Legendary virus hunter Peter Piot developed coronavirus symptoms in March and is still experiencing the aftereffects. He speaks with Christiane Amanpour about his ordeal.
#CNN #News
Legendary virus hunter speaks out after getting infected

Legendary virus hunter Peter Piot developed coronavirus symptoms in March and is still experiencing the aftereffects. He speaks with Christiane Amanpour about his ordeal.
#CNN #News
“Legendary Virus Hunter”
Please educate those who claims it’s just the flu👌🏾
Sorry, your talking about trumps brainless disposable pawns, they are like old dogs…they don’t learn new tricks.
They are a shrinking cult devoted to him, however he cares NOTHING for them, but they don’t care.
Tracy Davison Maybe stop believing all the people coming on CNN and spewing fear…. https://swprs.org/a-swiss-doctor-on-covid-19/?fbclid=IwAR1wBHmO0uQ8BN7mEuG43-RL9glY565hbVsD3Ikmi1l6IPrqr0pN64fC6XY
Dr. Fauci said is the flu I guess he’s not an expert now
@Crystal Telf you are copying and pasting this comment everywhere, karen
OMG I had that 5 years and I was in the hospital for almost a month what your saying is right
Do you get the flu vaccine?
Imagine being so sick in the head that you’re willing to vote for a man that has downplayed a virus that ultimately killed close to 100,000 currently, just to “own the libs”
maybe you’ll be #100,001.
@Spade pretty much. I personally blame this weird obsession with trump everyone has. The entire existence of the left and the right revolves around Trump now, it’s turning them both into cults, which is funny cause they both see each other as a cult but refuse to recognize it within themselves.
@Kim Wallace That’s something NOBODY ever considered.
Could explain why Melania
stays away from him.
She was showing us even then
how to do social distancing.
Your thoughts here…………..
MC KO Trump didn’t close the country. He said it’s up to the governors to handle it. He made the PPE and med supply worse by GIVING China 17 tons of PPE and med supplies to China when he was praising China for its response to Covid 19. And now that we are where we are almost a 100k dead and almost 40 million unemployed his re-election chances looking bad. He is demanding the country reopened. Sending his cult out to storm state building with guns. He is a threat to our country and I am sorry you can’t see that.
Where were you we he closed down air travel from China and Europe?
Thank You💜💜💜❗💯❗🙏🏾
This guy is a hero, too. I do wish him well. I’m Dutch. It’s just a bummer that he got it. I’m fearful of my parents getting it. They live in Oregon and my dad will be 80 in October. My mom and dad are just hunkering down hunkering down hunkering down. 💜
sounds like they have had a good run. perhaps they want to get it if it means not having to talk to you
It’s sad that he got the virus and I’m very glad he’s recovering. It’s beneficial that an expert can tell us about his experience as he is a reliable source and can really educate us.
@11STARFIRE I so hate our current government. They’ve killed thousands and they just don’t care. Money and power is all they’re concerned about.
11STARFIRE Bill Gates is dangerous.
Very interesting and worthwhile video.
Thank you so much for sharing this. God bless you!
I’m truly sorry to hear you’ve been ill. I’m glad to see you are still here. 😇
It’s sad that some people don’t believe that this virus is any worse than the flu. It’s a new virus and even though its effected millions, we still don’t know everything about it. Its already shown to have many different levels of symptoms. So when people think it’s ok to open the country back up because it’s only the flu and it only kills older and sick patients, I think they’re not taking this seriously enough.
What’s worse is people freak out about this virus (rightfully so) but cardiovascular disease and strokes kill 600,00 + Americans every year. But we won’t see people emphasizing better health practices for a healthy heart… In a small town like mine as a Vol Firefighter we got cardiac arrest calls (3-6 a day) and overdoses still from the heroin epidemic daily, but this virus makes headlines and will stay on people’s minds longer and will pe politicized by all media outlets and government officials…
@Sinister Minister I’m an American and I do take personal responsibility for my actions. A lot of us do. Unfortunately we have a criminal president and staff and you hear mostly from the whiny right wingers who are Trumps drones. The silent majority are staying home and making do. We are careful and willing to put up with inconvenience to emerge safely. We need to get rid of the Orange Hitler and friends. Please don’t judge us all by the far right. They’re nuts.
@Tony F you’re right but this has been killing 30,000 a month. That’s horrific. A lot of cardiac problems are due to choice. Not that that really matters but the way this virus spreads is alarming.
Tony F oh my god the lack of education are just horrendous. This is a virus and it is 1 to 100 transmissible, that could overwhelm the healthcare that could end up killing more than any transmissible disease. Heart disease is not transmissible, it is mostly self infected, its that not clear enough? This virus is new, and China didn’t really report correctly of how much damage it does to to Wuhan population. So thats why the Scientist and all other healthcare workers are scared because we don’t know much about it.
@Todd Todd Yeah but 30k a month = 360k a year, not even half that of cardiovascular disease death alone not including stroke and its not choice entirely, I know people who were health nuts all their life and still have heart problems in older adulthood, working with EMTS I seen and heard of kids and even babies less than a year old have heart issues, young adults (18-30yrs.) of normal physique have heart attacks. This is a horrific virus but humanity is a greater threat to itself in its ignorance for health/safety and other issues (gun-violence, car accidents, war , etc) and even our climate impact threatens humanity in the long-run but we act blind to all the things we could be doing better, but this virus only woke people up about the true mortality of humans once it barred them from getting haircuts and going to the bars. Our first-responders and famlies already had tragedies in their communities for years but the public doesn’t see the impact until the news cares to cover it. And the moment we aren’t inconvenienced anymore we will acknowledge this point in history but not change a thing…
What is really worrisome is that he says that w/o vaccine it will be not possible to control the pandemic. And that there is no guarantee that a vaccine will be found.
Yep, america doesn’t have the ability to do more than slow the virus. 100,000 deaths is only the beginning.
Two months ago I had exhaustion, headache, and positional vertigo for a week after watching the Tyson Fury fight during a party at my brother-in-law’s. I thought at the time it was just the world’s worst hangover. A week after that, my sister had a 5-day fever. At the same time, my wife’s asthma started a month-long flare-up. Were they all connected? Were they actually mild instances of Covid-19? The fact that we still can’t even get an antibody test because we were neither “sick enough” at the time nor front-line healthcare workers is an indictment of the American healthcare system.
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Rod Bud he’s referring to antibody tests
Sorry man, you are just part of a 360 million population. But if it makes you fell better i haven’t been tested yet either, and like you, I’m still alive.
I’m so sorry you have been ill I hope trump is out he’s very dangerous and just crazy
Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious Rod two months ago you couldn’t get tested in my state if you weren’t admitted to the hospital.
@Cold Beer Sorry man, my sister is dead !
Soooooooooo……subliminal message speaking, Peter is pretty much saying….”you may recover, but it doesn’t go away…and even worse…it comes back unexpectedly….kind of like people with HIV….you know…that AIDS thing.”😪😪😪😪😔😔😔😔
I like u
This Amanpour reporter oozes talent. i find her quite excellent
Agreed! That kid’s goin’ places i tells ya.
🙂 She was around for a long, long time …
abocas in a far far away galaxie.
It sounds like he caught what he was looking for.
I don’t understand why people say “it’s just the flu”. Have these people ever had the flu?!?! I had it when I was 29 (young) and I’ve never been so sick in my life. Fever for almost two weeks, dry, painful cough, exhaustion. I couldn’t lift head off the pillow and I had no appetite for nearly two weeks. It was a really bad flu season and that was the last time I ever skipped the flu shot. This sounds like it’s worse and I’m afraid of getting it.
Didn’t get the flu vaccine did you?
Sharon H the answer to your question is, because they are idiots !
I think people just don’t know the difference between the flu and a common cold. idiots.
@Armed Archangel flu dont kill 90000 Americans in 2 months
I relate to your experience. This same thing happened to me about 6 yrs ago, and I have never skipped a flu vaccine after that either. It was so bad. It was a month long ordeal that I will never forget. It was awful. When ppl say it’s only the flu…🤦♀️.
It’s obvious that he is still not well…
Two months and he’s still not fully recovered. This virus is not very deadly, but that’s no joke.
Sure hope he does not get advanced Pulmonary problems.
Once I recovered from the exhaustion, I literally had to learn to walk with stability again. Now at 70 years of age, I have no problem walking 8 kilometers a day, but I never thought that I would be able to do that again.