Legal expert: Trump campaign lawsuits are ‘political theatre’ designed to enflame supporters

Northwestern's Michael Kang discusses the legal maneuvering from the Trump campaign and if it will spark civil unrest.


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  1. Remember the last elections the Democrats telling folks to get out and demonstrate to kick out a duly elected President

  2. I think some of Trump’s claims have merit. I was watching the numbers in Georgia last night, and Biden got around 40,000 in the two hour span and Trump got 0. I have a hard time buying that not a single mail in ballot had Trump on it

    1. @Wild Card Nation Sunshine, of course you care who wins. You do realize everyone else can see your multiple comments on this youtube channel by clicking on your name, right? I can read your pro-Trump comments all over the channel.

    2. @Wild Card Nation Isn’t it convenient that you can’t remember which, yet remember its a fact that he gained zero votes? How do you know he gained zero votes when you can’t even recall how many he had last night? You are soooo foolish.

      No, dum dum, that is NOT a fact. Facts don’t lie. You do.

    3. @Chris Anaxagoras You accuse everyone else of spreading lies, yet your lying more than those fat chicks on Maury. Aside from this post, I’ve commented on one saying “What is going on with this election” seems pretty biased eh.

    4. @Wild Card Nation You are alarmed I called you a liar, then, while defending yourself from such charges, you lie!!

      No, you didn’t just say “what’s going on with this election?” You’re spreading lies about voter fraud and corruption in the counting of votes. Don’t lie. You said that. Everyone can read your posts and see that you’re lying once again!!

  3. Democrats have been planning to steal this election for 4 years, to assume otherwise is to assume they don’t view his reelection as a bigger issue than rigging the election. They have said rigging the election is justified if it means replacing a person they consider a fascist, despite being the most pro-Israel pro-peace in the middle east president in decades.

    1. @Chris Anaxagoras First – Dems control the house, not the GOP. Second – Cheating can, and IS done at State Level. If you think all corruption is only accomplished within the confines of the basic levels of Government you’re incredibly ignorant.

    2. @Steven Foulger First, the Dems controlled the House ONLY since 2018. You claimed they were plotting for four years. Second, yes, corruption can occur at the federal or state level, indeed even at the country level. But that requires EVIDENCE you crackpot.

    3. Maybe he should have spent more time being pro-minority then things in his own country could have been better for all.

    4. @Karen Acton Are you kidding?? Surely you’re not that ignorant. Trump’s support from minorities are at an all time high, and no wonder. He’s done more for minorities that any other President in recent history. .

  4. They have until January 20. If at that time nothing is decided they will be no president. Obviously Biden and his team are cheating. If I was trump I would make it go all the way to January 20.

  5. or theyre lawsuits calling out fishy behaviour. getting a few hundred thousand mail in votes suddenly appear that are 100% biden while also chasing away and blocking poll watchers is the corruption i thought everyone would have a problem with. didnt the dems spend four years going on about election interference?

  6. Why did the Democrats change state voting rules last minute? Why did they ship out millions of unasked for ballots? To cheat of course.

  7. Pretty sure Trump has solidly lost Nevada at this point. Georgia is so close but I also believe he will lose his lead there. Pennsylvania still has a lot to count which is likely largely gonna be blue so I strongly believe he will lose that too. His supporters conspiracy theories and his attempt to take things to court will all be for nothing.

  8. The Deadline for states to choose their electors is set to be December 14, if the legal battles go on until then and the states cannot certify the results because they are disputed, the Supreme Court will order the house delegations to vote, not the house of representatives, and if that’s the case, Republicans win because they control 2 more delegates then Democrats

    1. @Richard C Hey, the Supreme court gave it to Bush in 2000 even though after a recount Gore had more votes, don’t rule it out in 2020 especially with a 6-3 conservative supreme court.

    2. @Justin Huang I expect this will be resolved by weeks end.
      Trump’s lawsuits are more about process and will go nowhere.

  9. Why dont u guys do real reporting. There is tons of evidence of voting fraud and shenanigans going on. Its ok though ballots have been watermarked and marked for authenticity. They will get to the bottom of this.

  10. It’s weird how Trump and his goons call any loss cheating or being rigged. Maybe cutting Bezos taxes massively instead of using that to help the middle class and poor isn’t as popular as conservatives think?

    1. Democrats weren’t spying you fool. An investigation i to the Trump campaign is necessary when many in the circle are in bed with Russia.
      If there were any merit to this, AG Barr would be acting on it, like flies on 💩

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