Legal heavy hitters reject Trump as investigation heats up, reporter says

A new report from the Washington Post says that former President Donald Trump is struggling to assemble a team of veteran lawyers to defend him against the Justice Department's investigation into the handling of confidential documents at Mar-a-Lago. Post reporter Isaac Arnsdorf joins New Day to discuss. #CNN #News


    1. @BARRON VON SCHNEIDER It’s not a “fishing expedition” if they knew in advance that he had the documents.

    2. @ROFFLESTOMP Quite true. I decided to use the Napoleon version because I didn’t want to be called a communist by using the one from China. 🙂

  1. Trumps lawyers tend to end up going to jail. It’s no wonder he would have trouble finding representation:)

  2. Fear Not: mere personal and professional integrity has never stood between a law firm and the lure of historic infamy.

    1. @ ww sak beth I am wondering what it is you people get out of your incessant disingenuousness. Pretending to misunderstand obvious statements, pretending that you think a person meant the opposite of what they said, switching around the pronouns in a comment someone makes — basically just echoing whatever people say and making a grammatical switch to change its meaning. “So you mean”, followed by the opposite of what they meant. Etc etc. Such a ubiquitous rhetorical tactic with the MAGA crowd, and so creepily childish.
      I can’t work out whether it is just a really basic, primitive bot script — or if real human beings are dumb enough to think pretending to be absolute morons is some sort of political point-scoring. I’m mystified by what it is you think that you achieve when you do this. Other than to make Trumpism seem even more dishonest and even more cringeworthy than Trump makes it already.

    1. I don’t think that the hard case would persuade most…more the not getting paid, and that many Trump lawyers end up needing their own lawyers, plus try giving advice to Trump, or if you say no to unethical or illegal things, Trump will be happy to try to send a mob of his more unhinged and gullible fans after you Pence style. What good lawyer says “sign me up for that please!”

    1. Did MSM tell you that? You people seem to buy whatever they’re selling. The true meaning of “sheeple.”

    1. He got lawyers who peddle conspiracy theories just like his lawyer who always on FoX news, she’s a lawyer over at they OAN news network. Lmao.

  3. Pretty sadly, he has new attorneys he has convinced that he did nothing illegal, that he will follow their advice, and actually pay them. They are putting their law licenses on the line because he has historically gotten his attorneys to do illegal things. He will convince them to stay when they have misgivings and it will destroy their future.

    1. @Yowie369 I think the darkness has claimed the poor soul once more. He’ll be back in 2028 for Cheney vs Buttigieg

  4. Plan A : Plead insanity

    Plan B : Go with the second tier legal team and then appeal your conviction due to ineffective counsel. Rinse. Repeat.

    1. Jones was also firing lawyers as part of an attempt to drag out the process until it ran out of time. Which Trump will also doubtless try.

  5. He’s so obviously guilty that even O.J. Simpson’s dream team of lawyers couldn’t save him from prosecution!😅

  6. Could it be that no reputable lawyer wants to lose their license to represent someone who they know is going to self incriminate themselves every chance they get?

  7. “Heavy-hitter” attorneys demand huge retainers, and all of them demand that clients follow their advice, i.e. criminal defendants SHUT their mouths.

  8. Trump: “I have the best lawyers”
    Everyone: “Which ones? The disbarred, the indicted, or the imprisoned?”

  9. “He doesn’t always take advice. He doesn’t always pay the bill”. Yes, but add that he insists on total control over the legal strategy.. Attorneys should insist on a ten million dollar fee up front. before they do one thing for Trump.

  10. Does Trump ever take any responsibility for his actions? Is there any limit to his wrong doing?

  11. Gosh….it’s amazing how QUALIFIED lawyers won’t work for someone who has a history of NOT paying his attorneys. That is a mystery.

    1. @Loyalty Create Word is that they had to make colorful posters of classified material, all flash-bang to keep his attention, then he wanted to ‘keep the paper’ because he liked it so much. A lot of those papers were never retrieved. He probably was taking them up to the Residence on a nightly basis, only to cart them to MAL when he went there. He amassed dozens of boxes of God Knows What a few pieces at a time. I’m sure he was thinking of selling them to the highest bidder.

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