Liberal candidate Marci Ien speaks after winning over voters in the Toronto Centre byelection,
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Toronto elects another lieberal……I’m in shock!
Conservatives whining they were not the first choice …. I’m in shock.
Well Saskatchewan and B.C. and N.B. all stuck with the same party loyalty again, but her election bothers you. Hmmm.
@Ragnarok Huh? Speak for myself that Canada and the USA are different countries? That the Canadian Progressive Conservative party’s policy is different than USA’s Republican party?
Really not a controversial point to make there friend.
If you assumed I was somehow conservative by making that statement…try again.
@MrMulligan84 “Canadian Conservatives are not the same as Republicans.”
Yes, speak for yourself.
Yes, I can tell you’re not a Conservative.
MrMulligan84 chit my bad lol I thought you were a conservative too:P Then how are they different? I mean Kenny here does NOT believe in public protection over profit and gives more to big oil and gas companies than tax payers AND is working really hard to destroy our public health care. That’s just the legal stuff. OToole is on all the news praising him to.
Ignorance is bliss.
Yeah we’re all just sheeple and you are the most wise men of them all Bush Ninja
@J Parish you see the avatar right? I study the spectrum. It’s in the sphere, the torus, the complex plane, anything that divides by it’s magnitude (unit vectors). It’s around the Mandelbrot Set. So, yes, your assessment about me is right. I’m smarter than you and everyone you know.
Start by removing all stop signs.
Thank you!
lol what why?
@Nirmal Sadasivuni when ever a soccer mom requests a stop sign they will put it there…no matter what…stop signs don’t belong in the suburbs
@Matt Aman loool soccer mom requests aside, why don’t they belong in a suburb? Seems like a logical way to deal with intersections
@Nirmal Sadasivuni yeild signs are better…coming to a complete stop needlessly millions of times a day adds up to a lot of gas and brake dust around the country and world
There is no hope for this country.
@BLT4LIFE that’s what I’m going to do. You liberals can have Torontostan.
Then leave. A bunch of snowflakes
Canada is no more
You can leave right now, we don’t want you here. Go back to where you came from
@Que_Rico Who says byeeeeeee like a ten year old girl…. liberal idiots do.
time for free hockey sticks and pucks for canadian kids who what to play hockey
that’s a joke right
canoe sheds, the kids need canoe sheds
or soccer, or basketball, and other sports. Sports for kids should be free to keep them engaged and active.
@Fight Climate Change free or subsidized? Free is ok, just need everyone to volunteer, have donations for the equipment and facility maintenance and repair.
20% voter turnout…what a joke.
@Archbuild Daedelus I always love the half-wits that can not spell “moron”. Thanks for making my point for me, I can barely make out your low class drivel. Let me correct myself…. Only half of the “conservatives” missed the election because they set their clocks back 100 years…The other half missed the election because they were too stupid to be able to read their voter cards and went to the wrong adress (usualy a pub). Seem familiar, there brain trust member?
@Paul Harris New York has all the same issues and still managed to (pre) vote in droves.
@Donna Neil I live in BC you utter Muppet.
@La Longue Carabine Go figure! Out west and out of touch with reality. You sounding like a child? Brainless in BC!!!
Mail in ballots?
edit: there, fixed the typo
This is no time for singing!
@Lava1964 Unless you sing yesterday by the Beatles.
Just get all liberal candidates elected abd Canada will be “liberated”. What a corrupted country.
go back to china chen
Oh gee I wonder if she was biased when she made up..oops I mean reported the news!
Just another vote in Trudeau’s inept governing. She will follow the lead or be Fired just as JWR!
Zombie society.
Well they must be in the majority if they won. That’s how democracy works.
@Fight Climate Change Did you miss the “20% voter turn-out”? Or were you too busy “fighting” the weather?
Funny how journalists can break into politics so easily… wonder why?…
Two heads of the same snake
Didn’t even know she was running, thought she was on the social.
Now you know! Now go get a makeover.
@Donna Neil WOW !
And the cycle repeats…
Surprise surprise the blind partisan Liberals in Toronto elected Liberal again. Basically saying they don’t care about the we scandal or their money being wasted or Canada going into massive debt, which is going to mean higher taxes like the carbon tax.
One liberal MP is one too many…
how many journalists are members of the liberal party now? is this why they work so hard to suppress REAL news? So they can be politicians later? Dont forget these ‘journalists’ arent writing the news of today, they are skewing the history of tomorrow.
I would bet Bell gave all their financial support to her campaign for future favors, it’s a Liberal tradition .
she should duct tape the edges of the mask to her face because alot of contaminated air is escaping out the sides
Isn’t she the one that confesses speeding frequently, blowing through stop signs, not pulling over for police and then blames them for racism?