Retired Major General James "Spider" Marks breaks down the takeaways from the first five days of the Russian invasion into Ukraine.
#CNN #News
Lessons from the first five days of Russia’s invasion into Ukraine

Retired Major General James "Spider" Marks breaks down the takeaways from the first five days of the Russian invasion into Ukraine.
#CNN #News
LOVE how the Russian people are taking their protest to the streets waving the Ukrainian flag – that takes balls!
@Mark No way … I love Texas
CNN is a cow-dung.
@Leader of the Gelgameks
Forgot takin‘ your meds, hm?
That‘s part of the free will, too.
Godspeed the people of Ukraine and all those who are with them. ♥️♥️♥️
Kharków is on fire and destroyed . Every hour Ukrainians CHILDREN and women are killed by Russian morderous who want be called soldiers. Only removing ALL Russians and Bialorusian from SWIFT will be efective ( because Russia money can go by not removeded banks) and stop buying russian gas, oil and other minersls . Russian (Bialorusian too) gas, oil = russian tanks, warplanes, missles whichn ow are destroying Europe. Actions are needed. Immidate we need to give Ukraine all the military aid it needs – fight drons to destroy tanks, antyrakiet systems to towns. People are dieing now Sanctions take same time to work. Ukraninians: You can evacuate to Poland. We prepared for You thousends homes. Next to border help is waiting. Take with you any medical documents. You do not need passports.If you really need You can cross Green border not be afraid. Today we are All Ukrainians. We in Poland feel safe send millitary help to Ukrainians
5 minutes ago! Russian-made ZRPK Pantsir-S was captured by the Ukrainian military.
That little teddy bear broke my heart, imagine someones daughter gave that to her dad for good luck and now hes gone
poor soldiers on both sides who don’t want war
A small group of sane Russians have to use the “Julius Caesar option” on mad Vlad to end the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
@Leader of the Gelgameks Where do you get your raw information for your “self teaching”?
@reality William H is beyond incompetent and EVERYONE knows it
@Mark Green ikr
Huge respects for Matthew Chance, bringing reports to us at the expense of his life. Thank you so much !!
Less than 5 years in power, a 44-year-old leader of a small country tremendously gains the entire world’s hearts as a legend of true hero , noble leader.
More than 50 years in super power, a 79-year-old leader of the world number 1 nation is still find a way to pay back apology that he owned black community. Now it’s time for Joe to pay back with celebrating black history month while world in crisis… shameful?
Private defence military contractors and the french foreign legion mercenaries included too could and will be a mandate for repelling back Russian aggression.
@Curtis Carpenter Putin vs Trump
General Sherman said, “War is hell.” Nineteen year olds becoming disoriented is so sad. Putin should show what a man he is and fight his own war. The Ukraine people are showing strength, courage and real spirit to save THEIR country.
@Jamestib kirk Still no girlfriend, James?
@Jamestib kirk many women are fighting
Russia go home!
Less than 5 years in power, a 44-year-old leader of a small country tremendously gains the heart of entire world as a legend of true hero , a noble leader.
More than 50 years in super power, a 79-year-old leader of the world number 1 nation is still find a way to pay back apology that he owned black community. Now it’s time for Joe to pay back with celebrating black history month while world in crisis… shameful?
The lessons are that Americans are spoiled brats who complain about which can change their sex and who can go in a ladies room or that everyone is a racist or let 2 million illegals into US WHEN REAL PROBLEMS ARE IN UKRAINE. GROW UP spoiled Americans
As brave as Ukrainians are, and they have will.
it’s really a David and Goliath Story.
Putin’s Army will learn and we will see.
Hoping against an escalation of firepower
It is absolutely mystifying how people are blaming Ukraine for fighting within city centers.
I’m seeing ignorant comments like “what do you expect when Ukraine spreads soldiers throughout their cities and then forces their citizens to fight?”
When did you all come to the conclusion that battles are fought in open fields? No one is being forced to fight. People who don’t want to fight are taking shelter in underground railroad stations and other safe underground areas within the cities. If my home were under attack I would gladly take up the invitation to defend it. The soldiers are in the cities because that’s where Russia started the fighting at 5 AM with no warning.
Russia wants the cities, so of course there’s going to be fighting within them. Some of these people commenting sound like they’re expecting the country to just roll over because the cities are in danger. There are many countries that would choose defense until death over dictator occupation, and that’s just fine.
There’d be fighting in open fields, if it was open fields that Putin wanted. But no, he wants the government and their armed forces decapitated, so he’s going for the cities and government buildings.
I’ll also say that I find it quite strange how many Russian POWs are claiming they didnt even know they were in Ukraine, while others thought they were simply taking part in standard military exercises. They sent these human beings into an invasion completely blindfolded.
This is a truly disgusting “special military operation” launched by Putin.
@Gregorxxx who is the occupying force? Funny how Russians are getting spit on and molotovs thrown on them and they are dying by the thousands but haven’t captured but one objective? Pretty wild peace keeping special mission they are on
@Dean Kruse stop and think about the war from both sides. The west is crying about citizens being targeted yet training them to build molotov cocktails. Putin is much smarter than western media is giving him credit for. Sit back and watch as the usa and NATO escalate this further.
@Gregorxxx no one is crying people are extremely angry. Pigs shoot cluster bombs in city centers, treachery like that is unforgivable. When the soviets poisoned the Afghans water and destroyed their villages the world watched and did nothing, but to see them use cluster bombs and thermobaric weapons on Ukrainians has just shut Russia off from the rest of Europe. Germany is now going to out spend Russia 4 to 1 in defense spending. This has galvanized the west and world against a treacherous rat thug and he has turned his country in to a giant north korea
@Gregorxxx how can he be smarter than the west is giving him credit for when he has gotten thousands of his own soldiers killed in a few days of fighting with nothing to show for it
CNN is a cow-dung.
The landscape around Kiew is really beautiful. Lots of lakes, the River Dnipr cutting though it, mixed whith lots of lakes, pasture and forests. Rolling hills. Lots of soviet-style multi-level appartment buildings in the city. A nightmare of urban warfare, indeed. Every window, balcony a snipers or even a LAW nest. They should have watched “Black Hawk Down”. Every armoured vehicle columns nightmare.
More power to our Ukrainian Brothers & Sisters.. May GOD almighty protect the innocent and most specially the Children of Ukraine

“God”? What’s that? Why don’t you pray to Santa Claus instead? If the mobster called “god” exists they CAUSED THIS WAR! You are delusional! THERE IS NO GOD!!!!
@farvision When an unbeliever cries out to God, they want HIM to give them something. And if he does NOT give it to them, they will be saddened, but since they do not believe in God, they will not be particularly upset.
@farvision And you should respect religions.
As a navy veteran, I haven’t had any rest in 5 days. No one really knows what this could escalate to. People so blind staring at their phones with not one ounce of situational awareness is astonishing in the USA right now.
@Connie Harper ok cool
@Connie Harper you are wrong and deeply disturbed, Connie
@Greebus Bleeb Aww did da colored girl step off the plantation and hurt yo feelings? So sorry Mastah, I be a good slave from now on so you be happy!
I couldn’t agree more
CNN is a cow-dung.
John King has trained for this moment to point at a map of warfare with decades of pointing at maps of US presidential elections.
clearly an expert by now
Honestly he was hoping that hed never have to do this but here it is
“Mistakes made in the initial deployment cannot be corrected.”….Frederick The Great…
This whole situation makes me so goddamn angry, I can’t put it into words. I feel so bad for Ukrainians. – And to everyone in the US, who thinks this conflict is far far away I want to say: This war has the potential to grow into the biggest military conflict of our lifetime. Please take it seriously!
I have to agree
@Gregorxxx REPORTED
@Blue Ice why you such a pansy
@dennis ligma , Patton against the massive Soviet tank armies ?
CNN is a cow-dung.
I appreciate that they highlighted Crimea as a red invaded area rather than leaving it the same color as the rest of Russia
Just out of curiosity, are there any consequences for Belarus? Standing up to a massive aggressor takes a bit of courage, I’ll admit, but the Ukraine has had no problem with the concept.
Both Russian and Belarusian forces believe they are going in as peacekeepers but when they arrive they find they are the aggressors – just as in Prague in 1968. This will be a shock and they will lose their motivation to fight. A successful offensive campaign is based on trust at all command levels and the fact that Putin has lied to them shows how little he cares for his soldiers and his population. The most successful soldier is the one that fights for a just cause. In this war, that soldier is Ukrainian.
This was the best interview regarding the military situation in Ukraine. Better than even the rest of military experts you’ve brought.
They’re going to get the thermobaric rockets
Ukrainians WW2 UPA murdered thousands of innocent polish people,and they were Nazis army.
Millions of Ukrainians were side to Nazis with murders to innocent people that even Nazis discussed from their actions.Read and learn from history before you criticize the one or other side.
@Jim2020 0 Read my name, do it to 9 and 10 year old ladies that you adopt from Russia. They won’t be able to report you because they’re afraid of getting deported back to Russia where they’ll face even worse conditions!
By the time the girls are old enough to move out and do something about it, no one will believe them and you’ll be able to drag on the investigation long enough to where the statue of limitations have expired and you cannot be charged.
I assure you, you’ll be safe and I guarantee you’ll have fun doing it! Trust me, I’ve been doing this for the past 37 years, you’ll thank me for my advice later!
I am being serious. I have been flawlessly doing this for almost 40 years now and I will continue doing this until the day that I perish. It’s important that you adopt the kids whilst they are young and have no knowledge of what life in America is along with they speak little to no English. The most ideal candidates are the “fresh off the boat” type, as they require 100% assistance from you and they are completely dependent upon you, giving you complete control over them.
Putin your time is up. You are a fake wannabe tough guy but the world sees through your fake act. You are terrified and scared like a beaten and whipped dog. Your pathetic country will soon collapse like the Soviet Union and you are about to suffer the same exact fate as Gaddafi. I wish I were on the frontlines right now, I would gladly march through the Kremlin and finish this little Russian problem once and for good. I cannot wait to watch you get dragged out of your hiding spot in a sewer drainpipe.
I am dead serious, Russia is about to collapse just like the Soviet Union did in ‘91. I cannot wait to watch and laugh as Putin gets dragged and beaten on the streets as he begs for his life, just like Gaddafi did in 2011. Goodbye Mr. Putin and goodbye the pathetic, weak country of Russia, you will NOT be missed!
CNN is a cow-dung.
@Jim2020 0 .. one of the most ignorant and asinine comments ever
I really hope the Americans understand how easily this can escalate. This is a tense time to live in Europe

2 Times Too Many.
Time to do something for yourself.
if Russians accidentally hit one of the NATO members and blame Ukraine, they will do everything to de-escalate. No one wants ww3 and the fallout of a nuclear war.
@Rick Starling Read my name, do it to 9 and 10 year old ladies that you adopt from Russia. They won’t be able to report you because they’re afraid of getting deported back to Russia where they’ll face even worse conditions!
By the time the girls are old enough to move out and do something about it, no one will believe them and you’ll be able to drag on the investigation long enough to where the statue of limitations have expired and you cannot be charged.
I assure you, you’ll be safe and I guarantee you’ll have fun doing it! Trust me, I’ve been doing this for the past 37 years, you’ll thank me for my advice later!
I am being serious. I have been flawlessly doing this for almost 40 years now and I will continue doing this until the day that I perish. It’s important that you adopt the kids whilst they are young and have no knowledge of what life in America is along with they speak little to no English. The most ideal candidates are the “fresh off the boat” type, as they require 100% assistance from you and they are completely dependent upon you, giving you complete control over them.
Putin your time is up. You are a fake wannabe tough guy but the world sees through your fake act. You are terrified and scared like a beaten and whipped dog. Your pathetic country will soon collapse like the Soviet Union and you are about to suffer the same exact fate as Gaddafi. I wish I were on the frontlines right now, I would gladly march through the Kremlin and finish this little Russian problem once and for good. I cannot wait to watch you get dragged out of your hiding spot in a sewer drainpipe.
I am dead serious, Russia is about to collapse just like the Soviet Union did in ‘91. I cannot wait to watch and laugh as Putin gets dragged and beaten on the streets as he begs for his life, just like Gaddafi did in 2011. Goodbye Mr. Putin and goodbye the pathetic, weak country of Russia, you will NOT be missed!
@Dutch Delight No, he do not understand. On the contrary, he is glad to see it. And the stupid European leaders sit and watch what will happen to those who do not obey the Putin’s commands. The next is Gemmary because they stopped the north stream project and publicly said that they will invest 100 billion euros in military aids. Putin will not allow that. He will unleash the hell over the Germany and from there to the Europe and the whole word. That will happen if all good people in the world sit and watch in fear of nuclear war. When they realize what is happening it will be already late.
Retired Major General James “Spider” Marks Sir, thank you for your excellence!
Great praise for the Ukrainian people for their steadfast strength in the fight for independence. Glory to the Polish Nation, who are the first to help Ukrainians in providing weapons and humanitarian aid. Western countries, open your eyes.