Lawrence O’Donnell explains how Donald Trump’s remarks in the Rose Garden show that the president knows his administration is coming to an end on January 20. Aired on 11/13/2020.
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Drawing upon his experience as a former chief of staff on the Senate Finance Committee and as an Emmy-winning executive producer and writer of "The West Wing," Lawrence O'Donnell examines the compelling and impactful political stories of the day. O'Donnell convenes diverse panels of guests, including a variety of politicians and cultural voices, to offer unique viewpoints and perspective. In his signature style, O'Donnell highlights the latest news developments and offers his take on the political stories driving the national conversation.
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#WilliamBarr #Trump #MSNBC
Lawrence: ‘It’s All Over’ For William Barr & Donald Trump | The Last Word | MSNBC
Americans all want a front row seat when Barr goes thru the wringer!!
I’d just like to see him in gen pop.

@Gigi “To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we must stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.”
Theodore Roosevelt
You are unpatriotic, servile, and morally treasonable to the American public.
@Liberty Freedom you got half of your information right. Trump did get 232. Biden has 306. Leader my country, traitor
@Lisa Kelzer No you are wrong….. the 6 states should recount and be investigated…..
This is not a matter of Biden or Trump!!!
This is a matter of crime or not!!!
Now, even more and more Biden supporters want to know the truth too!!
Definitely they do not want the “Illegally elected president”????!!!!!
Who are you then???
So, in other words, Trump and all his cronies are all crooks. Utterly disgraceful.
Lock the lot of them up. Lock them up period.
They make the normal currupt look like fluff compared to their curruption.
You spelled Biden incorrectly
Trump is the guy that dresses like a woman to get off the Titanic.
That was perfect, Arthur.
Where would he find a dress that big

*Trump admits possibility of Biden administration*
Internet: Ladies and gentlemen… We got him.
Biden should ignore rump and deal with rump by using a proxy .rump shouldn’t t be admitted to inauguration
These prosecutors should start investigating the Trump plot to undermine the elections by suppressing the post office!
@Dee Hudspeth proof and evidence?
And investigate having 1 ballot drop box per county in Texas
@keir farnum whatever …I’m sure your such a winner
And DeJoy and deVoss
B Won, And they have the nerve to talk about fraud on the part of the Dems? We haven’t forgotten that he was trying to get Ukraine to help him win. It just got backfired!
Barr needs to be held responsible and hope they do charge, he is a criminal.
why because there’s literally hundreds of court cases that are still to be decided on and will finish up some possibly at the supreme Court levels? No states have certified their results yet so I have no idea what your insinuating other than the narrative that you and the media want to hear. Grown adults understand this is all a process thankfully it’s been this way forever and when the process is over then things will proceed until then quit thinking you have all the answers as they’re still lots of things that are being looked at thankfully for most rational Americans
Including Mitch,wife

As well yes you is ever
so right. Thank you
@Arthur Fonzarelli FONZ You are so right! this is old stuff. happens all the time. That is why we are bored to tears. We KNOW how it ends. Biden /Harris. SSDD
Charged with what? Anything? Sounds very constitutional. What country do you live in? Oh, maybe you hate the constitution too. Or maybe you just say stuff.
I wonder how many emails are being deleted right now…
They are so slow they probably got everything on sticky notes stuck on the fridge.
@intellact12 intellact12 considering the roles of Democrats and Republicans switched, the slave owning Democrats turned Republicans and the slave freeing Republicans turned Democrats, so basically it would still be your peele who owned slaves.
All of them.

Papers shredded, emails deleted, and funds moved….
“History is written by the winners.” said William Barr. And it will be.
That greasy smirk he had on his face when he said that is not there anymore…
I haven’t seen Democrats this mad since Republicans freed their slaves
quote borrowed from
Great offering of that truism
This was a mere civil battle. The winners are yet to be determined. That honor of winners will never be determined by civil exercises such as elections. The final winner will write the history. And that will only be decided after the Bloodshed. That’s were tit for tat rub it in your face squabbles end up. All you people on both sides of the political circus. Should adopt a simple policy. If you really want to make society better. But I fear you all would rather fuss and fight. Rather than get along . But if you want a decent society. I would suggest. ( You do you. I’ll do me) policy. Quit living and dieing glued to a screen fingers at the ready. Otherwise your society is doomed. You will destroy each other long before climate change does you in. Long before you achieve equality, diversity, or inclusion.
They know Barr is on his way out. So, they aren’t scared of him or Trump at all. Good for them….

“this administration won’t be going into a lockdown”. we’re happy to let you continue dying in yours 1000s
“The most corrupt president in history.”
—Finally the Truth is told.
I’m glad Fox News is on our side now
Joe Biden already has this SEWN up and he hasn’t even STARTED COMMITING CRIMINAL ACTS AS THE US PRESIDENT YET.
People just need to SHUT UP BECAUSE ANYONE WITH ANY BRAINS UNDERSTANDS POLITICIANS BY THEIR NATURE have alot of power and they have tremendous potential to be corrupt.
Biden has an entire political history of corruption…
The truth will be told after that have. Done a deep dive investigation into the Crooked activities commited by all administration officials and those that enabled them or covered up for those crimes against our government and the Constitution. Also those in the Senate that knowly went along just to stay on Trump’s so called good side. If you were so afraid of trump that you couldn’t or wouldn’t do the job you swore an otah to perform, Then you are not needed or wanted in the Nations Capital.
Just when u think he can’t get any worse, he does. Pathetic. Get out of our house, u aren’t the President Elect anymore!
@Jen Vicinity People are ready for a new Administration. Four years of a President who cared nothing for his people was quite stressful.
@clarice525 Indeed!!!
hit the bricks donny!
Give trump a new title ‘the president Eject’
Good bye BOY who cried WOLF everyday of his presidency and is THE WOLF HIMSELF!!!
wolves are cool, this guy is a whining mule
@Gaming with Josh

Please don’t insult mules unless you’re talking about a whole team of mules doing a united ‘plop’ on Donald’s orange face. Don’t “worry” about Donald though,he’s used to being shat on by daddy Putin. Duh.
@Sebastian Weetabix

Please don’t insult rats by comparing them to Donald;they’re important for seed dispersal in various ecosystems while Donald can’t stand most of his “seed dispersal” unless it’s Ivanka. Duh.
@MzARavenLunatic Ewwwwwwwww……
“It is what it is” and “time will tell” is what Trump will be remembered for, and it won’t be in a good way either. That’s it, that’s his legacy, summed up in 8 words.
And all 8 words have only
“I don’t take responsibility for the China virus”
“We’ll just learn to live with it”
@Christina Bigelow he didn’t have to take responsibility for the virus, he just should have acknowledged it. No body was even trying to blame him for it, they were just trying to get him to set an example, which is way beyond him. He’s not capable of that.
I never could stand Barr, don’t like to look at him or listen to him. He is a very large slime ball. I sure am glad he’s leaving!
Barr doesn’t have a choice but leave
When Putin congradulates Biden, that will be the concession.
Icing on the cake
Well said…
i feel sorry for putin his puppet is useless now
Putin has bigger things to worry about. He’s stepping down in spring and has already chosen his successor. He’s waiting for legislation that gives him immunity from prosecution and a lifetime appointment in the Duma.
Bill Barr needs to be prosecuted for his crimes.
Bill Barr was NOT Attorney General he was trump’s personal lawyer.
Barney Flintsone Barr never worked for the American people we should of never paid him,,Trump should of paid him for being his personal lawyer!
“This administration will NOT go to a lockdown…”
How about a lockup then?
100% I’m still trying to understand why Trump hasn’t already left for Russia!!! Seems like the best idea for him and his kids…buh bye
So well said!
Yes, lock them up.
Kim Jung Trump wants to be President for life.
Yes, you bet.