Carol Leonnig of the Washington Post, Jake Sherman of PunchBowl News, and Tim Miller of The Bulwark discuss the evolution of the Republican party and how its members keep feeding into lies and conspiracy theories. Aired on 04/05/2021.
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#CarolLeonnig #JakeSherman #MSNBC
Leonnig Says She’s Spoken With GOP Who Are Afraid To Say What They Think In Their Own Districts
Trump will destroy GOP and we will deserve it.
-Lazy Graham
Already done.
We = Ms. Lindsey, his mommy, and the AR15 she bought him
Lady Graham*
@Immortal Asirpa yup, Miss Lindsey trying to look like Rambo was worse than pathetic

To all Republicans afraid to speak your truth: itʻs okay. You donʻt have to. Just keep doinʻ what youʻre doinʻ and being afraid. Because in 2022, you wonʻt have to worry about that anymore. You wonʻt have your job. What a relief for you.
@ Lee Everett so I see your point,but how do you argue with stupid.
R’s have turned into ‘Dickless wonders’ -as we used to say in the 70’s

are you jewish?
Never, Trump forever. Russiagaters.
“If you can’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.”
Yeah, and they fell pretty hard for Satan himself.
@Native Texan Yep, a literal golden calf and false prophet. *shrugs* ^^
@Native Texan you mean donald, the prince of lies?
Like +30k of them. Lol.
@j welsh He’s nearly there. America is broken.
@Mimzy Jinx L%%>>>>>%000000
he who would ride the tiger usually ends up in it’s belly.
bon appetit, tiger.
The tiger will spit them out. Even tigers don’t like greasy rancid meat.
What happens to he who rides the elephant?
@Drealskero depends on if he keeps his seat or falls off.
@Jesse Bianchi fair point! In that case, these magarrhoids have definitely fallen off. Good luck, y’all!
In four years, Trumps ratings never got above 50%, so anyone that believes Trump had to have won, is obviously refusing to believe in anything that doesn’t fit their narrative.
@Debra Cottrill way more ppl voted. more republicans voted, way more dems voted. america is more progressive than they are conservative.
@Debra Cottrill You make a valid point. If one assumes that the numbers are correct, then it goes to show how deeply divided US voters behave. After all, your nation has been governed for many years alternatively by Democratic or Republican majorities and presidents. Yet, trump seems to have managed the very dubious feat of making this specific election, not about values, but about himself, as a beacon for whatever he decided would be the lowest common denominator for his releection, namely himself. No values, no platform, no actual programs, just himself. And indeed, 74 million people voted for that. So, it is up to yours or even the next generation to figure how this was even possible. Many people blamed a lack of education. Many people blamed growing inequalities. The very sorry fact remains that so many people thought trump was their ideal of a president. Time to go to work. Good luck and stay safe.
He did.
If his followers could only see how many soiled diapers trump goes through each day !
How many in a day…..depends
@Michael Mellum
On how many Steven Miller can change in a day
I like the part where the leader of the GQP scammed individual donors by setting up recurring donations by default without telling them.

It’s trumpapotomus’ greatest gift – ‘the art of the grift’. It’s what he does and he’s mastered it.
That and his ‘red hat mark of the beast’ base are truly GOP; gullible only please. It’s a cult.
And trump so loves the uneducated.
Hilary did the same thing. Mumps versus measles.
Because he knows people don’t read the fine print. That means no instructions on how to stop it.
@Carthy- Not even close. Dems think for themselves.
@Simply Amazed that’s exactly what the other side thinks. Unfortunately, neither your statement or theirs is true. Both are seemingly infinitely influenceable.
NO Public Town Halls, EVER, means NONE of them know, or care, what ANY of their constituents want, EVER.
Why are you a poootin bootlicker??
Why are you supporting a foreign leader and his american gop sidekicks when they are attempting to destroy us?
@Nancy Ross Totally agree.
@Stinky Piece of Cheese Facts Only is a troll.
@FACTS ONLY I think you forgot to mention the Covi dead. You remember that pandemic the LOSER denied and lied about. Bugger the price of gas, remember the dead.

The inmates are in charge of the asylum in today’s Republican Party.
And if they don’t change their messaging they’ll be on the outside looking in for many elections to come!
@FACTS ONLY You (or indeed I) might not agree with using a tax avoidance law, however, it is within the law.
People are entitled to use any provision tax law in their own self-interest.
The law needs to be changed. It needs to be simplified, it needs to be more transparent.
This is not a world of “saints and sinners.” Relying on people’s personal “code of honor” is a waste of time.
We need a huge tax overhaul. It needs to start as a popular demand.
Despite the national debt, old infrastructure, etc, etc, the United States is the most successful state in human history.
Tax law needs addressing.
(Look up, David Cay Johnson on YouTube.)
@FACTS ONLY And how many Republicans haven’t paid taxes for decades, including the Orange Orangutan! Don’t push your bull, because no one is listening.
@FACTS ONLY I see you like to copy and paste.
@FACTS ONLY , lol! And yet you don’t mention the trillion dollar tax cut Trump gave to the richest Americans and largest corporations. Shamelessly dishonest much?
Someone needs a hug.
And I think it’s your mom, poor woman.
A (R) majority House with Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House???
If Republicans take back the House, it’ll be TRUMP who will be Speaker in truth.
I cannot as a man be held in sway by anyone in such a manner. This is like the start of the Soviet Union.
Worst, this is like in the Victorian age. When people did anything and everything to the people to maintain power. Kept people in poverty, shipping them of to America, the poor where youst just like they are know.
maybe restart of the puritans
goodness these people..
….worse, pre war Germany.
There is no Republican Party. The Republican Party is dead and buried. The day of its death was January 6. They are now morphing into a fascist movement.
trump party
The only difference between the Republican Party of the 1980’s and the modern GOP is that In 2016 the fascists stopped ‘associating’ with the supremacists & instead took over their party!
And that’s a good thing
The conservatives aren’t dead and the Republican party is getting stronger and more respected everyday that biden is in office. Furthermore…its leftardarted news networks like MSNBC who keep on talking about Trump and keeping his legacy strong and present…so thanks to MSNBC, CNN and every other libtarded network
@Houston Conservative
ThanQ (litterally) for paedophiles being in power, in Congress.
Trump, Gaetz, Moore, Jordan & their “friends!”
If the Republican party gains any control, then you can rest assured that your house is NOT safe. That is a proven fact.
@Lee Everett yeah but Trump supporters are morons that are tried to overthrow our democracy. Simple morons who would believe the dumbest stuff. Jewish space lasers. Inject bleach to cure covid. Rigged elections. Anti vaccine. Flat earth. Qnon! These people are simple idiots. Or racist a holes. What are you Lee?
@Lee Everett you guys already tried and failed at that one
@Joe C democrats are scum, they are destroying our nation…….enough said
@BILL W I mean republicans cratered the nation already, doubt the dems could do worse lol… Least they got a vaccination plan working as well as rebuilding the burnt bridges that trump and his goons set fire to. China’s scared of president biden as oppose to a telegraphing trump who shows his hand at the worse of times.

I dont think it’s interesting that a handful of GOP are sitting on their hands. I think it’s cowardly.
You say it yourself right there, a handful. Because most people already disagree only a few of them are stupid enough to be on the side that’s clearly wrong as far as their constituents are concerned.
No thinking about it we all know its cowardly but no one calls them out on a national level. Great strategy for the real Republican DNC.
*”THATS A LOT OF POWER”* she says – people only have as much power over you as you allow them to have…
The GOP had the opportunity to market trump powerless, they chose to make him their king. Why? Cos they are weak and feckless.
So true.
And don’t forget you are paying their salary and pension.
Voter suppression is a constant reminder by the GOP themselves so forgetting is unlikely.
Voter suppression wasn’t evident or existent in the 2020 election. There were actually more votes than voters. So…
get your ID to vote. if you are too stupid to do that, you shouldn’t be voting. we ALL know what this is really all about.
Afraid of their own constituents?

. Good. Now they know how the rest of us feel about Magats.
And there are 70 million of them. A not insubstantial number by any definition.
@channeleightythree083 time for another civil war. The north against the south. Split the country into two countries and let those far right hicks eat each other.,
@GNR Forever Correct. The Republican Party is essentially a confederate party. It started down that road when the Democrats adopted a civil rights platform sometime in the 1950s. Culminating in the signing of the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Nixon Southern Strategy in 1968. “We Just Lost The South For A Generation” – LBJ. The only thing he got wrong was the number of generations. Nearly three so far, with no sign of changing.
Just make sure that all of you show up and vote against the GOP for all local and national elections! Let’s send them into extinction like the dinosaurs!
If we don’t get voter reform done it won’t matter. It’s going to be so gerrymandered they’ll take the house and spike the ball until chaos can rule again
I think more ppl need to volunteer and help spread the word and get ppl out to vote, that’s of course if they don’t make it illegal to go out and get ppl to vote, I’m sure these repubs are trying to find ways to make it to where ppl can’t go knock on doors or give ppl rides to go vote.
@Harry Johnstone Revolution is not far off.
Yes!!! Happily, the worse the GOP gets with all the desperate moves, e.g. voter suppression, the more it is going to ensure people will want them totally booted out. They’re running about in sheer desperation with their hair on fire bumping into each other. It’s like watching the Keystone Cops. So let’s all just enjoy the GOP’s final, and INEVITABLE, annihilation in the very near future.
The fact that he calls her a “17 year old woman” is a red flag.”
Anytime a 38 year old man has to specifically clarify that his date was of legal age… something is wrong.
Not really In most states she has reached the age of consent to have sexual relations, which means she is a woman.
Alabama 16
Alaska 16
Arizona 18
California 18
Colorado 17
Connecticut 16
Delaware 18
D.O.C. 16
Florida 18
Georgia 16
Hawaii 16
Idaho 18
Illinois 17
Indiana 16
Iowa 16
Kansas 16
Kentucky 16
Louisiana 17
Maine 16
Maryland 16
Massachusetts 16
Michigan 16
Minnesota 16
Mississippi 16
Missouri 17
Montana 16
Nebraska 16
Nevada 16
New Hampshire 16
New Jersey 16
New Mexico 16
New York 17
North Carolina 16
North Dakota 18
Ohio 16
Oklahoma 16
Oregon 18
Pennsylvania 16
Rhode Island 16
South Carolina 16
South Dakota 16
Tennessee 18
Texas 17
Utah 18
Vermont 16
Virginia 18
Washington 16
West Virginia 16
Wisconsin 18
Wyoming 16
@zdcyclops1 lickley I didn’t know that . Still for me over 18 legal.
@zdcyclops1 lickley Maybe that’s why they crossed state lines.
I think dump has “dirt” on most of the GOP and he is blackmailing them with it.
Bad poo always floats to the top eventually.
Nothing, and I mean that, nothing would surprise me with these people.
Putin does.
I do wonder if that was the reason for the Gaetz investigation under Barr.
@Christopher Oliver Hmmm…interesting…
Anyone who has listened to anything coming out of the GOP for the past 5 years knows that it’s worse. We never had congressmen, let alone SENATORS, stand with seditionists, nor have we ever had them outright deny reality itself to get their agenda through, regardless of the feelings of the voters who put them there! It’s BAD. And I think only criminal charges and arrest will stop some of them. I hope it comes soon, for Lindsey Graham, Matt Gaetz, Paul Gosar and the rest of them.
exactly none of them are being held accountable for their actions arrests need to be made for any of them to take things seriously. They can say and do whatever they want with impunity. They lie blatantly in the face of America. And they get away with it, ppls lives have been lost because of their actions from 500k of covid to the cop during the insurrection. Yet nobody is being held accountable
ACCOUNTABILITY may come slow but it is sure.