Former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta tells Andrea Mitchell that he finds it "difficult" to say it's okay to grant a waiver to Jim Mattis but not Gen. Lloyd Austin to serve as the first Black Defense Secretary, though he says Congress should consider doing away with the waiver to stick to the "principle of civilian leadership" at the Pentagon. He also says that President Trump's attempts to overturn the election are "sending a terrible message abroad…about the ability of our democracy to function.” Aired on 12/11/2020.
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About Andrea Mitchell: Andrea Mitchell is NBC News’ chief foreign affairs correspondent and host of MSNBC's "Andrea Mitchell Reports," an hour of political news and interviews with top newsmakers that airs each weekday at 12 p.m. ET on MSNBC.
In addition to politics, Mitchell covers foreign policy, intelligence and national security issues, including the diplomacy of Secretary of State John Kerry, for all NBC News and MSNBC properties.
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#LeonPanetta #PresidentTrump #MSNBC
Leon Panetta: 'We Have To Accept The Reality Of How Our Democracy Is Supposed To Function' | MSNBC
Its just another corporate hoax from the out going president during a pandemic extremely saddens the American people
Hostile takeover by the Republicans
What saddens me is half the country is as much a smooth brain as u
@scarfacekvdm Lol what? You need to turn off msdnc, commie news network and fox and pay attention to what is going on.
@John Doe get a life
Boh wow
It’s about time to quit molly coddling the juvenile delinquent
@Pamela Courts yep, I know that infact, I just responded to another person regarding NPD, you must of not read through the whole thread … no biggie
@Bjay AwesomeBlackDude what are you talkin about Trump’s the one that doesn’t want to give the stimulus check Ally you sound like Trump stop spreading false rumors like Trump
@Diana DBB so true we just have to make it to January 20th
@Fran H. 12:01 to be exact

Republican politicians & their electorate have failed America.
@Alicia Espinosa January 20th, dude. Just a matter of time.
Cascail Boutx Bill passed the house months ago,ask your friend Mitch why he went home without bringing it to the floor today.
Yoh wow
It also time for them to go to jail now!
@Alicia Espinosa Fast forward to Jan.20th Joe Biden takes the oath and is sworn in. Nothing can stop that now.
It’s sad how this Cult has Convinced so many stupid people that this Elections Integrity
@warrior of God Message from Q please stop
@r nhim ok
@r nhim not possible, the cult will never help they will only pretend they need help.
They were already stupid in some way. Convincing them wasn’t difficult.
@warrior of God Warrior of Stupidity keep fighting the dumb fight, wield the rubber chicken of self-righteous misinformation. I am embarrassed for you and saddened by your ability to be duped. You are not a warrior you are a victim
*In democracy, you believe it or not. In dictatorship, you believe it or else.* -Evan Esar
@Mark Smith just pointing out you love autocratic rulership so much, you won’t be happy here under a law abiding POTUS and a law abiding Attorney General
“gop doesn’t have ideas – it just has rationalizing.”
@Mark Smith you want people who disagree with you to leave?
that’s weird.
@Mark Smith “texts” from hunter biden?
link to that?
Yes indeed. It’s a culture of intimidation in the GOP.
Republicans have gone beyond merely hating Democrats and are now hating on Democracy itself.
You nailed it Emsley
@None Given sounds like you used a translator .
@Dementia Joe you uneducated embesol, Biden has a Stuttering Problem that he overcame but sometimes it kicks in. You must like orange
Idiots , no surprise.
@MooMoo what did the bear say to the bear hunter?
@schhdnn Suus Is this a stutter! I got hairy legs,that,that,that,that,that turn blonde in the sun and kids would rub my legs and jump on my lap and that taught me about roaches! Corn Pop was a bad dude and he ran with some bad boys! Obama was the first clean intelligent black man! Wow what a stutter!!
All this because snowflake Trump’s ego can’t handle the fact he lost the election! Unbelievable!!
@Nina Blue???
@Jay I think Nina is approving with Mike – that T is a loser….???
He lost by over 8 million votes it was quite impressive, everybody is talking about it, nobody has seen numbers like this, they say sir you lost, you lost big to sleepy joe Biden the worst candidate in history
Goh wow
Never voting gop as long as i live
James, the Republican Presidents in the last several decades have expanded government, created new agencies and cut taxes and ran us into the largest amount of debt we’ve ever known.
They no longer advocate small government, haven’t since Nixon.
They haven’t once ever passed a single limitation on abortion with a trifecta controlling the house Senate and presidency… They simply don’t intend to do so. They’ve had ample opportunity.
They’re against paying a living wage, which requires millions of Americans to need government assistance while working full time or more to get by, which effectively subsidizes large corporations like Wal-Mart because they don’t have to pay a living wage.
That’s anti competitive to a small business owner starting a business, as they need a living wage to survive, and their competition is subsidized by the government.
That stifles new business growth, and lowers the amount of available decent paying jobs.
No one should need multiple jobs to live in a one bedroom apartment and take care of basic necessities.
Trickle down economics is a scam that makes the rich richer, and the working class poorer every year since it began life is worse for everyone who works.
Reconsider the actual voting records on legislation of everyone you voted for and if you believe they improved anything for your family.
@James Chappell As Luke Skywalker said to Kylo Ren, “Everything you just said is wrong.” If you ever really grow up, you will realize that.
I know that’s right!!
@Tracy Evans they’re literally selling themselves out, on the national stage, pandering for future elections…. Wow, and to think, a mere 10 years ago they would’ve been run outta town on a rail…
Toh wow
Why on earth is it that the courts can’t stop DT from continuing his lies. He has always lied,why can’t he be stopped? It’s UNBELIEVABLE
@Toby Jean Yes but Trump is not lying under oath. In court, they don’t lie, only in public.
He has immunity from prosecution until he leaves office – then he is going to jail. He lied his way into the Whitehouse, he lied all throughout his term in office, he lies about losing the election; he is truly evil.
@Martin Woods can’t wait to see this whining baby get his due spanking
Imagine how it would look if the President of the United States was declared a Vexatious Litigant.
Hoh wow
Trump the bully. He’s calling out Democrats, are you tough enough? Get his taxes. You must defeat him.
Tax evasion brought the untouchable Al Capone down, the RICO statute can get Trump as well if the federal and state prosecutors have the balls to do it. I pray they have the courage to bring this Abomination to Justice. This piece of garbage does not deserve to breathe the same air as we free Americans do.
… And his socalled college transcripts, that should be good for a laugh or two…
Moh wow
Republicans appeasing Trump’s delusion.This is a mental health crisis.
They will all be up for re-election at some point. In the end this will encourage more Republicans to vote against their own party.
They already had Republicans vote Biden for President. Yet they voted with their party on all the lower seats. Next election it won’t make a difference who is running for the Republican party. It’s a disgrace to our political system that they are trying to dishonor countless votes!
Can you be a little more dramatic, missy?
It’s a mental health epidemic which includes half the Republican Party along with Diane Feinstein who is suffering from age related cognitive deficits. I’m in my seventies and there comes a time when individuals must step back and retire.
@Uncle Mo All of the Republicans who were elected on Nov 3 are NOT elected if they were fraudulently elected – you can’t have it both ways.
Soh wow
The only evidence of fraud is Donnie himself.
@James steig “Trump just lost at least 49 court cases”
no he didnt
he only filed 3 and now he intervened in a state governors suit
all those other cases were other ppl
go check court documents for names if u dont believe me
@James steig “They’re all lying right? ”
how can u lie when u dont even interview witnesses?
@James steig “You have nothing. ZERO proof of voter fraud.”
except for video evidence plus 1000s of affidavits
@James steig “Treasonous coward. This country means NOTHING to you! ”
says the person ignoring fraud
@James steig “ou have no idea what your talking about EVER”
says the person ignoring video evidence and 1000s of affidavit testimony
It raises questions about GOP reps sanity.
The only “failure of the system” was when Trump wasn’t run out on a rail when he was impeached. Republican Senators continue to fail us.
Remember he tried to trash the postal service, suppresses voting everywhere he could. And still lost
@Ed Brown Trump belongs in an orange jumpsuit, which will match his complexion.
Evildoers don’t l last forever
Too big to rig.
A medicare statement was misdelivered to my address. It took three days to get the postal system to redeliver it. The intended recipient lived a mile from me. I almost delivered it but decided I didn’t want to be shot by a stranger.
Doh wow
Trump broke America. Like he breaks everything else he touches.
Robert Boyd@ YEAH, the bankruptcy king
Wow. That is utterly and quite simply, profound.
Poh wow
President Biden MUST go after these criminals and show them up for the traitors they are.
President Biden can’t interfere in any prosecution the Attorney General that he will appoint will hopefully handle them. If a President Biden interferes he will be no better than Trump and Barr!
Hoh wow
Republicans have abandoned federalism, states rights and Democracy itself.
100% I wish they would move to Russia. That’s what they want, go get it.
And nothing will happen.
RON JOHNSON traveled to moscow on July 4th in 2018: he tried to cover it up with fake tweets.
RON JOHNSON is going to be the senator that mirrors Mo Brooks to try to overturn electors.
Zoh wow
@efs 1066 And in today’s world truth exposed and never will.
The republican party has a long history of wanting to dispense with elections.
There should be consequences for trying to overthrow an election.