Rita Glavin, the personal attorney for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, appeared on CNN to forcefully push back against allegations that her client sexually harassed 11 women. #CNN #News
Lawyer for Gov. Cuomo fires back against allegations

Rita Glavin, the personal attorney for New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, appeared on CNN to forcefully push back against allegations that her client sexually harassed 11 women. #CNN #News
Elite and sexual scandals are like peanut butter and jelly the go together perfectly.
@Joey S. Every free adult person in the united states has the choice to get vaccinated or not. Biden, Fauci and Desantis have no say in that matter. They can make recommendation nothing more. All three have recommended people get vaccinated. Ultimately It is the peoples right to choose what is best for them.
If the media focused on the white man as much as they did the black man (Obama) none of this would of went down because you know you would get caught. Oops! There goes cameras saving a black man again.
@Alejo Hernandez hes got duty of care and a responsibility to help people make the right decisions. Crack is illegal, we dont just trust people to make the right decision. Rape, murder, etc, we dont just assume humans will do the right thing. We have laws and regulations to help people know when the right thing to do is blurry or they are too chicken sht to make the right choice . Right now the right thing to do is get vaccinated, the unvaccinated are spreading and strengthening the virus. Get vaccinated coward.
@Francyne Lane your comment is as empty as a nursing home in New York state
@reality …In regards to your “Just take a look at how many Liberal males are BISEXUAL and or HOMOSEXUAL”
Why do/should you care? It literally doesn’t effect you at all. I’m a conservative and feel we should let the LGBTQ community live in peace.
POLITICIANS think there untouchable.
It’s time we the people prove that wrong.
REPUBLICAN or DEMOCRATS politicians are NOT above the LAW.
They are not
They are also not under the law
Telling a joke is not a crime
Calling employee Bella is not
Demanding boss should not be a crime
Playfulness is not a crime
Oh my gawdz, how dare you even suggest democrats are evil pieces of sh!t. Don’t you know they privilege from a dual justice system that allows for this type of behavior? Remember this is about Trump somehow and we should be very angry with white conservatives who mind their own business, work hard and raise wonderful families.
@Never Ever Asking an employee about there sex life is sexual harrassment, asking your employee if the would ever sleep with an older man is sexual harrassment, telling your employee you like it better if they were their hair a different way is sexual harrassment, fondling your employee’s breast under their blouse is sexual assault
@Gekisai Dai
Telling your boss you are a survivor, or your personal info is wrong as well.
Acorrifnh to what I hav read she confid in him , and they had this trust if you want to call it that.
I have read in one place she mentioned she study some one alder them her 25 years .
Now if my boss will ask me that I will be shocked , not upset we do not talk about personal stuff.
The hair thing again it depends , I’m the environment and how looser is .
Touching and the garb in is Sh.
But we should listen to his side as well.
Is it possible she was flirting a bit and he made a mistake reading her ?
I do not know .
We have to pay attention to.
And also understand that there is a difference between inappropriate and crime and SH
CNN applying the same standards for the me-too movement to Cuomo as they did for Brett Kavanaugh…..Hilarious hypocrisy on full display.
CNN hasn’t been this confused since Michael Avenatti
@Truth BeTold That’s not something to brag about. Too bad Democrat Politicians made it worse.
@Truth BeTold So AOC, Nancy Pelosi, Al Sharpton, Kamala Harris, Maxine waters, Elizabeth Warren etc doesn’t exist in your eyes? Were you asleep the last 5 years?
@Truth BeTold Everything the lefts cry about at this point is irrelevant. You guys do the exact same thing you accuse others of doing.
@Joey Harper I’m sorry, Trump is the worst ever. This is why more people voted in the history of voting for Biden. Trump motivated people like myself to vote for the first time. He is toxic, a liar, crook, fraud and those that encourage such behavior, isn’t making a difference either. Just how many in his inner circle have gone to jail, have been indicted or plead guilty.
@Truth BeTold You are the prime example of TDS brainwashing.
Watched his live this morning. I was surprised how much time CNN gave Cuomo’s lawyer. It must have been at least 30 minutes.
@Jeff M
We all should be concern with the issues The lawyer pointed out
CNN applying the same standards for the me-too movement to Cuomo as they did for Brett Kavanaugh…..Hilarious hypocrisy on full display.
Give as much time to the Federal Prosecutors and FBI Agents working the 2 criminal investigations.
@Robert Hartford That’s what should happen but they won’t.
@Sue Howie haha
Take it to court and let the evidence prove the allegations or disprove them. It wouldn’t be the first time someone made BS accusations and wouldn’t be the first time a political figure abused his authority in such a manner. Stop trying this case in the media and let it take its due course like everyone is entitled to have happen. I don’t see this kind of pressure to arrest Trump for 400,000 covid deaths due to his negligence nor hear the daily calls to arrest Matt Gaetz.
@Hayley King trump was presumed innocent until found guilty then was prosecuted due insurmountable evidence there a difference so to i say get over yourself
@peach tea trump was persecuted by the media and democrat party, he was proven to be innocent in all impeachment ect because there was no evidence to convict him, in cuomo situation there is evidence upfront, and yet here you are defending a incompetent democrat against 11 women accusing him of sexual harassment because the accusation does not fit your own belief or narrative
@peach tea it’s called hypocrisy
@Hayley King no evidence ok yeah sure tell yourself what ever you need to i suggest talking to a psychiatrist
@peach tea made by a person already seeing a shrink 😂😂 not going to take you seriously, you clearly only watch fake news CNN and have no clue about what is going on in America, and you clearly hate women because you would rather think that 11 women are lying over a man who is responsible for the death of thousands of elderly people, you are a sad angry person
She has lied in the past says the lawyer 😂
CNN applying the same standards for the me-too movement to Cuomo as they did for Brett Kavanaugh…..Hilarious hypocrisy on full display.
Racism doesn’t exist but superiority does
@Zaynab bint Al-Harith who said I support cuomo?
@Avi The man who openly was against gay marriage is the democrats choice. Kinda shows who the real bigots are
@K Lak tell me if they passed some law/legislation or they had a discussion about it? It was open view, right or wrong whole democratic party clearly didn’t agree with it.
Now that I search about it they had different views and Obama applauded Supreme court ruling. It’s not like republicans where 90% are Trump’s dog.
Look at republicans they hide in a room full of their supporters and pass new law. COWARDS😆
If he’s guilty then definitely hold him accountable but I find the timing extremely suspicious.
@OrphnE Music I don’t think it’s that fully. I think the far left side of the Democratic wing know they can’t beat him in a primary and he’s in their way career wise. What better way than to weaken your opponent than to start a sexual scandal.
IF that the words .
We all decided he is and that is nuts .
We all suddenly think that if a boss ( obviously playful personality ) is a predator.
This is crazy
Oh my gawdz, how dare you even suggest democrats are evil pieces of sh!t. Don’t you know they privilege from a dual justice system that allows for this type of behavior? Remember this is about Trump somehow and we should be very angry with white conservatives who mind their own business, work hard and raise wonderful families.
@KittenMittensMeow the storm coumo is facing now prove actually the opposite
They are talking down one of them just for a show for political games
CNN, why not post the full interview? 4 minutes is way too short on such an important issue.
@Mustafa Saleh No, this is about the COVID deaths and a way to distract from weak minded unintelligent people!
Barack Obama held a lavish 60th birthday party at his $12 million Martha’s Vineyard estate after claiming it was scaled back to just ‘close family and friends.’ Celebrities flew in from all over the country to attend Obama’s maskless super spreader event. Biden’s climate enjoy John Kerry took a private jet to Martha’s Vineyard this weekend. Meanwhile the peasants are told to mask up, take the jab and make sacrifices because of the so-called Delta variant. Singer Erykah Badu posted a video of Barack Obama dancing at his birthday party to her Instagram stories – then she panicked and deleted it, but the internet is forever.
@Mustafa Saleh corrupt sanctuary city supporters from both parties break glass of stores 2017 inauguration claiming russia hack election but i remember wesley clark 2007 said bush/obama presidency rigged for killing iraq to syria=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_mrJRHwbVG8
all that wasted tax by pelosi and 300 house members for migrant crisis europe could have been better used to give all medicare
@Skedaddle I bet it was a super spreader event……CNN didn’t report on that but they did report on all the bikers in Stergis.
buy cable, watch full interview
Whether he did it or not she is his defense lawyer and she has to defend him no matter what🤔
That’s the way it is.Even this norwegian kilier Breivik who killed 67 young girls and boys on the tiny island Utoya in a mass shooting was given a defense team.
Regarding Cuomo: he is finished no matter of 100% guilty or not guity.There is no doubt:women are abused but women can also out of jealousy or being rejected etc..destroy a man’s life even though he is totally innocent.Since the “me too” debate I have stopped complimenting a woman or avoid as much as possible talking to them:Look a woman into one eye and you are suspicious.Look into both of her eyes you are named and shamed.And say additionally “hello” you end up in prison and on the sex offender list 👀
She could acknowledge her client is guilty. Have Cuomo admit guilt and plea bargain. That’s what a respectful lawyer would do. Believe all woman.
Oh my gawdz, how dare you even suggest democrats are evil pieces of sh!t. Don’t you know they privilege from a dual justice system that allows for this type of behavior? Remember this is about Trump somehow and we should be very angry with white conservatives who mind their own business, work hard and raise wonderful families.
CNN applying the same standards for the me-too movement to Cuomo as they did for Brett Kavanaugh…..Hilarious hypocrisy on full display.
CNN should replay this entire interview from start to finish because this was a knock-down, belly up, drag out war between these two ladies. It was beautiful to watch!!
@Soul Warrior they have to make an exception because this was too juicy an interview to just cut it down to a four minute clip.
@Bobby Holloway III Thats one side. Other is they cant ask the real questions cause then her defense falls apart.. Why you think his brother was helping him, And now he is silent on here..
I agree. The interviewer is very smart.
Lol and the gullibility continues unchecked… you people are amazing.
CNN applying the same standards for the me-too movement to Cuomo as they did for Brett Kavanaugh…..Hilarious hypocrisy on full display.
Where are the coumosexual brothers? 😂😂.
Remember what uncle Joe said about Andre. “He’s the gold standard of leadership”.
CNN has very poor reporters and hoss don’t know how to ask and respond questions.This lawyer is a toughie.
CNN loved Cuomo when they were able to cover this up
Why wouldn’t they. He was the start during Covid .
A positive in the chaos.
They used that and the connection they had to add rating .
Trust me. I remember CNN destroyed the footages dated March 10th and 11th of 1984. Ordered by Late Mario Cuomo’s Administration and other evidences. Andrew Cuomo took care of the rest.
@Never Ever yeah all those dead senior citizens while hes banging women left and right. a true progressive hero.
CNN applying the same standards for the me-too movement to Cuomo as they did for Brett Kavanaugh…..Hilarious hypocrisy on full display.
I always thought Andrew Cuomo and CNN are normal standards and not corrupt.
This is all a distraction from his nursing home scandal.
@A P where have you been for the past year for Gaetz and 10 years for trump, if you were watching Fox you’ll never hear the truth but what they want you to know.
Trump is refusing to give his DNA to proof his innocence on a rape accusation and Gaetz is being investigated for child trafficking but everybody’s eyes are on Cuomo? Give me a break!
@sandra casso um you are aware that trump is no longer in office and that cuomos murder of 15k people doesn’t compare to more unproven accusations against trump. Accusations that have been swirling for 5 years yet still not one shred of evidence. The fact that you think that cnn can be trusted in the slightest bit says a lot about you. And quit responding with “but foxnews….” because fox is as full of sht as cnn.
@sandra casso you’re so angry it’s ridiculous. Grow up and learn something other than orangemanbad. Orangemans gone now sweetie. He can’t hurt you any more. Dry those tears. Lmao what a fkn joke you people are
@sandra casso yha and the thousands nursing home people ARE STILL DEAD
@sandra casso Tara Reade?
When asked if he would back Cuomos impeachment, President Biden responded: “My butts been wiped Jack!”
Funny name 🤣
That name and avatar.. classic. Love it
CNN applying the same standards for the me-too movement to Cuomo as they did for Brett Kavanaugh…..Hilarious hypocrisy on full display.
Cry more GQP. 3 more years
I want more game shows (that means more seasons of The Price is Right and Jeopardy)
this is starting to sound like cuomo is guilty until proven innocent
”When you’re a star, they let you do it.”
Glavin added “If you don’t believe me, just ask your employee, Chris Cuomo!”
Wasn’t CNN pushing him as “The Love Gov, single and ready to mingle?” last year? 🤔