Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., claimed that President Trump's Supreme Court choice would be a "totally political nomination" and warned that Republicans were "hell-bent on making a political statement." Aired on 09/22/2020.
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About Katy Tur: Katy Tur is an NBC News Correspondent and anchor of the 2 p.m. ET hour of “MSNBC Live.” A dogged journalist, Tur emerged as a breakout broadcaster in 2016 while covering the entirety of the Trump campaign across all platforms for NBC News and MSNBC.
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Leahy: Republicans 'Hell-Bent On Making A Political Statement' With The Supreme Court | MSNBC
Of course they are. VOTE!!!
In trumpVirus’s own words, do you hear the quote? *_”The death of one man is a tragedy, the death of millions is a statistic”_* – Joseph Stalin
@Ice 247 . Name calling is why you keep losing. Are you claiming something I wrote is untrue? Be specific. Or just call names and run away like the spineless coward we all know you are.
Another quote. *_I learned long ago, never to wrestle with a pig. You get dirty, and besides, the pig likes it._* – George Bernard Shaw
@HHH100 whatever is apt is apt! What is even more funny is your connection of the quoted and the quotee!! Is your brain really so small that you can’t separate the two? Well apparently it is……..
@Mark Haddox don’t confuse THE truth with YOUR truth! Common mistake among the deplorables!!!
@Steven Those are phony statistics. It’s less than 7 thousand, less than a normal flu season. And the ones behind the China virus are Deep State Fauci Gates and the demonrats who knew in 2019 about this flu virus. It is documented that covid19 tests were shipped around the world in 2019. So you don’t know shyt about reality.
Mitch McConnell refused to hold a single hearing for President Obama’s SCOTUS pick Merrick Garland & he waited over 8 months until Obama had to leave office because he HAD to have known about the Russian interference!
@Rachie Sayd -A BIG Amen to THAT! Dems only need 4 SEATS, and Moscow McTurtle is DONE obstructing and enabling the tangerine tyrant toddler. Let’s assume 45 squeaks by and stays BUT LOSES the Senate, OMG, we will watch in glee as 45’s fat lying orange head EXPLODES like a rotten pumpkin hit by a shotgun shell each time Dems say NO to him lol!
@Dave Schultz the only man child is trump and his demented occult members . That includes you and the Maga wenches .
@Mark Haddox -Yes cult 45’s reign of error is nearly over alright! We are crying tears of joy as we watch that clock go TICK-TOCK. We will PROBABLY be saying “PRESIDENT-Elect Joe Biden” in the early morning hrs of Nov 4th, and if elected he will be sworn in at 9AM @ 01-20-21 Let the worldwide gala celebrations begin that same wonderful hour!
@Steven -Traitor Trumputin and his crime family have easily committed enough felonies and told enough huge lies to fill a 10 episode TV miniseries script lol! The SDNY has their work cut out for them, they’ll need to hire a few new people and give them all overtime to get it done!
@Youdontneedto Seemyidentification . What ever you have to tell yourself to sleep at night.
They don’t care of the American people they want our money
Masson, no one here believes you pay taxes to trump. Putin maybe. But not trump.
@IsThatTrue OrDidYouHearItOnFOX newsflash Trump was a billionaire before he became president and he still is. He does not need your money.
@Carrie Bailey – Hey honey, your insane traitor tyrant Trumputin the broke a$$ clown wasn’t even a billionaire anymore LONG before he swindled his way into the WH. He gets boat loads of his BOSS Putin’s Rubles to DESTROY AMERICA. As PROOF the big fat orange toddler still refuses to show us his taxes! WHATTA BIG FAT COWARDLY LOSER, must have a LOT OF CRIMES TO HIDE lol! DT = TRE45ON & LIES!
@Masson H
I love president trump too. Because I love him sooo much I’m starting a foundation to help pay his off his exes.
Would you care to contribute? We’re very patriotic BTW.
Not our money, their doner”s money.
The GOP, Will bribe,lie,cheat,and steal to divide the american people!
Hahahahahaha! You just not pay attention to the liberal media then
Masson H Well you obviously do, Mr. Triggered

@Masson H Says the brainwashed, Fox Propaganda-addicted cultist tool.
Well if you expected trump to have any respect for anyone or anything you are going to be sorely disappointed. He is a disgrace to the human race. Totally dishonorably as are his ilk. Honor is unknowns to them.
With all due respect Sen Leahy, you are still under the impression that here is honor among the GOP. There is no shame in their game and you running off the idea that it exists will only cost your constituents more. Many of us have become ill, lost lives, will soon lose healthcare with a conservative judge stacked against us. The same “Pro-life” republicans who claim wearing a mask violates their rights, will once again try to dictate what a woman can do with her own body…So please sir, recognize the threat and recognize your adversary for what they truly are
Ratings????? Again we see the reality tv president doing what he thinks he does best.
He has no morals or respect for anyone or anything.
Tuwanna Faulkner “No Morals”. HA!! Funny coming from someone who is concerned/angry with the possibility of losing the legal ability to MURDER BABIES!!!
How can you prove that he has no morals or respect for anyone?
@S if you know anyone murdering babies, you should report them to the police.
CadetBonespurs tRump is supposed to be the Commander in Chief! No? So what is his strategy cause Covid-19 isn’t going to magically disappear like he claims & wish’s?
It is called a vaccine Democrat moron!
This tells me Republicans not expecting trump to win
@J Rob hey is Russia going to rig the election 62% of Americans hates traitor trump
@Patrick Peacock – Did you see that Trump slurring his speech and sounding like he had DIMENTIA montage on Kimmel? OMG, hillarious! I guess popping ADDERAL like candy will do that to you. It might be posted here on YT.
@Youdontneedto Seemyidentification when trump pronounce trump prump I almost fell out of my chair laughing
@Patrick Peacock – Can we say Prump the plump frump lol?!
@Youdontneedto Seemyidentification there so many things you can do with prump it not even funny
My husband and I asked for absentee ballots in Florida, but now we are going to vote in person… Florida is turning Blue!
@cmt 63 – I’d give just about anything to see Trump’s and McConnell’s faces, mouths hanging open, beads of sweat on their red faces, if it even LOOKS like FL will go BLUE on 11-3 lol! PS – many thanks for helping to make America SANE again!
You all going to try to cheat but God has his will bigger than your evil plan
Oh yeah APARTHEID all over again. 100 years of civil liberties down the drain.
@Rachie Sayd -Yup. I am a born and raised life long CA native, & officially switched to (D) in 1985. I fully endorse seceding 100% at this point. I am soooo damned fed up w these hypocritical Trumpublican’t imbeciles ‘taking back America’ (to the 19th century!) The backwards red sh*t h*les will all collapse in a huge stinking heap the day we’d stop being forced to hand those lying blood suckers any more of our tax dollars!
@Youdontneedto Seemyidentification I am a Golden Bear, I have taken an oath.
I will perseve my union.
No weapon against my nation and my countrymen and women will prosper, and no true patriot outside of California will be left behind.
Semper Fortis.
@Mark Haddox -Your tiny brain HAS FAILED, ya moron lol!
I know it…the left and msm have been dividing our nation for years.
Trump Stole from the military from his campaign he had to paid back 2 millions dollars back He was fine 2 millions days
The pronlem is, Democrats keep beleiving repubs ate going to act honorably and considering what the nation wants, instead of grabbing all the power

And you know what the nation wants Democrat moron communist maggot brain!
They are just CREEPS.
Yes…the left is very creepy and dark!
The Republicans may have the votes for their extreme, conservative justice, but we have the votes AGAINST them!
Dream on Democrat!
Repubs better be VERY careful what they do. Playing w dynamite sticks and matches is kinda dangerous! They will surely rue the day BIG TIME when the WH eventually goes (D) again. Watch the fur fly on THAT fine day, my dear friends lol!
AMERICA are you listening the Republicans are blocking any help for you and in the future!
Says the traitorous pos of the party of baby killers, who Value illegal aliens more than American citizens, criminal rioting miscreants Over Law Enforcement, and party over country
Democrats not passing the stimulus package Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
Thanks again for the inspiration, those who commented. It’s very helpful. “We the people” have much, more power than politicians, and the overwhelming, corporate power; if we vote in great numbers to runup a landslide for Biden-Harris, but keep in mind, Democrats MUST take back the Senate. It’s critically, important.
I still have hope in our Intel especially the FBI. Vote people.