Why you can ignore the health care section of the presidential debate. Aired on 1/13/20.
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Lawrence's Last Word: I Will Sign Anything That Helps | The Last Word | MSNBC
Lawrence O’Donnell is the only person on MSM that knew who Trump was from the beginning.
Rachael Maddows knows as well, she has a whole history on this.
and theres still that 38% of Americans who STILL don’t know and never will.
@Darrin Howard I want Medicare for All, staying out of wars for oil, and stronger Wall St regulations. Bernie and Warren are the best on these 3 issues. Everything beside that point is tl;dr.
Sanders is just the man America needs now. Warren would be a spectacular vice president
You haven’t followed the news closely enough; Warren is being exposed right now for her poor judgement.
@Ian McGarrett then leave it to Warren to change that, you do know they are the hatchet jobs of the President
Your wording reflects that Democrats are needy.
Warren would NOT be a good VP. she flip flops whichever way the wind is blowing. Nina Turner is by far a better choice. FEEL THE BERN!
Bumper boat Putin in cross hairs we are watching
A vote for medicare for all candidate is a strong peoples message! to the senators and reps.
That is why you have to have a movement behind you, which is what Bernie has. Nothing in history ever gets done without the will of the people fighting for it. Bernie’s grassroots movement and his 40 year record of independence from both parties will at least pressure our representatives, with our help, to give the people what they want and need for their tax dollars. If you go strictly by the current establishment minded, old school politicians, then nothing will get done. That’s why we need to primary them and get them out of the way of progress! I disagree that all candidates are equal. Your simplicity is just not telling the whole story about which candidate will fight the hardest with the backing of the people! People who stopped voting and young people finally have a candidate who has a proven, lifetime track record of going to bag for the working class! That is how you change a do nothing, two party, establishment system!!
@Denise DeHosse that was obviously a typo
It’s about likability and nothing else.
He has remarkable appeal to young voters for such an old fart. Kinda like Socrates …
@us citizen True. Those not personally acquainted with the ravages of age.
Trump has two halves of a brain:
‘left’ and ‘right’.
In the left side, there’s nothing right.
In the right side, there’s nothing left.
Well said!
Ann van de Kew I LOVE IT
Perfectly said.
Why does Donald Trump take Xanax?
For Hispanic attacks
Ooh, I like that one. Mind if I use it?
We deserve a president that our kids can look up to. Trump ISN’T that person. Thankfully that kind of person is STILL what most want.
O’Donnell is neglecting the influence over the party’s primary election voters that the President can wield to pressure his/her party’s members of House and Senate. To have that power, the President needs to be very popular among his/her party’s voters, and that means taking positions that are popular. So it DOES matter whether the candidates favor Medicare for All, etc.
Amen Brother Mine. I am glad I scrolled down before posting a similar sentiment.
The power of the bully pulpit, properly employed, cannot be discounted.
Left is best #BernieSanders2020
Brother Mine
Wrong , Republicans do not pressure or threaten people in it’s own party.. Do not ever assume Republicans treat their party members the way Democrats treat their own party members.. Democrats are sleazy vermin with zero ethics and zero morals.. Pelosi , Schiff , Nadler and Schumer have demonstrated this time and time again !
The opposite argument comes from Republicans and their supreme leader Trump: “I will sign anything that takes away health coverage or makes it more expensive.”
I think pretty much anything they put out there is pretty much unwinnable, they are making way too much money off this system
Amen! The new social security/Medicare rules have made a Bigly leap to make medical care hugely more expensive!!!!
To the trump: the only one that loves this is the insurance companies, Pharma companies, banks and Wall Street. There is NO GREAT MEDICAL CARE FOR ALL. The GOP WANTS US TO DIE…but do not die in the streets, they want us to die inside a building, or out in the wilderness where our bodies will be eaten by the lions and tigers and bears…there must be no evidence !
MVVpro one thing that l am pleased about is that Barack Obama is alive and well,and living in the incestuous lunatics brain.
Trump is more like, “I will sign anything that fattens my fat stacks, suckers.”
You don’t like social healthcare. What’s wrong with your country?
The answer to your question is much longer than I would have room or time to write. But currently, the main problem is that our representatives are paid by financially interested parties (AMA, insurance companies, private healthcare, etc.) to ignore our needs. These same companies pay for disinformation campaigns during elections and back candidates who will continue the status quo. Add to that the disinformation from Fox News and you get people voting against their own self interests. On a side note, Rupert Murdoch once backed and promoted an Australian PM whose platform was social healthcare.
Right now, our medical needs are looked at like a gold mine for powerful people and they won’t give that up easily.
Why not come to the US and find out?
They don’t know because they can’t afford to have medical treatment or testing to find out what’s wrong with them.
Re the point about the presidential veto of health care question :
This is what a sensible news/TV anchor should do – Ask questions that are relevant. Irrelevant and purely hypothetical questions not only are pointless but, much more importantly tend to create the wrong impression about what is at stake.
Thank you Lawrence.
“This is what a sensible news/TV anchor should do” as a well paid apologist for the Mercantile Corporate Plutocracy; the government of a Republic, not a democracy. After all, *Irrelevant and purely hypothetical questions not only are pointless but, much more importantly tend to create the wrong impression about what is at stake.*
Don’t underestimate Bernie.
There’s a reason the establishment is afraid of him.
Yes. Dec 21. Shortest daylight day of the year.
You’re assuming Pelosi will be re-elected.
She will be. No doubt of it.
How bout term limits for everyone who is an elected official???
@Brad Roberts Their are term limits and it is controlled by the voters.
@Michael Dunson can’t fix stupid

As a german I realy dont understand why americans are against medical care for every American
It makes zero sence to me
@NessOnett8 *”And because it’s America . . . “* is how far we have fallen from ourselves as something that may have mattered.
@Louise Dumais 20 Thumbs Up!
@Louise Dumais
So you voting for Trump?
As a German you must also not understand why Americans are falling for a failed racist businessman as a leader the way the Germans once fell for a failed racist Austrian artist as a leader.
A very helpful point of view on healthcare that hasn’t been covered, but that doesn’t mean every democratic candidate is equal. Biden is a warmonger who wanted desperately to go into Iraq. Bernie is a climate champion who will reinstate protections. Who they stack their cabinet and advisors with matters. Their thought leadership matters.
That said I believe the point he is making is that Presidents do not have the authority to create policy, only to pass it or to veto it. Oh, except for his royal highness Drumph
This is why we need Bernie. He’s shooting for the stars and we all know compromises have to be made to clear Congress. So why start off already compromised?! Shoot for the stars, we deserve it. Go Bernie!!
Lol subtle sanders smear. This dude acts like a huge movement and politics don’t exist. How did FDR get it done huh?
Exactly! ALL the moneyed people DON’T want Americans to have Universal Healthcare. They want Americans to be Subservient. Bernie is a DETERMINED Fighter. He Will bring Universal Healthcare For ALL Americans. Go Senator Bernie Sanders!
That’s why voting for your Congresswomen and men is just as important as voting for president.
A word to Nancy Pelosi: You CAN be replaced.
We cant forget Nancy got Obama care passed. She could do more if we had the majority in the senate too. If not, I agree! Nancy might have to go