Lemon slams Trump’s attacks on Biden and Marine vet congressman

CNN's Don Lemon says President Donald Trump is taking the low road by spreading lies about Rep. Conor Lamb (D-PA), MSNBC host Joe Scarborough and retweeting insults aimed at Stacey Abrams and Joe Biden.

#Trump #CNN #News


  1. If anyone can be called an oppressor, the uneducated unfit orange clown is one big oppressor of anyone of color.

    1. Of anyone period that dares disagree with him. He doesnt see color or in living color. Equal oppritunist hater, anyone will do.

    2. Your so intellectual…tired of that narrative that the dems are superior intellectually to reps…there are examples of pretty stupid people on both sides…Look how don lemon interprets what trump says and contrast that to his interpretation of all the racist comments coming from the left/libs…

  2. I never heard of him, I never met him, I don’t know anything about him. Is his answer for everything. It’s sick.

    1. yeah or the extreme opposite like ‘no one knows it like i do’, i have the best knowledge, i have known it all my life… like the bestest, most tremendous, biggest…. no normal person talks like that

    2. That’s the rope a dope Trump that damns him. It’s a lie every single time and we know it.

  3. He’s knows about white supremacy especially since his cronies Moscow Mitch, Lindsey graham, Paul Rond and others

    1. Hey Joseph get off the CNN bandwagon. Go after Biden. Hes more racist than you. Remember You ain’t blk if yiu dint vote Biden. Or Biden comment csnt walk into 7 11 or dunkin and not have a slight Indian accent. Keep believing lemon the dum racist and yiu are just fool. Trump will win thanks to lemon and CNN

    2. @Larry Victory You must have been one of those good people from Charlottesville that your fuhrer refers to.

  4. “Autocracy feeds on fear, misery, resentment and lies”
    Trump is enjoying telling his lies.
    Trump base is the true human trash.

    1. @Robert Clawson if one is complicit with the other they are both bad. Which I think they are.

  5. 3:32
    “Perhaps he doesn’t own a mirror or scale.”
    Don Lemon says EVERYTHING we wish we could say in front of a national audience.

    1. Don lemmon is not even a real man. Who is his butt buddy by the way. He should not talk about other men, he has no idea what a real man is.

    2. Mickey Holler Lemon might be gay but at least he has more balls than Trump and all his supporters whom the only thing they do is to disrespect others…

    3. Chris Newman I hope you are aware that his running mate is black and he was talking to blacks bc he knows whites are to far gone… would rather keep a racist in the WH

  6. The soldiers died to protect American lives. Seems a respectful thing for Biden to wear a mask and try to do the same.

    Trump is such a 🐖

    1. Your Local Crackhead so a verbal statement is worse than deaths of 100k people and more in the future?

    1. Really?that is your argument? Are you going to give Biden a free pass right now?seriously his comment towards blacks and India are horrifying yet yiu chise to argue about trump insulting someone’s weight despite him being provoked. Yiu are hypocrite. Trump in a landslide win In 2020

    2. @Brenda Leal Brenda….why is it….people have call names just because they don’t see the same….you are right ….its sad…

  7. The mask doesn’t protect you; it shows your concern for others. So why would Trump wear one?

    1. FDR was rarely seen in public in his wheel chair. He didn’t want to be though of as weak. I get that he doesn’t want to be seen wearing a mask. It’s a person preference until it’s mandatory.

    2. @koreantiger99 If he’s turning the Coronavirus into a RED/BLUE issue, he just showing what an Ignorant Simpleton he is. COVID19 don’t care what you vote, as long as it can jump on you and kill your immunity, then jump on to the next guy.

  8. When you are obese – never wear khaki pants with a brown belt that emphasises you are a fat lying waste of fresh air. Just saying.

  9. “Perhaps he doesn’t own a mirror or a scale”!!!! YEEEAAAHHH BBBOOOIII!!! Owned him! That was my favorite part!!!

  10. America is going to hell in demon donnie’s handbasket. He’s not really the US president he just plays one on TV

    1. Yeah..and al Sharpton Jessie Jackson rev wright still treated like ethical people…biggest racist out there…

  11. You know he’s gonna lose if all the material he has is mocking Joe Biden for wearing a mask lol

    1. @Archie Bunker1488 Like what? Lyin’ Tara Reade and Obamagate? And food for thought…. Trump practically committed treason & got impeached for it because he’s just that scared of running against Biden

    2. This is no joke. Please, register and vote Blue even *IF THE POLLS TELL YOU BIDEN WILL WIN.* Don’t make the same 2016 mistake when you didn’t vote because the polls told you Hillary would win. *We need to get this Human garbage, the Russians, and the Saudis out of the White House.* Don’t let the Poorly Educated Extremists elect an imbecile like the Fake President Trump.
      Please *I BEG YOU,* Vote Blue and Save America please.
      For Trump, a hero nurse, is a dead nurse. Please, please vote.

    1. @Lourdes Fonseca Perhaps he doesn’t allow a scale near his fat little feet. But unless he’s put OUR mirrors in storage, from “OUR PEOPLES HOUSE,” there’s plenary of mirrors around his big butt!

  12. Did everyone forget, he said he could shot a person in the middle of New York and get away with it. Well😷 he appears to be proving his point. Wake up people.

    1. @Jim Andrews they only wanted Kavanaugh supreme court seat..biden can be as stupid as he wants..he’ll still be a diamond in their eyes..😂🤣🤪.they care nothing for the American people

  13. Let them have their damn convention!!!
    Let the covid-19 to the job!!!
    Reign of lies,corruption & deception!!!
    He has an deadly obsession!!!
    Toddler in chief. Commander in cheat!!!

    1. Infamous Chef
      Joe has swag in mask and secured enough to wear one!
      Hats off to swagger joe!

  14. “I know nothing about David Duke” interesting that “The stable genius” NEVER knows anyone . His standard response to everyone he fires! I’m surprised he hasn’t denied knowing Melania yet.

    1. Remember his father,Fred was arrested attending a KKK meeting and David Duke being a grand wizard surely had received Donnie into the klan.

    2. David Duke endorsed your antisemitic racist congresswoman Ilhan Omar, named antisemite of the year by the largest antisemitic watchdog company in the country. Hypocrites

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