MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell talks to Nicolle Wallace about the importance of the Georgia Senate runoff races and how the results may affect Joe Biden's appointments for his administration. Aired on 1/5/2021.
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#AG #Lawrence #MSNBC
Lawrence: It's No Mistake Biden Hasn't Named An AG. He's Waiting To See What Happens Tonight | MSNBC
Trump will get his two terms, in jail.
No ex president has ever gone to prison, and even he does it won’t the prison you or I would go to. It would be club med wall street minimum security prison where he plays tennis every day. Heck he might even get Martha Stewarts old room…
Rich man knows how to erase evidence, Trump
Probably you n your communist party!!
BS! Wrong! We will continue to fight the criminality, corruption, and election fraud! Selling of America!
I think Glenn Kirshner should be given some major role in the investigation and prosecution of the Trump admin.
@Jill Monroe I’m german and listening to Mr. Kirschner every day. He would be the best and I’m sure he’s surrounded by a lot of good intelligent people also. Justice matters
@B F Stay Safe and Well.
@Bill RobbinsYes indeed. Have a great 2021!
@Jill Monroe thank you,you too
Biden can simply appoint an “acting” AG, or any other cabinet post, bypassing the senate vote.
Correct, anything Trump did Biden will have the same power to do
I hope he does… watch the Republicans cry
That’s how Trump did it!
Goh yes
I would love to see Geoffrey Berman named AG.
He knows more about Trump’s shenanigans than most.
And you’re stupid
Toh yes
Poorly clever is not wise, Hillary!
You may want to google Berman. Did you know he was on trumps transition?
Wth loser
Republicans are burning down the house.
They better not complain when it happens and there’s no turning back.
Toh yes
Wrong! We will continue to fight the criminality, corruption, and election fraud! Selling of America!
@John Stamper Who’s you?
I voted for the dems. I don’t like Trump. I think he should be in prison.
@Tim Jones For what?
@Tim Jones It’s not about who I like or if I set around looking for things to be personally offended by, A Trump economy shows on my bills and paychecks just like a Biden ( Obama 2) will as well. Biden wants to be friends with China and that alone will put us right back down. Biden has made alot of money from China and we are the ones who pay for it. How do you think these career politicians are worth millions?
John Brennan should be the new director of the NSA. Now that would scare Donnie to his core.
Absolutely. I was thinking the same thing.
Toh yes
Such petty politics. Sad to think that the Republicans will try to block nominees just because they can. It’s no longer about what’s good for the country.
This is what you get from petty, power hungry people. They have no morals, no integrity and no desire to move us closer to a More Perfect Union.
@DaBoogieMonstah supporting the communist party what are pathetic people you all are, support the true Americans but not the communist! You WILL REGRET BUT ANYWAY TRUMP WILL WIN SO IT DOESN’T MATTER WHAT OTHERS THINK.
Wrong! We will continue to fight the criminality, corruption, and election fraud! Selling of America!
@Savika Hawes NOPE!
Preet Bharara is the man for the attorney general position.
Toh good
oh yes
PLEASE let both Democrats win!! My heart and blood pressure can’t handle a republican senate majority!
Then you’re about to really not be happy.
@Andrew Parsons
Well, your comment didn’t age well…
Toh yes
@Lee Christmas

Glenn Kirschner for AG.
If the Democrats control the Senate, he will try too help all Americans not just some like the selfish Republicans.
Not happening!
Since when DNC Politicians DEMS have helped anyone but themselves?
oh good
oh yes
Yea cos he did a lot in the 47 years hes been in politics
you’re right
Biden should pick Glenn Kirschner. He will do a good job.
Biden may very well just be filling Hillary’s dollhouse!
No, because Glenn has too much of his opinion on video. Sally Yates is perfect.
@sclogse1 exactly.
All Biden needs to do is appoint whom he chooses as “acting” just like trump did. What’s the problem?
Hoh good
oh yes
@Ken D You should really read my entire comment, sweetie. I stand by it.
@Maja-Danmark so just roll over and play dead till Cruz becomes prez? Or maybe the Dems could grow some balls and start using some of the powers granted them like congressional subpoena etc.
@Ken D I agree that the House didn’t use the full extent of their power for the past 2 years and they should have.
I was responding to the question regarding acting secretaries. I outlined the problem and confirmed that appointing acting cabinet members as the alternative solution. Or maybe ”Vacancy’s Act” confused you?
@Maja-Danmark I never professed to totally understand the whole governmental laws but if it was OK for trump why can’t Biden do it? Besides can’t Biden veto any change to the “Vacancy Act”? I’m thinking Chuck isn’t going to help Moscow Mitch with a super majority.
You got it right on the head. There are at least one dozen ANARCHISTS in the US Senate.
That CANNOT stand. Anarchist has ZERO place is government.
Foh yes
Then those people if they seek to obstruct the Biden Administration for petty political point scoring in a time of crisis need to be named and shamed nation wide so that they can get to feel the heat of people under duress. Make them feel the pain.
Hillary Clinton for Attorney General!
NOW we’ll see who gets locked up!
That would be SWEET REVENGE!!!!!
Lol, I just posted the same thing.
I really do like that idea. And former President Obama for 1 of those SCOTUS seats that will be vacated soon.
Oh now, wouldn’t that be something to behold.
Lord, that would be sweet!
Joe Biden needs Glenn Kirschner for his AG. And Joe don’t need to confirm him…tRUMP hasn’t had many (if any) of his staff confirmed outside of his court picks.
Scotland’s Leader Says Trump Wouldn’t Be Allowed To Visit…never been so proud of my Scottish heritage (Clan Gunn)
yea but thats only because of covid – or so she says;)
This makes me proud of my Scott heritage too.
Friends are proud Mackenzie clan. I’m sure all feel the same way, too.
Clan Mackenzie here, we hate trump’s guts!
@Cynthia Copland Heigh, as am I a Mackenzie.
Glenn Kirshner would be an excellent choice for AG.
No, no he wouldn’t. He’s too worried about his YouTube presence.
@Dench2020 How do you know he’s “worried”? Do you have telepathy? 9 out of 10 magats claim they do.
Glenn Kirschner for AG.
He’ll destroy Trump and other republicans
I’m with you good shout.
Agree, I hope Biden will be encouraged enough by the GA result to nominate Glenn. That guy won’t let Trump and his mobsters to get away.
Glen Kirshner..He won’t flinch. Cause