Nova Scotia Teachers Union President Paul Wozney says physical distancing, mask, and hand washing measures are insufficient at N.S. schools.
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“Everything is ready and perfect for kids.” This is a nightmare.
4 active cases in NS
ots of ppl have already gine back to wrok, teachers just need to get with it, theyre not special
? what language are you speaking?
this is gonna be fun to watch all the mindcontrolled parents thinking there kids are all gonna die hahahaha.. only the state can create that type of fear
I saw the faces of some of the parents dropping their kids off at my son’s school this morning they looked mortified.It’s sad.
Defund Marxist professors now
I take it you’re nonessential.
BLT4LIFE No I’m very essential. What’s your point please
Less than ideal? Just how ideal do they need it? NS have shut their border for months and have incredibly low community transmission.
Keep kids with health problems home to learn online, everyone else is ok. Just because you have covid does not mean your going to die or even get sick. Too much fear mongering by the drug companies and government who make money off sickness.
you have dog poop for brain cells.
@david beaton Wow, how can you argue with such logic… idiots and maggots everywhere.
Being a canadian living in the states now for many years,,,,it’s absolutely crazy seeing how easily scared and paranoid, Canadians can be influenced to be.
All the Unions do is complain. They serve no purpose anymore except stand in the way of progress.
You could neet all their demands and they still wouldn’t be happy. They always want more.
Go to work spoiled brats and I don’t mean the kids
Thank goodness the teachers union cannot really do anything. Otherwise teachers would stay home and collect their pay cheques. I have 3 grandchildren in Nova Scotia who are being homeschooling so do not say there is no option for children to learn at home. The fear mongering needs to stop. Children did not get covid in February and March when there were many more cases in the community. Where is the science to say they will get it now?
Just had six month leave of absence
Conditions in Nova Scotia have been more than ideal since the beginning. it’s the government’s abuse of power that’s disastrous.