Pollster Nik Nanos says high-profile politicians Ralph Goodale and Lisa Raitt were well respected people who ended up loosing their seats.
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Justin Trudeau is an absolute nightmare!!!!
@Secretary of Education isn’t that so sweet of u to say that
Not as sweet as you, toxic queen
@Secretary of Education yes, I am indeed a toxic queen and don’t ever forget it sweetie pie

Barbara Owens , and you’re clearly brain dead too. I won’t forget that either
@Secretary of Education lol

Phil Viner said no one boy
Don’t you mean Civil War?
@ThisApp yeah only 170000 new members today
Phil Viner oh wow that’s almost half as many votes the PPC got
F Trudeau!
@Calvin Abbott
You’ve obviously never worked an election with elections Canada. Next time get a job for the on an election and you’ll see how our system works, and therefore how ridiculous your comment is. The conservatives lost an election they could have easily won. Their leader is boring and uninspiring, mr. Doom and Gloom. He is to blame. he has made the Conservative Party of Canada nothing more than the Alberta party. We need a national conservative movement.

. THE TRUE PEOPLES PARTY . PUTTING CANADIAN VALUES AND INTERESTS FIRST!! – help me get OUR party off the ground right away so we have 4 years of traction!!
Spoiled brat
@Calvin Abbott You are definitely stupid.
Calvin Abbott Calvin hasn’t gotten laid so he’s salty
As I expected.
WEXIT as Canadians will never win another election as Trudeau will import 1.2 million voters by next election.
Rake the Forest you can’t fail anything, cuz you’re nothing
The west is leaving Canada & Alberta will lead the WEXIT movement. Quebec is your problem now Ontario. You can be the one to buy their loyalty with your own money not ours… Alberta out. BTW it costs $13B per year to buy Quebecs loyalty
@Rake the Forest THe biggest polluters are China and India and they are doing nothing.
@Here Beforeyou YOU ARE RIGHT- many think they can save the world, but at what expense we’re not going to be safe here, we’re not going to afford gas or clothing or food for ourselves- this massive open immigrants, climate hysteria/carbon tax hysteria has gone on for too long and only commoners not rich Trudeau are suffering because of it. I don’t know why and how anyone would want to vote liberal or ndp- but I guess freedom of political expression/decision.
wait wut? conservatives a west party? heloooo BC here do we not count?
“Liberals are an Ontario party” lol they flip-flop so much; Atlantic Canada is always Liberal.
@Andre Lamarche
You mean the same Ontario that wiped out the provincial Liberal Party?
Time for Sask and Alberta to leave
And Quebec and BC…
PA G just watch!
Lol no one is leaving
separate and they will come…
Alberta will lead the west out of Canada… Why? Because it’s F ing obvious that we have no place in this country
From a Maritimer, I support Alberta
Being from NB and living in Calgary for the last 20 yrs. I hope we separate, it’s been too little too late.
Western Canada BC, Alberta, SK, and Manitoba should form a new country
@rnelson299 can rural southern Ontario join you guys?
What kind of lowlife turns his back on his birthplace.
Same, also a maritimer
lmao, RIP Canada
Canada was doomed when Trudeau accepted the victory last night.
@Fireguy97 what are you gonna do about it?
We’ll be fine lol y’all conservatives are so silly or stupid can’t decide
@ThisApp JFK
The west alienated themselves
Andrew Scheer needs to be cut loose. But it is too late.
No there is a way Richard S , listen to Ezra Podcast last night and that explains the whole conferation and the option to leave and the reasons Liberals probably won’t fight it.
Barb Dallaire no one is ever going to leave
Yes Canada is divided thanks to Trudeau and the lying Limousine Liberals. This is not over yet.
Time for Alberta to bail on this circus.
Love Alberta, disgusted with Canada
Darren Webb both Quebec and Alberta should secede. Canada is a shithole
@Jaction “Diversity is our strength.” (Sarcasm.) It clearly is NOT.
As well as BC!
Is that map right???
It’s like 2+2 =
We just had 338 elections. Time for a new method
Liberals are calling Conservative butthurt but who will be butthurt when they could barely sustain their brain dead plans and starts losing jobs? Lol!
Waking up to this finally are you kidding me. Ohh it’s been like this forever
Smile..it’s gonna end..soon..their on the hook..will prove they are crooks.. their perjury will define them..
Alberta wants better representation
Alberta ,the Alabama of the north.