Dan Eckhart and David Bigney, lawyers for the man seen in a photograph taken during the insurrection at the US Capitol carrying Speaker Nancy Pelosi's lectern, say their client is not like many of the other rioters because he loves law enforcement and was not violent.
#CuomoPrimeTime #CNN #ChrisCuomo
So I guess I can enter anyone’s home and steal anything I want..as long as I’m not violent?
@Ben Nope, not cool when any of your stupid two party systems do it. they should have all been mowed down just like every other criminal.
@derlaurenz yes u can sir take anything u like and riot while you are here.
@Iain MacGillivray do you think black live matter would have made it in the building ?
@Iain MacGillivray did you see the young black boy who got killed by 3 white men for waking into a building and stealing nothing …. Did you see the black woman who got killed at the capitol for making a u turn outside the capitol … ?
@Cody Russow depends how much money they have. You really think these lawyers are working for free? Yeah
If he was so damn worried about his wife and kids why the hell was he there vandalizing and stealing that does not make any damn sense
@Thomas Perry how have they saved more life’s? Funny you say that, because aren’t you guys the same people who support abortion? Which kills innocent babies – which are people?
@Jop3lius well I mean antifa is anti – fascism. And apparently us trump supports are fascist, and racists. Same with all the cops. So explain how that would happen? Do you even have a brain? If so use it please
@Thomas Perry I didn’t say the cops are perfect…. they are human and they have messy stressful jobs and put their lives on the line everyday to maintain a semblance of order. Without the police it would be utter anarchy. I am saying cops are human beings .. and when 700,000 police officers are policing 350 million people.. with millions of interactions with the public everyday .. one of them is gong to do the wrong thing eventually .. it is a statistical certainty. What you are telling me .. is I need to convince the cops to never do the wrong thing ever .. or BLM may come out and burn my home down. That is terrorism .. at least the Trumpers went after the people they are actually angry with ..when BLM is angry with the police.. they go loot small businesses and beat shop owners.
He wasn’t violent, but he still trespassed into the Capitol and he took government property.
@Jose aca: Being a softy on insurrectionists will encourage more traitorous scum too.
@Skip ads do you legitimately think trumpists sound like the kind who would be discouraged by these arrests?, if anything it only further feeds their persecution complex
im not saying go easy on the cop murderer or vandals, im simply advocating for an easier stance on the most “inoffensive” offenders
the way i see it, most of those who stormed the capitol were lied to and driven to death and dishonor by a narcissist who threw em under the bus the moment they were no longer useful to him, being deceived is not a crime, i say you accomplish more by challenging their persecution delusions
@Kikeordaz Martinez , He’s no legend, lol, he may be remembered, but he sure ain’t no dmn legend
@Trevor Vilsack , legends are known for good things, not some nut job murdering people. Just because someone knows who you are doesn’t make you a legend.
Not if the police let them in… .according to Newsweek. Police are taking selfies… Come one people!
So he’s married with kids.. SO WAS THE OFFICER that was murdered.
@Christopher Gonzales Here on display is your typical trump worshiper who when confronted with an ugly fact simply pretends it’s not true.
Wonder how that defense will hold up in the upcoming murder trial.
Every single person who illegally entered the capital on that day can be charged in that murder. Murder is a capital crime and capital crimes never just go away.
Each and everyone of these fools guilty of trying to destroy our democratic republic should face the maximum penalties the law allows. This includes trump himself.
@ancietman you don’t remember? …then you have a very bad memory because both Biden and the whole Democrat party condemned the violence during BLM protests.
he didnt murder anyone
What about the deaths that occurred during the summer with BLM and Antifa riots? You care about them?
Maybe you just have selective rage. You pathetic Leftist.
Thank you I thought me and I thought I was the only one going to say something like that thank you.. yeah his kids it’s a shame yeah you’re right , thank you!!!
He is history not witnessing history. Cue Shaggy song: “it wasn’t me”
Ttis that
oh yes
Imagine him at home with his kids after school.
” Hey kids what did you steal today?”
He was with a violent mob, acting in concert to bring about an insurrection. Period.
Oh, he wasn’t violent?? Neither were 80% of people in federal prison…
Most was in for smoking pots.
“He’s a good person, never hurt a
fly.” “Never has told a lie” “yabadabadoo”
@doggy piyALLCAPS; dr
@Tavia Lativia idiot parroting the russian troll narrative.
Attorneys: but he’s a very nice guy though.
Felony murder. Charge him with seditious conspiracy and felony murder.
Gtis that
oh yes
Bundy was a really nice guy too.
@Legendary C the police didnt even stand up to the violence. go ahead, you go fight the mob lmao
@Noah Whipkey yeah because the police were in on it. Did you not see the videos where certain police officers are taking down the gate and waving people in… I really hope for the safety of everyone there are no radical trump supporters on security detail for the inauguration.
They’re representing him because he has the ability to pay.
Gtis that
oh yes
His wife is a physician it seems they got paper
No, Saul Goodman was busy.
My thoughts exactly.
“He’s a family man”
This defense is used ALOT. Just like “christian man”
Short of being ORANGE MAN?
He didn’t think about birth control at the time.
“Christian man” is only a possible defense because most people don’t read history.
Also, Jesus vandalized the Temple, not the Capitol.
Simple: they are representing him because he represents them.
Any one who defend these terrorists are just as guilty as them.
Everyone gets representation in America. AFTER the court determines his guilt, as it doubtlessly will, he’ll get what’s coming to him, but everyone is presumed innocent under the law until conviction. This is absolutely vital to the protection of citizens’ rights.
Seditious conspiracy, felony murder, trespassing and looting.
Gtis that
oh yes
Give the guilty bastard a fair trial.
only about 100 people went in the captol clearly wrong but HERS WHAT Kamala Harris said word for word
” Beware Its not going to stop I dont think it should stop” Shes needs Impeached and charged for inciting riots
I don’t care how many children he has, or what his wife does. He is messing up federal property. AND. People died!
They died!!
He is showing utter disrespect for our nation by stealing a symbol of our democracy.
I found it funny that the lawyers made it a point to mention that. What does his wife’s career and him having five kids have to do with him breaking into the Capitol and stealing? Not a lick. This guy deserves jail time, and I hope the court doesn’t fall for the “his wife is a MD and he has five kids!” BS.
@Babazook exactly. I thought it made it even worse to try justifying that way.
Why are the lawyers laughing over such a serious matter? Is this a joke to them?
They getting paid they don’t care
Ttis that
oh yes
Nervous laughter I guess. They know they’re dead wrong & getting called on their bs is making them laugh like the clowns they are
only about 100 people went in the captol clearly wrong but here is what Kamala Harris said word for word ” Beware Its not going to stop I dont think it should stop” Shes needs Impeached and charged for inciting riots
His kids will grow up with the SHAME of their father being a TRAITOR. DISGUSTING
Yeah his own children will disowned him
And the fortune from his t-shirt sales!
he’s already got book deals and will be a Fox News contributor — he’ll be fine…..NOT
listen to self-perfected podcast
Those people are not traitors they are the same as all the blm and antifa that are still rioting.
Poor guy, he was simply walking through the Capitol during an insurrection and a lectern fell into his arms…..it wasn’t HIS FAULT!!!!
Seditious conspiracy, felony murder, trespassing and looting.
I guess he was just a tourist who wanted a souvenir of his trip to DC …
“He’s not the guy being portrayed on the media” ………..well, is that him in the Picture, yes or no ?….. i’m more willing to believe that he is not the guy being portrayed by the 2 scumbag lawyers
I totally agree with you. Was he the guy in the picture holding & taking Govt Property in an area he wasn’t supposed to be in following along with a mob that killed a police officer by beating him to death? Easy yes or no. Unfortunately he lives in my town. Where a big Trump Rally was held in the middle of this Pandemic not too long ago.