real. Is that what a nightmare truly is?
1 Ellen Kortman Fuk what you saying it here
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo.

5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world

los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Interesting how this “witness” knows so much about types of weapons and relates to the Boston Marathon shooting, which is 1000+ miles from highland park smh…hmmm