Liberals introducing bill to outlaw conversion therapy

Affirming Connections' Pam Rocker explains the importance of conversion therapy being banned and how it'll impact survivors of all ages.

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Liberals introducing bill to outlaw conversion therapy


    1. Current school curriculum : 9am-10 Drag queen story time…10-12 Mosque visit.. 12-1 Vegan lunch break…1-2 Non-Competitive games…2-4 Climate strike with Greta Thunberg.

  1. how about we focus on our crumbling economy, you know real problems caused by this disastrous government.

  2. Why would you need to ban something that isn’t forced on you? Meanwhile meaningful laws and regulations that we need are ignored. Thanks for nothing.

    1. ȘȚɄƑƑɎǾɄ1oo Absolutely true. No real enforcement of laws that would benefit the economy but boy are we great on our social justice. Canada is a joke

    2. I know children who were forced to go through conversion therapy by their crazy religious parents. For some reason no one really cares about children. I guess b/c they can’t vote.

    1. She completely destroyed Jagmeet Singh in the Burnaby South debates… Amazing woman, I really admire her.

  3. So they are going to lock up elderly pastors who give spiritual advice to homosexuals that seek help? Wow.

    1. Don’t think for a second it would not be measured on a Parent or Parents.
      Yet parents must be tolerant and accepting of the Drag Queen LGBTQ influence upon their children at ALL ages, including all prepubescent children.

  4. I thought. “Yay! Banning conversation therapy. No more mutilating the children….. Wait what?” Welcome to 2020

  5. Canada in flames, covid -19, railways still screwed up, stock market crash.
    Liberals worried about conversion therapy.
    Can they get any more clueless or out of touch as to the major issues affecting Canada today.

  6. The issue is that children cannot speak for themselves legally. An adult may do as he she pleases but children should know that their parents love them most importantly. The rest is peripheral.

  7. Ok ok let me get this straight. Stock market crashing, incoming pandemic, economy crumbling, anarchist social justice warriors blocking railway tracks, national unity crisis…… BUT this is what the government is focused on right now. Makes sense

    1. The liberals are just arming up some virtue for when the cpc choose a new leader. An election is around the corner and they probably owe some favors to some lobbyists.

  8. Wow , this is a priority ! ? Mr Terdo is running our economy down the toilet , and the is a priority ??

  9. Never even heard of this, where in Canada are they living, and how the hell do you force therapy on someone?

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