Lessons from 1972 and should Andrew Scheer step down after federal election defeat?

Political strategists Robin Sears, Shane Mackenzie and Jamie Ellerton discuss 1972 election results, Western frustration and Andrew Scheer's leadership.
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Lessons from 1972 and should Andrew Scheer step down after federal election defeat?


    1. Perhaps Singh should step down? poorly run campaign and huge loss of seats for the NDP. Perhaps Elizebeth May should step down, the party is irrelevant and in 25 years has only managed to reach a peak of 3 seats in Parliament. Should Trudeau step down? Huge loss of seats, most Canadians trust Scheer more than Trudeau according to surveys. Canada is bleeding in foreign investment. Companies can’t leave Canada fast enough. Liberals are making Canada a laughing joke internationally. Mr Dressup in India, blackface.Lack of discipline in the Liberal ranks, Freeland tweets out Canadian policy on Saudi Arabia? Diplomat faux pas with China. Lack of trade with China is hurting our farmers. Overall lack of business confidence in Canada. Lack of pipelines sparking major dissent and alienation of western Canadian provinces. The provinces are all voting Conservative, not Liberal. So why would Scheer step down? Excellent program developed for Canada. Exactly what Canada needed right now, tax reductions, and focus on reducing Canadians cost of living. Major gain in MP’s elected to House of Commons. More Canadians voted Conservative than liberal in the past election. The PC’s have kept the Liberals to a minority government.

    2. don684 because of the Doug ford policies, conservatives lost many seats in Ontario. So we don’t blame sheer only here

  1. How do you reach out? Uhm…..stop trying to kill their economies and come up with real grown up policies for ALL of Canada’s job sectors? Just a thought

  2. Absolutely he should. This circumstance is totally different from 1972 or 1958. Scheer’s main competitor is someone who made tremendous amount of mistakes in or before campaign.

  3. Opinion. No he,s a nicetall. Gya. Is problem ,,he. Pees to much. Need change. Dippers. Every 30 minutes!!! Yes,,,, he. Must. Stay. On the ,,,,job,!!!!!👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👌👌👌

  4. The real problem is Albertans are stuck in the delusion they can hitch their economic wagon to the sunset fossil fuel industry, ignoring the collapse of tar sands market and global warming. They think Ottawa is trying to hurt them. Ottawa is trying to stop them from committing economic suicide. Albertans are suffering from a terminal case of wishful thinking and putting all their eggs in one basket.

    1. Seems stupid to me to buy oil from 1000s of km away shipping across the ocean when we have it right here in this country where we can make sure everything is done in the most environmentally friendly way. Climate change happens they don’t even use all the data they have on the climate because it proves them wrong

    2. Roedy Green enjoy those transfer payments when Alberta turns off the tap. Know what happens when the Maritimes runs outta money for food and heat?. They come to Ottawa, get drunk and bash heads.

    3. @Marven Lunn EXACTLY! We purchase oil @ $3M a DAY from Saudi Arabia, arriving in NB for refining. And JT does a few things to make it easier for SA. He has done everything possible to shut down the industry in AB.

  5. Yes but i actually feel sorry for andrew scheer hes worthless as a LEADER of canada and boy he never had a chance hes arguments were beneath his CHARACTER……

  6. The conservatives increase their seat count by 20%. The NDP lose almost half their seats and 5% of the popular vote. The Liberals lose their majority and we are talking if Scheer should step down.

  7. If sheer with his lack of resume and dual citizenship is the best the conservatives have to offer canada they are done !

  8. Andrew Scheer = Integrity
    Conservatives won 34% popular vote.
    Distinct Regional Society= Alberta Saskatchewan
    Canadian oil and gas.
    Equalization payments now need to reflect this reality.
    Prayers for ALL of Can🇨🇦ada

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