New Infrastructure Minister Catherine McKenna discusses her hopes of bridging the gap with provincial governments, and the future of the TMX pipeline.
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Build it! Get ‘er done!
Can the liberals stop blaming Harper previous goverment. At this point liberals are the previous goverment
i’m from Quebec and Harper was alot better than that baby s*it !
@raymond mailloux thank you for your opinion. Please support stopping equalization payments
@raymond mailloux That is an insult to “BABY S IT”
raymond mailloux so what you’re saying is you’re a taker not a giver. Try doing something for all Canada instead of just Quebec.
Nothing has changed! Blame Harper & McKenna talks circles, she does nothing!
Beth Goulet-Hillier Ok then, screw you. Nothing is what you shall get!
Everyone will get nothing when the oil industry shuts down! Alberta should follow Quebec’s example and leave their resources in the ground. Then Alberta can live on transfer payments from Ontario and Quebec!
@Ordinary Sessel Or they could just leave and be able to govern themselves.
All star line up? Are you serious?
BaaaaHaaaaHaaaaaa!! Rock stars!!
Often enough and loud enough and they’ll believe anything
I hate these politicians who just won’t answer a question. Almost all of them do this and I hate them for it.
Michelle de Vries Perhaps you should move to Russia.
@Richard C I’d rather that our politicians would move. Just because there are places worse than Canada does not mean we shouldn’t expect Canada to be better than it is.
Michelle de Vries Canada is awesome. Just need to get off those fossil fuels.
@Richard C I agree about the need to get off fossil fuels.
Delivered on the “climate file”? She is joking… right?
She is a joke.
blaming and liers from her mouth. What a shame!
Build the FN pipeline! Again she dodges the issues! Who cares what you think!
SmokeoutofWater Then, no pipeline for you!
She talks about infrastructure being built. Where? What infrastructure has been built?
Not sure where u’re from here’s a small example of what was spent in Calgary.
According to Hehr, here are the top spending items by the Liberal federal government from 2016 to 2019:
Green Line LRT: $1.53 billion.
Gas tax fund: $342 million.
SW Ring Road: $333.6 million.
Springbank Dam: $178 million.
BMO Centre : $167 million.
Affordable housing: $100.6 million.
That works out to 2.8 billion….plus a pipeline so that’s evidence of some positive actions….let’s hope they do more.
She’s a liar Its no getting built
Mckenna lacks substance like humans need oxygen
Bunch of flakes, drunks and clowns. Best thing for western seperation.
Catherine still won’t acknowledge that a Quebec gas pipeline isn’t common sense. Hypocrites have no credibility.
Another 4 years of not a dam thing done
Didnt answer a single question
This is exactly why the west wants to leave. Shame on Canada for voting these liars back in. Gross
She makes me click away……………………….swiftly..
she “delivered on the climate file” alright…she delivered the destruction of Western Canada’s energy industry.
She’s so stupid she can’t even answer a question