Lawrence: Obama Warns Trump Will Cheat To Win | MSNBC

Lawrence O'Donnell reacts to former President Barack Obama's DNC speech where he used "apocalyptic language" to describe the future of democracy if President Donald Trump is re-elected in November. Aired on 08/19/2020.
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#LawrenceO'Donnell #DemConvention #MSNBC

Lawrence: Obama Warns Trump Will Cheat To Win | MSNBC

Lawrence: Obama Warns Trump Will Cheat To Win | MSNBC


  1. LETS GO!! We need to rebirth heritage! We need AMERICAN RENAISSANCE! GOP Unite against Trump! Vote him OUT!

    1. F Martinez Those are inherently white concepts. Look at the civilizations that have these ideals. Who are the people that make up these societies. Be honest now.

    2. @d rockwell Yes, but we didn’t got the independence of the United States from Great Britain just by singing and playing around… but by fighting as patriots, and not acting like sheep.

    1. @Debra D. Hey could have been impeached dummy… at least if they had any damning evidence, which of course they didn’t. Thats why they tried to impeach him for something else totally unrelated. Did you not watch the news or TV for that last 4 years? Because I can fill you in on some stuff if you didn’t

    2. LMAO! ONLY After hillary claimed voter fraud! California, Oregon and Washington refused to allow their voter rolls to be checked! Judicial watch sued! Just released the numbers! LA county had 112% of the people vote! Not the worst county either some as high as 117% And Democrats say trust us! LMAO! Hillary never won anything! Not even the popular vote she keeps lying about! For the nay sayers it was also stated on the White House daily briefing! Funny how CNN and MSNBC forgot to tell the brainwashed! No need to guess who would cheat! Same people as before! The Democrats!

  2. I remain mystified as to how Trump is still polling in the 40s? Could someone please explain this to a confused Aussie 🇦🇺🤷🏻‍♂️

    1. its 51%, and that means landslide incoming which will be much bigger than last. he will clear over 400 on the and see. pay attention!

    2. @Oasis You know its cheating when someone with less voters than 2016, somehow gets more votes. Not very smart

    3. @Dave Ponsford you mean the 3 million illegal popular voters/ dead people/dogs/cats/etc on Crooked Hillary’s camp? keep it in context and fact. Electoral is the key, I see 400+ for Trump in 2020. Biden/Harris is a disaster made in buffanoory.

    4. @Oasis Yes, now let’s look at the facts. Trump ordered a $50 million investigation to prove what you put. What they found ws out of 130 million votes, fourteen (14) were illegal. Of those 14, 14 of them voted Trump. So the facts are Trump has fewer voters than 2016 and his best hope is not too many of them are from swing states.

  3. Donald Joker Trump =wallet matter
    For John McCain, John Lewis, Veterans and for millions reasons Vote him out your life depends on it.

    1. My Dude You just told the world how stupid, wilfully ignorant or congenitally damaged you are (if it is the latter, I sincerely apologize) ….

    2. And YOU don’t think the IMPEACHMENT FIASCO was CHEATING??? The DEMS have been relentless going after a DULY-ELECTED President for the ENTIRETY of his term!! That is what I call “CHEATING”, they CHEATED the American people of millions in TAX DOLLARS spent on the Mueller Report WITCH HUNT and telling them that their VOTE doesn’t matter!! The DEMS are the REAL CHEATERS, not Our Champion and Chief!!

    1. ​@Russell Sheffield thank you so much, I will add that to my list below, When Trump says America First, = Me, Me, Me. but for the rest, as if driving the nation into an Abys, it may not have been Trumps goal, just the result, and if your to stupid to see that GFY. You can come back here and whine once the trials start.

    1. Floyd collins I am worried that Tump is sharing secrets of the USA with Putin…..more so if the he doesn’t win the election. He is sick in the head…

  4. In her new book, Trump’s niece Mary describes Donald as a “toxic” bully who practices “cheating as a way of life,” and someone who values money above anything.

    In the forward to his new book entitled “Disloyal, A Memoir,”  Michael Cohen writes: “Trump had cheated in the election, with Russian connivance, as you will discover in these pages, because doing anything — and I mean anything — to ‘win’ has always been his business model and way of life,” he added. 

    Cohen also predicted that Trump “will never leave office peacefully.”

    “The types of scandals that have surfaced in recent months will only continue to emerge with greater and greater levels of treachery and deceit. If Trump wins another four years, these scandals will prove to only be the tip of the iceberg. I’m certain that Trump knows he will face prison time if he leaves office, the inevitable cold Karma to the notorious chants of ‘Lock Her Up!'” Cohen wrote.

    1. I see a potential January, in which Trump is holding America hostage, and only willing to offer a, “Peaceful Transition,” in return for mass immunity for him and his family; he’ll give us the rest of the GOP. And, then he’ll be useless as a witness, because he’ll change his story each time he opens his mouth, or puts crayon to brick wall. It is my fervent hope that, if it comes down to such a choice, Biden will choose to fight, and put down this Coup. Or, America will never know peace again ✌️👍

  5. Win or lose in November, 40+% of the vote will go to the Tramp in the w/h. What does it say about your fellow citizens. This exposes to the world the level of malice of its people.

    1. It’s amusing you think it’s only 40%. Check the ratings for the DNC. Americans aren’t buying the Marxism from the left

    2. And YOU don’t think the IMPEACHMENT FIASCO was CHEATING??? The DEMS have been relentless going after a DULY-ELECTED President for the ENTIRETY of his term!! That is what I call “CHEATING”, they CHEATED the American people of millions in TAX DOLLARS spent on the Mueller Report WITCH HUNT and telling them that their VOTE doesn’t matter!! The DEMS are the REAL CHEATERS, not Our Champion and Chief!!

    3. @MJB For Trump Ugh, another Trump loser in denial.
      Fox didn’t fill you in on what was really going on and you’re still lost, pitiful deplorable.

    4. @MJB For Trump That’s right. I expect to be dancing on the streets with a bottle of champagne. I’ve never, ever cared more about an election than this one. Trump never deserved to be in the White House. He doesn’t know what he’s doing. He doesn’t care.

    1. You know they cheated I voted Hillary and all my friends and family members did but trump cheated to when with them people over seas. He didn’t have enough crazy followers to win.


      “Look it up” typical pube comment with no links.

  6. Will cheat? More like cheated, is cheating and won’t stop trying to cheat. The dude is as predictable as he is stupid.

    1. Are you still crying about your president TRUMP? You must live a miserable life. Gonna be a tough four more years for you.

    2. Ro G Trump’ face will now be the image of ‘cheat’ in pictorial dictionaries worldwide and for ever after. ❤️🇨🇦

    3. @youknow thething Rubio and several other Republican Senators all agreed that Russian Intelligence infiltrated our election in favor of Trump and that Trump and his campaigned not only welcomed it they worked closely with the Russian Intellegence officer Konstantin Kilimnik. The GOP wanted to Impeach and remove Obama because he wore a “Tan Suit” just imagine if these same findings were related to Obama’s campaign.

  7. Vote as early as possible and drop your mail-in ballot off at the “Registrar of Voters” if your office accepts drop-offs or any other drop-off points your city may have set up that
    bypass the Post Office.

  8. Obama knocked it out of the park!!! His statement on controlling this pandemic with conviction was the biggest part of his speech. Just amazing speech by Obama!!!

    1. True. Heels up Harris wants to restrict red meat to Americans and confiscating guns. Socialist Democrats are fascists!
      Trump 2020! 🇺🇸

  9. “The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy”..
    Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

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