Lebanon's government stepped down on Monday night, less than a week after a massive explosion in Beirut killed more than 160 people and sparked days of violent protests.
Prime Minister Hassan Diab addressed the nation, announcing his resignation and that of his government in the wake of the blast, which he called a "disaster beyond measure."
In an impassioned speech, Diab berated Lebanon's ruling political elite for fostering what he called "an apparatus of corruption bigger than the state."
#CNNI #News
R.I.P to the people that died in this tragedy.
There is no power vacuum. Think of Lebanon as a company where the board tells the CEO and Executives to piss off while in the wings another corrupt CEO and executives are ready to take their place.
@William Campbell Are you really that insensitive? This is why no one likes Trump supporters. Seriously wtf. Some people lost everything, including loved ones.
@It’s not me, It’s you it was a hoax
@Black Dragon nobody lost anything chill out
@William Campbell Are you kidding? Seriously, what would it be a hoax for? Why’s the news lying about this? What’s it have to do with Trump? I know this may come as a shock to you, but not everything revolves around America. Your stupid cheeto man isn’t the center of the universe
This is actually something you wouldnt expect.
This is really trying to take some responsibility.
I do feel however, that something fishy is up.
@Glitchy Potato agree – Israel has been wanting this for a long time – check out this vid:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXOHVkLEkgo&list=PLCW_DpuIPuJKtbzJb0JRi_sNtJFcFUtHo&index=3&t=1s and the same weapons Israel has been using in Syria for the last couple months.
@K K No – its because the USA and Israel ARE always involved.
@Deborah Freedman and why did the Lebanese gov allow such huge amounts ammonium nitrate to be stored at the port? Plus WHO was paying these storage fees? Got nothing to do with bigotry – I’m surprised you didn’t start screaming “anti-semitism”.
All the lebanese goverments are just puppets assigned by the warlords who control this country, even if one of the minister has good intention and wanted to fix the country they won’t let him, nothing can be done without their permission, the warlords hold the real power and all the important decisions in this country, they will simply bring new puppets to form a new gov, and the cycle of corruption continue.
“The problem with the world is that the intelligent people are full of doubts, while the stupid ones are full of confidence.” – Charles Bukowski
@nothingclever99 look there you are again. What happened to “I’m out”?
@Chris R I’m not in the main thread…. Just here, doing the Lord’s work. Replying to idiots.
@nothingclever99 LOOK! There he is again!
@Chris R God bless you, Sir.
I give him credit for trying…the problem is the corruption is much more deeper than anyone can even process…n it’s sad the ppl are the ones who suffer and all forms of govt have corruption..even here in the US. Idc what u say all forms of Gov’t..all over the world have corruption….n when ppl try to change or clean them out they will make it difficult for them or just threaten them…if they can shoot rubber bullets and tear gas into crowds imagine what they do to ppl who try to help the ppl of the country or those who try to do right for the ppl.
People should not fear their Government…….The Government SHOULD FEAR THE PEOPLE.
@Chris McKenzie absolute nonsense as well
The Gov in Lebanon are just puppets assigned by the warlords who control this country, even if one of the minister has good intention and wanted to fix the country they won’t let him, nothing can be done without their permission, the warlords hold the real power and all the important decisions in this country, they will simply bring new puppets to form a new gov, and the cycle of corruption continue.
Chris McKenzie go back to school
I’ll believe that when I see it.
I say the same thing when I walk into a place that says world famous ________.
Critical times worldwide. Coronavirus made the world a powder keg, it just needs a spark and it explodes. That is what happened in Beirut and that is what CAN happen everywhere. Be aware of it.
Stay safe
@7X HARDER Watching them since Kennedy, worthless lap dogs. Former builder and Nam door gunner, they were to good to serve.
7X HARDER Do you think all conservatives support the current response to the coronavirus? I definitely don’t and I’d say as shown by polls with over 60% disapproving of Trump’s coronavirus response + over 70% being worried about the virus, many other conservatives don’t either.
@Teebz yea but those numbers run right with his overall approval ratings no? What that tells me at first glance is that his supporters will support him no matter what…Unless those numbers are for strictly conservatives..
well, stacking ammonium nitrate in poor condition is mad in any country… The amount of corruption it takes to allow for such a circumstance is baffling. Trump trivialising corona is bad, perhaps even on the same level. But in Lebanon poor decisions have had immediate consequences. The US – if Lucky – has to wait till november.
Well not surprised they a re stepping down because they been caught
Shouldn’t trump step down after all the crimes he’s committed
Again, I’m confused! Are we talkin about the United States of trump or Lebanon? Oh that’s right, even if Trump gets caught he wouldn’t step down. How did we get here?
Ngawati marupohill yes he should but never will so we will vote the disgusting worthless criminal out in November!
Did they catch the l s r a e I i s that did this?
Tha Imperial he drunccc
I guess we aren’t seeing them at U.N. meetings anymore.
My friend… the cabinet members aren’t the ones that attend the UN meetings. They have their ambassador and diplomats who are deployed in New York who will continue to attend meetings and represent the country.
You know it’s bad when the govt just gives up
The 2020s are shaping up to be a DARK decade
No it won’t
They rage quit
2020 is the NEW Dark Ages
Hero Miles I think you are inventing a new GOT theme.
Demonstrators are frustrated people. Just like USA.
here in america we have democrat PAID demonstrators
The whole government, talk about power vacuum.
@Auntie Pha ISIL
@e.g. Mμ Ya…
It’s all a stage for the New World Order and probably next war for Israel
Five days ago, the PM was saying those responsible would be found and punished. Run away, you cowardly, greedy, hypocritical, stooges.
more like: take the money and run
Run away, you cowardly, greedy, hypocritical, stooges. Which wll then be replaced by other cowardly, greedy, hypocritical, stooges.
His just a puppet assigned by the warlords, they will from a new gov with a new puppet just to shut the protesters.
Bro imagine if this happened in America!? If the government was just like, we done.
We in USA could only be so lucky to rid our corrupt leaders so easily. At least the rulers in Lebanon have some thread of honesty.
If only!!

trump will tell you no one know boom better than him
technojojo please don’t say that, I’m a lebanese citizen and I know for a fact that nothing is going to happen unless the PRESIDENT resigns. He can make a new government immediately just the way he likes it, we’ve lost hope because many Lebanese people support this psychopathic President.
If only Trump could understand this lesson. sigh.
Everywhere you go corruption. Failures of leadership around the world.
@Kyle Dubs That couldnt be true about unemployment. Trump has said there is record employment and that he has done more for the black community than 1)anyone, 2)any other president.
Jim Cox Democrats assisted Hizbollah to infiltrate Lebanese Government
@e.g. Mμ it is true. If you do REAL research or just watch full live press conferences you’ll find the only fault trump has is having a big mouth. He speaks his mind, as all americans should, because its our right. His policies are sound and he has everyones best interests in mind. Don’t watch 2min clips, watch the full original clips not cut. The US will crumble under current democrat rule. We need new blood across the board.
@e.g. Mμ i think you may wanna re-read my last few comments
The Kali Yuga
“We’re going to find those responsible for this terrible attack on our people” turns out it was them responsible lol
No: it was l s r a e I. Do not trust US media which, like its Foreign Policy, is run by Z l 0 N l S T S
M A omg tin foil hat !!!!!
@M A this says it all and was no surprise: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YXOHVkLEkgo&list=PLCW_DpuIPuJKtbzJb0JRi_sNtJFcFUtHo&index=3&t=1s
Responsible for storing the stuff so close to the city – but not responsible for the blast. Anyone with half a brain knows that was Israel. They even used the same weapon they have been using / testing in Syria recently – same mushroom vapor.
R.I.P to the people that died in this tragedy.
Pictures .https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157813221843253&id=666373252
Trump going down soon in November
Pro police ,pro trump .pro American . Anti communist rallys .
The corrupt government is ugly, the people are beautiful.
i dunno bro alot of dirty crimelords in australia LOL
Zion will step right in
Now imagine how much corruption is in the American government.
it’s much much bigger.
Less than most of the world. We have better checks and balances.
“I’ve gotten rich off of this country but there is no way I’m gonna pay for any reconstruction. So I’m writing these people off as a total loss and taking my money to move to another country.”