In April, Donald Trump told the public injecting bleach could cure coronavirus and in an interview this week, Dr. Deborah Birx said Donald Trump “appreciated the gravity” of the coronavirus pandemic in March. Lawrence O’Donnell says we must never forget what those officials did say and did not say to stand up to Donald Trump’s lies. Aired on 01/27/2021.
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Drawing upon his experience as a former chief of staff on the Senate Finance Committee and as an Emmy-winning executive producer and writer of ""The West Wing,"" Lawrence O'Donnell examines the compelling and impactful political stories of the day. O'Donnell convenes diverse panels of guests, including a variety of politicians and cultural voices, to offer unique viewpoints and perspective. In his signature style, O'Donnell highlights the latest news developments and offers his take on the political stories driving the national conversation.
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#DrBirx #Trump #MSNBC
Lawrence: ‘Never Forget’ How Dr. Birx Enabled Donald Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC
To majority of Trump Enablers, keeping the job is far more important than doing the job.
@Tech ti yup. Now you Traitors can sit back and stew, and watch the news with white knuckles. Enjoy and wear a mask
@captain tweak i don’t watch propaganda . And you can double mask deeez nutz
You support racist Joe Biden. Says it all
Who puts a executive order on the term china virus. I’ll tell you. A bought a chinese puppet. I’m already learned Chinese with 1 week of United States Corporation Installed President Joe biden in office. I’ll tell you. These politicians take care of foreign countries more then Americans. And that’s leftwing and right-wing. SAME BIRD
@Matthew Wood once again. Please explain!
“Evil men win when good guys say nothing”…
thats why im yelling my head off kicking and cussing
If not for the lying press and the democrats, many lives could have been saved. NY judge orders hospital to use Ivermectin, woman recovers..
Well Dr Birx had several chances to correct The Orangutan in White Gouse. In the end she was complicit.
@Tr Nguy yeah im sure she’s knowledgeable and a good person but people dying is inexcusable, take care
Good guys?
She has no integrity, she should have spoken up, or resigned, or both. I wouldn’t trust her to diagnose a common cold at this point.
@Barry Walls *”you’re wrong…she never echoed or agreed with any of his crazy talk”* – If I said she echoed Donnie or agreed with his “crazy talk” then your moronic comment would have at least a little merit. Unfortunately this is what I actually said: “…if she didn’t have Fauci’s courage [to push back] then she should have resigned.
From the UK
. A Nurse here. What I find deplorable about her is that she had an example in Dr Fauci who would get back on to the podium and skilfully reiterate his message when fart and the other idiots were saying something that was not only wrong but dangerous. Yes he got ostracised for speaking truth to power but she had him as an example. If she felt she couldn’t fully follow his example, she could has asked him to shield her and he would happily have said yes. She gets what she deserves. I say this again. She spat the Hippocratic oath that she took into the gutter and did too much harm to too many people. Her medical license should be revoked and or rescinded as soon as possible. Now… she wants to speak the truth. She is a coward. I advocated for my patients all my nursing career. It doesn’t make you popular with senior management but health care is not a popularity contest. Patients’ health is the priority end of. I had the courage of my conviction and when the day came for people to answer for their actions or inactions I held my head high explained as they could see in the files what went on, the decisions I made and why I made them. There is always a reckoning. She is on the wrong side whilst Dr Fauci can continue to serve his country (though whilst his and his family’s lives are being threatened) with distinction. The irony is that with these apology tours she’s taking, these nutcases still might turn against her and threaten her life anyway. Look at Pence. Was it worth flushing her career down the toilet?
@Maryanne Comment she also said it would be gone by april. Fauci kept consistent she did not.
When he spoke of desinfectant, she looked totally aghast, paralized, probably terrorized. To be attending this press briefing and following orders not to utter a word must be very humiliating. And now she is humilitating herself a second time trying to talk herself out of her inaction during that critical period. N.B. in the last clip she was on a christian network, addressing a specific audience, so she really went out of her way (ref. granularity… lmao) to compliment her master.
@Vincit Omnia Veritas. TAS Dr. Birx handled it badly, likely she is not good in standing up to people in power. While Dr. Fauci (additional to the expertise as epidemiologist) is also a world class diplomat. Trump could fire and replace her at will – but NOT Dr. Fauci. He would have needed to fire the boss of Dr. Fauci who is the head of an agency, so that would have resulted in a major uproar.
I think that is the only reason they did not get rid of Dr. Fauci and / or his boss (who was asked about, says that he appreciates and respects him a lot (sounded genuine, why else would they have an almost 80 year old man on the payroll). When asked what he would do if the Trump admin would demand from him to fire Dr. Fauci, he said he could not imagine that and hoped it would not come to that.
Someone told Trump there would be too much backlash and he would give the Democrats ammunition for attack ads.
Also: because of his extraordinary communications skills Dr. Fauci polled very well.
Trump stooges did some test balloons – not Trump himself, of course not – to see if they could derail him, but I assume the polling numbers were not good on that. Some instagram attacks, caricatures that were tweeted and liked by prominent Trump supporters or even staffers etc.
Economic advisor Peter Navarro harshly criticizing Dr. Fauci in summer (as if he would be qualified) – but nothing of that was successful resp. they got massive backlash. “liberal” media would defend him anyway, but the problem for Trump and his stooges was that the population in general also liked and trusted him.
Dr. Fauci also had to make some questionable compromises and flattering statements about Trump – but in the end it was still in the range of what was understandable and in hindsight likely the best he could do and the best for the country.
Trump would have found an enthusiastic Yes-person instead of Dr. Birxs after firing her or if she had stepped down.
That said: she should have resigned and then slammed Trump, she sacrificed her reputation for him.
Clogged with lieing corrupted garbage .. Can we ever get back to trying for a non corrupted society . Can we put the phase sellout back in the society
Accountability, Justice. ARREST tRUMP!! ARREST the INSURRECTIONIST!!
oh dear, an insurrection is when the military and national guard take control of the government, how is he an insurrectionist? is it because a few idiots rioted at the capitol?
mind you, the national guard are not leaving washington are they and Biden’s admin is treating them like crap. maybe it is an insurrection after all…..hhaaha so stupid
@Hugh Manatee insurrection – an organized attempt by a group of people to defeat their government and take control of their country, usually by violence.
This the plague we live in lies is caused by many like you!
@Hugh Manatee “hhaaha so stupid”. No disrespect, but you must be laughing at yourself; in case you haven’t noticed yet, your statements are “so stupid.”
Lock Up the entire demonrat Party coup d etat leaders. Fraud
The woman has got to go. Once she played Trump’s game at the expense of the American people, she lost her right to lead.
@George Bush did COVID19 When you lie you lose all integrity.
“Dr.” Birx doesn’t have enough credibility left to scarves on QVC.
@George Bush did COVID19 She will now go and work at Fox as no one else will hire these folks
“Stupid is as stupid does!” Forrest Gump’s mother.
I really and truly HATE it here. 
You hear the cameras going when -tRump- starts suggesting his bleach intervention ?
Even the photographers knew that was an historically stupid moment.
@Massimo O’Kissed you seriously think that the reporters only then started clicking the camera, he had literally only just started speaking not moments before, their cameras were clicking like mad throughout the whole press conference…….why would he say that? he asked if there was any way to get it inside the body? he isn’t a medical scientist or anything, he is asking a professional if that is possible but the spin you people put on it is absolutely f’king insane
@Massimo O’Kissed Hahaha

Nailed it!!! Trump’s so stupid he uses bleach to clean his teeth 

@Hugh Manatee Oh yeah, you’re here in Britain. Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.
@Hugh Manatee you all have your own problems to think on and chat about; we should all stay in our respective countries, thanks for the opine.
@Hugh Manatee There is a reason why Presidents and other Heads of State have qualified experts on their staff. You don’t have your favourite older uncle representing your side for major league football games, just because the old man has witty anecdotes about the game. Trump should have allowed knowledgeable voices to speak on the subject matter, unhindered. He took over the podium on the matter because he wanted to CONTROL THE NARRATIVE for his own political ends. Many people lost their lives through this misinformation. That is TRULY unfortunate.
Dr Birx will forever be known to me as “The Scarf Lady.”
And a hypocrit !
I always referred to her as the nodding scarf lady…
Dya note how Pelosi et Al, all began to go with the mid 6ts scarf look…….
she was probably the most cheesy of all the trump’s sychophants.
It’s like a horror movie to watch her sitting there like a haunted doll while the crazy Drump talking at the podium. There will and should be a horror movie about this.
Criminal because she took an oath to do no harm..she should be held accountable!
@시사져널 타로Cecil Oh my…so true! A horror movie, An American Night, is what that was like!
I knew from the scarf that she would be ineffective.
@Herman Klump

Dr. Trumpot has enabling Conald J Swamp from the beginning. It’s pathetic.
Conald J. Swamp….love it
yeah, she was a load of crap on the pile.
He appreciates the ‘granularity’? She could not have been serious. Wow.
Granularity is actually a word! I had to look it up to see if it fit, in context. It turns out it does! One of it’s meanings is “finely detailed”. In a way this makes her statement even more amazingly ridiculous. The idea that The Rump would actually read anything more detailed than a third graders comic book is absurd.
@Noe, D Just a hunch but I think some or most of these people have been coached in some way to project their own experience and knowledge onto a “thing” that is anything but intelligent.
The stuff she says at the end is very much like she’s only talking about herself but substituting in dump.
This might also explain the whole support of him. They support their own projections onto him. Therefore if you attack him you are by proxy attaxcking them and they take personal offense. It just becomes a self feeding cycle from there.
“You attack him which means you’re attacking me so I’m going to further support myself through him” At some point they just lose sight of who or what they’re actually miffed about.
@MarcSylex definitely makes sense to me. Good observation.
Granularity, I doubt that Trump even knows what it means.
I can give her a pass for that, she likely tried to flatter Trump into doing the right thing. She praised him for what she hoped he would do (or to undermine the influence of people that do not work with data).
Birx: “He’s been so attentive to the scientific literature and the details and the data…….He understands the importance of the granularity”
Dr.Birx, you are a laughing stock. And now you want credibility? Get real!
Oh wow, she was really reaching there. Credibility zero.
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Why did she not tell America at the time? “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
Just another sell out who cares nothing for her oath, our nation or our People.
She wanted to save her job more than she wanted to save lives .
BTC is the future of crypto and the questions trad.ers ask themselves now is if this is right time to ? before jumping into conclusion i think you should take a look at things first . for the past few days the price of BTC has been fluctuating which means the market is currently unstable and you cant tell if it is going bearish or bullish , while others still continue to trade without the fear of making , others are being patient it all depends on the pattern with which you and also the source of your sign.als . i would say trading has been going smoothly for me after accumu.lating over 3.5 BTC in just two weeks , with the trading strategy given to me Daniel Wrìght . His methods are top notch and and he can be conta.cted easily on Tale.gram ( @Danielwrightfx )
Yep, Doctor Birx is clueless and people can never forget it. She just sat there and let it happen.
Birx is an expert on public health – you, Tommy, are the CLUELESS one here. So, genius, if you had been in Birx’s position, what would YOU have done differently???? I’ll listen to you when you earn your MD – until then STFU.
I will never forget how she kept quiet when she should of stood up to him. Why didn’t she speak out?
Dr Fauci endured constant nonsense, but he never caved in; thus he’s on Biden’s staff, too. Dr. Birx apologetic stint with Don was enough!
The collaborator’s life is not an easy one.