The Justice Department investigation continues into whether documents from the Trump White House were illegally mishandled when they were brought to his Mar-a-Lago resort in Florida after he left office. #CNN #News
Legal experts in new report conclude there’s a ‘strong basis’ to charge Trump

Why is Garland tiptoeing around this criminal? Arrest and indict him NOW!
@HughJaxident67 You said “The case against him wasn’t expedited until he was out of office.”
The reason he wasn’t kicked out of office is because the Republicans controlled the Senate.
You cannot vet MAGA, because you cannot pick a jury based on who they voted for. Do you really think these cultists will be honest during the vetting process?
*You said “The case against him wasn’t expedited until he was out of office.”*
I was referencing the NY AG ruling on the Trump organisations ‘creative accounting’
*You cannot vet MAGA, because you cannot pick a jury based on who they voted for*
Agreed, but there is a vetting process for jury selection, I’d like to think they wouldn’t just taken someone’s word for their political affiliations. Still, being from the UK I am not 100% sure concerning due process here.
*Do you really think these cultists will be honest during the vetting process?*
Absolutely not, in fact, it’s probably certain they would be deliberately dishonest.
@HughJaxident67 You said “I was referencing the NY AG ruling on the Trump organisations ‘creative accounting’ ”
I wasn’t even addressing that because they may not even prosecute him for that. In fact, if memory serves me, he may skate that, even though others may take the fall like his financial advisor.
You said “Agreed, but there is a vetting process for jury selection, I’d like to think they wouldn’t just taken someone’s word for their political affiliations. Still, being from the UK I am not 100% sure concerning due process here. ”
In the US it’s different. They can’t ask you about political party affiliation. That isn’t a reason they can disqualify a juror. I would wish since, he stole those documents from DC that’s where they try him and atleast we will know that he will get a fair trial.
@Ryooken The NY AG investigation is a civil case I understand, not a criminal case, but yes, that was the one I was referring to which as you know, was not during his tenure. The judge has now appointed a legal independent monitor to the Trump organisation, so the shackles are now on, still, I’d tend to agree that someone else may end up being the fall guy for this case. I recall Trump pleaded the 5th hundreds of times during this case, didn’t he once say only criminals and the mob plead the 5th? Ironic eh….
Concerning the Jurors, can they not profile them at all? Social media footprint or any other background checks? Seems a leap of faith to simply trust a Juror at face value wouldn’t you say? One thing is crystal clear, he stole top secret documents that are the property of the US government and by doing so, compromised US agents lives. I cannot see how Trump will not get indicted under the espionage act and for obstruction.
For the sake of the US, its legal integrity and its democracy, this needs to happen.
@tae fravis GOP won the house trailer dweller. Learn to read. Prison for all democrats
He is being treated differently, anyone else would be in jail trying his appeals. Imo
@billy webb or, don’t like it, change it.
@andrea Perry What are you talking about…Obama. How did he get in the conversation. How about, if anyone steals classified documents, which is an issue if national security, they should face the full force of the law.
@George Moncure I’m with you George. I’m not ready to give up on full prosecution. By stealing those classified documents and how carelessly he handled them, it’s s serous issue of national security and he will be prosecuted. I want all the facts in place so there is no error. And I want it to be absolutely the right thing to do. You know, justice. Its too monumental a decision for our country and we don’t want to go down that banana republic road that DT has led us..
@billy webb The Problem Is That His Legal Teams DON’T GET PAID, If They Don’t Do Things HIS WAY, To Keep Prolonging His Continuing Drawn Out Legal Battles… A Top Notch TURD Indeed…
Nixon-“I am not a crook!”
Trump-“I plead the 5th because I am a crook!”
@Duane R. Absolutely if Biden or his son did anything wrong then throw the book at them….However there is NOTHING they could have done that comes in anyway close to the crimes that Trump needs to pay for.He needs to pay NOW!
@Sean Concannon I’m all in on accountability regardless of status.
@Madison Gittens is that why everything they charge him with goes nowhere, they don’t call him Teflon Don for nothing

good one!
@Diana Hill organized religion is being used to spread hate and political ideology. Tax them or close them down.
If you got a case don’t talk about it Get it done That’s why it’s all bored Everybody still talking about it instead of getting it done
Cause they have no real case or evidence. If they did it been moving forward. This is just to try and attempt to stain Trump again. Which never works. Cause? He hasn’t done nothing wrong.
They don’t have a real case
@Kremithefrog1 They have a real case, but they have to tip toe around it because of too many folks like you.
@Kremithefrog1 thank you. I agree.
He has got away with a lot of illegal things and all they do is make half hearted attempts. When I was a soldier in a classified position I was told if any documents were misplaced or missing I would be punished under the UCMJ why is my clearance obligations less than this civil servant… how can this be ignored?? We couldn’t even be in debt because it would increase our chance of possible espionage
@David Dillard Johnson Nah stealing classified document is worse, stop crying.
@David Dillard Johnson So you got no proof Trump is innocent….got it
Who Pelosi?
@Leroy Jenkins You first.
What scares me is that some say he used those documents like trophies and did show and tell with them for anyone who wanted to. He has one of the classified folders on display in his restaurant. god knows how many he sold to his best friends , our enemies.
Imagine someone stealing classified docs and then announcing he’s a candidate for president.
WHAT. !!! ??? THAT’S CRAZY !!!
Oh, it’s the United States? Well, that sounds like them.
“You can do anything — anything, when you’re a star.” He said himself he was a snake. He said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose any voters. He said not paying taxes was smart. He continues to play that card. It’s his brand. It looks ballsy to a lot of people. His flailing about comes across as a kind of folksy freedom. But I think we’ve had just about enough of it.
@Jason T respect dude 100% agree it makes me sad most ppl in these comments won’t see it that way
@Space Lemur Bill and Hillary Clinton?
If they have the evidence and they don’t charge him they need to be charged for covering up his crimes
@Jake USMC Your post has been forwarded to the FBI for threatening a public official
OMG have never seen so many stupid comments.Reminds me of republicans
@Ellen Faulkner it actually reminds me of democrats that support known paedophiles that take their own kids down to the local paedophile friendly library and have convicted paedophiles spread their asses and show off their junk to your kids, sounds like democrats to me,
@Harry Farber
well, the simple fact that the FBI served a search warrant on Mar A Lago should tell you the FBI *_has been investigating_*
.. or did you think they did that as a “training exercise”
What s the chane of that
Did we really need “legal experts” to tell us that?
I figured this out, on my own, a long time ago!
Months go by and in fact nothing happens to hold Trump accountable for his behavior. He is slippery as an eel and laughs at everyone.
@DOUG. A. Months go by and in fact nothing happens to hold Trump accountable for his behavior. He is slippery as an eel and laughs at everyone.
@John Valk no. the resolve of the DOJ is not there. He should have been tried right afterwards. WE ARE LOSING OUR NATION. RISE MARCH DEMAND JUSTICE
that they did have a case, doofus.
Trump, no longer the President in office, had no need or right to “hang on to documents to work on at home”
.. the whole “I declassified the documents” line was a red herring, an attempt to distract by Trump that the press swallowed
.. it’s irrelevant whether Trump declassified any documents — they would still be government documents
I’m getting really tired of this whole “there’s evidence he could be charged blah blah blah” and then NOTHING ever happens. The man is never held accountable. We can talk until we are blue in the face but in the end will anything ever actually happen?
Yea, I think most people are sick of hearing what legal trouble Trump COULD be in. How about actual charges for a change.
@NJcruiser exactly! I don’t get too excited anymore.
The DOJ is fearful of setting a precedent?! Granted, it can be a minefield right from the indictment to the trial proper. If ever there was a dire time and need for a precedent, this is it.
Now we find out we are getting a special counsel to look into the matter. How many months will that suck up. By then we will be way into the 2024 presidential election cycle. Even if the report recommends indicting Trump, Garland will probably say that he doesn’t want to appear political right before an election. Ged help us.
” give everything back because it’s mine” Sure sounds like a confession to me!
Not when they were NOT classified. The DOJ yesterday said Trump did nothing criminally.
“Strong basis to charge” is what the 10 prominent minds concluded in their report, but what they actually said among themselves collectively was, “Are you kidding me? This guy’s as guilty as sin!”
@John B keep crying, your tears bring me joy.
@Harold kinda like you repeat the word y”all
Taking top secret documents home, refusing to return all of them, lying to federal investigators claiming to have returned them all, coercing GA’s Secretary of State to commit election fraud by falsifying already-certified vote tallies, etc.
@gary quartyLet’s start with the ones he’s openly admitted to… ON video. Fraud, Sedition, Tax evasion, sexual assault, rape, conspiracy to overthrow the US government, treason… Trump’s not running FOR president. He’s running FROM prison. Hahaha Hahaha Hahaha
Will they actually do anything to him??? Would they ever put someone in jail like him????
Other people who were suspected of committing major crimes wasn’t given thanksgiving and Christmas off. The DOJ is making things worse by not acting immediately to charge Trump and his cronies.

If the DOJ delay any further this will be like another failed impeachment. We are they afraid of the criminal!
So correct!!!!!
I’ll take you seriously once Hillary is locked up.
A government employee in Hawaii was recently found guilty of taking “classified docs” home for her work, not secret, not top secret, and she got 3 months in jail
I bet she was found to have them, arrested not indicted, and has gone through the entire legal process to be found guilty, and will most likely serve her entire 3 month conviction before they even indict Donald Trump.
@ross robinson That’s exactly what I was thinking….
Yes, and it should be said that she can never work for the government or a defense contractor again. Also, she’s Black.
@Joseph Griffin just curious, like what presidents and what documents?
Exactly right …. and Chump and his cronies should have indicted long ago and in jail by now.
He’s all ready treated differently. Still at large when literally everyone else who have done this is in the slammer
A few fools got shot and killed for trying again at a few separate locations.
“If it was a normal person, this would mean prison time.” — “Absolutely.”
“I plead Not Normal, your Honor.”
@The End I don’t even bother pointing out the obvious to people like you anymore. Too exhausting and you guys don’t want to understand Trump is a con man. Not fighting. Sorry!
@ItsMia They’re all con men! So if the world and I do better under one than the other, do the math.
I don’t feel normal anymore..
@Barbara The American flag does not exist, what does exist is the flag of the United States. Which means the U.S. is not America..
@JS Star If you’re not American, you can’t hardly be from the United States either..
It doesn’t take a genius to figure out there’s plenty to charge him with… Apparently what is lacking is the courage to actually do it.
@Damien Haydon obviously you won’t admit that he committed the criminal acts. He stole your reasoning ability along with the documents
@Den B deflecting
They’re getting there. Keep in mind, though, that the law takes time. Often more time that ordinary people would prefer. But the time is needed to build a solid case.
@Sonomacats you’re dreaming
Just indict him already!! What in the heck are we waiting for still?

@Mohamed Abdulle sure, they’re doing it just for fun, not because he stole secret documents, lied to investigators, did nothing during a failed insurrection he started that killed five and….he’s a role model for our children we should worship him—says parts of America.
@JS Star how ?
Exactly! They have so much against him that it’s mind-boggling! If they weren’t afraid of political repercussions, he’d already be in prison, I think. I want to believe that our justice system will work and put him in prison where he belongs.
@ItsMia What if it’s not what you think and they are the ones that are the traitor s
One of the problems is, these things take so long, with investigations into what’s completely obvious, that they lose momentum and public interest.
With ALL due respect, we have been hearing this for the last 5 years. I will believe it when I see it!
I am getting news fatigue from all these reports and opinions, and yet nothing happens. It is depressing.
They’ll get there. I suspect they’re extremely close since the DOJ has appointed a special counsel.