Lawrence: No Republican Contested Evidence Of Trump’s Impeachable Conduct | The Last Word | MSNBC

Lawrence O’Donnell shares his takeaways from the first House Judiciary Committee impeachment hearing—including what one legal expert witness called “the most chilling” piece of testimony—and notes none of the evidence was challenged by any Republican on the Judiciary Committee or by the Republican witness. Aired on 12/4/19.
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Lawrence: No Republican Contested Evidence Of Trump's Impeachable Conduct | The Last Word | MSNBC


    1. How sick can creepy Joe Biden get saying he loves having children siting on his lap 😱How creepy can Joe Biden get hugging other people children touching their hair, smelling their hair? That’s child molester .You just can’t go around and touching other people’s children like that! So sickening!

    1. The inquiry has only been a few weeks. Apparently the republicans want a more slower painful impeachment and it will take time to lock up all the first hand subpoenaed witnesses Trump has a fake illegal gag order against and then to get all the documents and taxes Trump continues to hide… yeah that will eat up months.


    2. @Eziekle Crafts All caps? Seriously? Nothing makes someone look more stupid than all caps. If I were you I would read some books.. And *NOT* the bible..

    1. Well it seems the republican picked Turley was suggesting they do the impeachment in a more slow and painful way which would mean possibly locking up the subpoenaed first hand witnesses Trump put a fake illegal gag order against, and get some documents the White House is hiding as well. Odd thing is Trump said today he wants it to go quickly. Can’t make up their minds as usual.

    1. Have you forgotten that Trump controls the nuclear football?
      At any time he can ask for it, and the actual protocol is that he is the only person who can order a nuclear strike. The Secretary of Defense is supposed to verify it, but can only verify that it is the President giving the order. HE HAS NO POWER TO VETO IT!!!
      I remember vividly the movie, “The Missiles of October” about the Cuban missile crisis. The movie was so named after the famous book on the origins of WW1, “The Guns of August”, about the mass stupidity and insanity of the leaders of Europe in 1914. Thank God that John Kennedy was reading the book at the time, and told all his staff to read it as well.
      Unfortunately, even if Agent Orange was curious about it, it obviously is not written for a 4th-grade literacy level!
      I have been scared spitless since he began his campaign that, if faced with that kind of crisis, Trump would have such a meltdown as to actually order a nuclear attack!

    2. Stop panicking. You all know there are people on the inside making sure that he doesn’t destroy the planet. They have orders to protect USA against clear and credible threats, he wouldn’t last a second.

    1. @HenryDavidT YES! I’ve been saying that they should put “old” Lindsey’s lecture about the dignity of the office of the President on a loop and play it constantly…. and follow him in public with the audio… maybe he’ll remember that he once cared about dignity.

  1. Defections & whataboutisms are the only tactics that the re-thugs can muster to muddy the waters because there is no defense for Trump.

  2. Turley was put in there for a reason by the republicans bought and paid for so called scholar
    funny 3 others had opposite opinions. The Ape did it and he got caught!!!

    1. We may not have a choice. Going slower to get a positive result might be better then rushing through it and the republicans still ignore the evidence and refuse to vote to impeach/remove. Without getting at least a few republcans to become honest they will continue to claim the impeachment is a partisan coup sham.

  3. Repubs complained about how long the Mueller investigation took, now complaining that the impeachment is too fast. Okeydokey.

    1. Tony Mcclain and I’ll remind you of all the golfing trips and vacations Obama went on during his administration on the taxpayers dime, so don’t act like you suddenly care now because mean orange man is doing it

    2. Hosea Matthews trump spent more money halfway through his first term than Obama did in 8 years. Obama golfed at government courses, usually associated with military bases. Trump has spent over $250 million taxpayer dollars golfing at his own courses. Interestingly just before he took office, those courses doubled their fees. Criminal behaviour. Certainly impeachable.

    3. @Hosea Matthews except the Donald has spent more than Obama’s 8 years combined in his first 2 years……………….

  4. In other words. Take a few more months to ‘investigate’, and by the end we hope the election is over so the president can directly attack the constitution, making himself and his coconspiritors unimpeachable/beyond the law.

  5. Subverting the Constitution is impeachable. Bribery, Extortion. Giuliani was never authorized to speak on behalf of the United States.

  6. Professor Turley, America cannot afford the risk of allowing djt to undermine our form of government for another minute, let alone months.

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