Giuliani associate Lev Parnas alleges Attorney General Bill Barr was in the loop on the plot to pressure. Aired on 01/16/20.
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Lev Parnas: Bill Barr ‘Had To Have Known Everything’ | Deadline | MSNBC
Trump: ” I don’t know Melania, other than I guess I had wedding pictures taken with her. But I have taken wedding pictures with many women.”
David J

David j , I guessed i might have grabbed her by the P y a couple times .
David J , I guessed i might have grabbed her by the P y once .
In one interview Barr said, “Everybody dies”, so he is covered.
That’s Barr’s way of saying, ‘Lying, stealing and cheating is A-OK, because he who dies with the most toys wins.”
@Tim Countis not everyone inserts their toys up their own bum… like Barr
@Tim Countis Too bad he doesn’t realize you can’t take ’em with you. That’s some Pharao-wishin’ there.
He & this administration are christian radicals who’s only goal is turning this country into an authoritarian theocracy. Oh & cater to corporate so they can continue to pad their pockets while they eagerly await Armageddon.
barr won’t recuse himself – he was hired to protect/hide trump’s corrupt activities. His “job application” for AG proved that
Now the attorney general of the United states is a criminal? You ppl need help. This has to stop.
@Joe none of this is without precedent, Nixon’s AG ended up in prison.
Mike C ………….. Barr’s ‘reputation’ was a WATERBOY and cover-up specialist for the Iran/Contra perps in the Reagan/Bush1 administrations; and he was largely effective at that . So, he’s doing exactly what is his forte . I had to laugh when he was nominated AG this time and the fawning media about his objectivity and respect . Always has been a scumbucket and toady .
I don’t think that’s his choice to make at this point.
Trump implicated Barr and Giuliani in his perfect phone call with Zelenski. He named them both as his contacts.
Fuckwits. I am terrified of living in America knowing you are allowed in public.
andrea Perry VOTE Blue!! End the whole rotten gop in 2020
@Kevin NYC weren’t you arguing on another comment that someone had nothing to say?
@John O Yes, we need a massive turnout as well.
To say – as both Parnas and Sonderland have said – “Everyone was in the loop” is – to a certain extent – a misplaced euphemism. Frankly speaking, it would be more accurate to state that Barr is an integral part of the Chain of Command, headed by the individual of which it can be said: “The buck stops with him.”
Russia’s State TV Calls Trump Their ‘Agent’ [TheDailyBeast]
–Sometimes a picture doesn’t have to be worth a thousand words. Just a few will do. As Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov returned home from his visit with President Donald Trump in the Oval Office last week, Russian state media were gloating over the spectacle. TV channel Rossiya 1 aired a segment entitled “Puppet Master and ‘Agent’—How to Understand Lavrov’s Meeting With Trump.”
–Vesti Nedeli, a Sunday news show on the same network, pointed out that it was Trump, personally, who asked Lavrov to pose standing near as Trump sat at his desk. It’s almost the literal image of a power behind the throne.
–Russian Operative Said ‘We Made America Great’ After Trump’s Win [Bloomberg]
–Kremlin-directed operatives opened champagne when Donald Trump won the presidency in 2016, according to a communication disclosed in a new Senate Intelligence Committee report outlining Russia’s sweeping social media efforts to help him win. “We uncorked a tiny bottle of champagne … took one gulp each and looked into each other’s eyes …. We uttered almost in unison: ‘We made America great,’” one operative at the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency said in the message obtained by the Republican-led committee.
W W Thanks for this.
Parnas corroborates Gordon Sondland. Bolton will corroborate everything.
Sondland’s testimony: Trump said ” I want nothing from Ukraine, I want no quid pro quo”.
@Tom McDermott That was Orange Boys sharpie version .
@J N Rescue? Trump is a criminal and Trump supporters dumb or evil. As much as I hate Trump and his supporters I could care less what happens to him or his low life supporters. History has been written in stone that the conservatives have turned these United States into a corrupt nation. Bolton is just entertainment for us. Rescue? What a goof you are. Also as a bonus dumb christians have been exposed as the worst people with no morals, yeah the future is bright..
@J N Trumpers know all about kissing Satan’s feet.
Barr should be disbarred and impeached. He’s only doing just what he did under Bish. The cover up bag man.
your brainwashing is complete. you are our slave now. watch this space.
Barr is a disgusting, filthy guy …..
How did it happen to be our AG ?
Thanks to Deplorables !!
Yes, true 3 filth bags, murderers, thieves
@Kevin NYC Go ask your Orange haired Daddy if he needs his boots shined.
@Kevin NYC You really have nothing to say huh.. You are just a sad goof..
DOJ is corrupt.
UC Vibes yes it is. Very dangerous. He needs to go. ASAP. Or recuse himself.
No one who’s been paying attention ever thought Barr _wasn’t_ dirty.
Barr has been complicit in t’Rump’s treason since day one.
Kevin NYC
fetish boi expert!
True story.
@Kevin NYC i doubt that anyone really wants to hear about your Orange haired Daddy .
@anne-marie Andrews Yes , just like the pictures of Orange Boy with Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell .
Barr is just as corrupt as trump. I bet they didn’t see all this coming from Lev.
We’ve seen this movie before.
Barr will recuse himself.
Then the orange one will fire him.
I am sure Barr won’t do that. He is too much a crook for that.
Power c ……………….. Barr will recuse when he gets a criminal indictment .
Yep, Barr knows the food in prison is terrible.
Barr is a criminal.
Impeach. Barr next Moscow mitch along with everybody else thats involved
AG Barr needs to resign and maybe get an attorney of his own.
Michael Cohen: “You have no one to blame but yourself; I tried to warn you!”
@Denise Cunningham Yes, he said it when he was testifying in front of Congress!!!
He needs to, huh?
Guess what, sweetie… only the President gets to decide if the Attorney General needs to resign.
@Nameless Progressive Clone No, he doesn’t, if we the people wants him to resign then, that’s what he should do because remember he, the president and every other government official work for us!!!
Cohen is keeping the bunk under his ready for Barr.
This guy has Epstein written all over him.
Shine Star Yep. Sad to say.
With a sharpie.
One tiny difference. Lev Parnass isn’t confined in a jail cell. He has protection I’m sure.
Attorney General William Barr is a STOOGE for LYING KING Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin.
Absolutely! AG Barrf was appointed by v.Lad Pukin; AG Barrf works for v.Lad Pukin; AG Barrf is Russia’s puppet.
M Munroe
@Shaken not stirred Trump will cheat with some help from his keeper Puttin, !
Gwen30….the President has signed a CHINA DEAL on Thursday in the White House for the US People. This will help rebuild the US Economy. Meanwhile, Democrats do NOTHING.
@Randy E There is a better than good chance that Shaken not stirred likes his / her country just fine .. that country being Russia of course.
What I don’t understand is HOW LONG ARE WE ALL GOING TO BE PLAYED AS A FOOL? All of it is destroying America!!!
Well, unfortunately it’s a nation in theory ruled by law. A demagogue president and crooked AG and a stacked Senate pretty much guarantees that they can’t be brought down easily. And that’s part of the reason we have the second amendment. Hopefully it won’t come to that but it’s an option if the American people come to believe that the government is being taken over by tyranny.
Actually I think Trump and his supporters have exposed themselves as the horrible people some of us have always known them to be. From now on the conservatives will never be able to have any moral hi ground or patriotism because the conservatives are clearly traitors to actual American laws.
Barr: just as corrupt as Donald Trump, but slightly smarter. This man needs to be impeached, ASAP.
Barr is MUCH smarter than Trump. Which only makes him more guilty.
@Pat McCann agreed, Barr is a seasoned political operative. Unlike Trump, he knows exactly what he’s doing.
partisan impeachment don’t work, 2020 is last chance.