Lawmaker stumps postmaster general with postcard question

Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) questions Postmaster General Louis DeJoy as he testifies before the Democrat-led House Oversight Committee.
#CNN #News


  1. This wouldn’t fly if you were the fry guy at McD’s — how is this acceptable for the leader of the damn company?

    1. Peewee0413 — so we should give him a pass for not knowing *basic things* about his agency because he’s “new to the job” yet trust that he’s making good choices when he’s making some of the most massive and consequential changes to the agency in a generation? 🤔 How does that work, can you explain? If a maniac takes over as a clown for a kid’s birthday party and starts a knife-throwing competition for the first time ever, we shouldn’t cut him slack just because he’s “new” to the job. He should have been QUALIFIED for the job with EXPERIENCE in the first place, and INTIMATE knowledge of everything possible about the organization — yes including the most *_basic_* things any worker on the ground could tell you.

    2. @Demeter ! Agreed — and on top of his inexperience, DeJoy also demonstrated one of Trump’s own worst flaws: a refusal and/or inability to solicit and accept input and guidance from those who *do* have solid experience with the work at hand. Enough of those who rely on their gut, for pete’s sake!

    1. Katie and these Dem. lawmakers haven’t licked a stamp in 10 years and don’t know crap about the post office .

    1. Wig Cap, You’re right. America is being run by con men. But, in November the STUPID people of America will vote for Trump and we’ll have four more years of the same.

    2. Couldn’t agree with you more? He does not know who ordered changes in the organisation he heads, what a fool indeed.

  2. Katie Porter, as usual did a great job, DeJoy is incompetent, destructive and has conflicts of interest. He must be removed immediately, along with the board, and indicted.

  3. This is one of Dopey Donny’s “best people.” I wonder how many felonies this one will accrue during his time in the administration.

    1. Muscadins/incroyables of America will inevitably give you regressives your constitutions. Just wait. The pendulum swings both ways and it’s about at its pinnacle toward the left now I say.

    2. @Joe Trader Hey sheep, your shepherd’s got some clorox tablets waiting for you over there. Go ahead and get your medication while listening to more baseless “facts” you are spouting and hope you continue to live this wonderful dream life you are clearly enjoying! 🙂

    3. Mag Launcher how’d that nick sandman case go for cnn? Oh yeah that’s right 😂🤣🖕🏼. 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

  4. We love Katie Porter here in California. She’s one of the few politicians that actually fights, and works for her constituents.

    1. No, she’s not one of the few. She’s one of the many. Funny how you can be so supportive of a politician AND so cynical of politics in the same breath.

  5. He just lied to the oversight committee when he denied ordering the sabotage of sorting machines. Isn´t that a felony too, like the sabotage itself?

    1. He says he did not order the removal of the machines.

      He says the machines are not needed.

      He says he won’t put the machines back (without federal fundind to do so).
      He only agreed to do that because he doesn’t believe Congress will appro_e the funding.

  6. It’s his job to know who ordered the dismantling of equipment, the removal of post boxes and anything else.

    1. Phaedra Degreef she should of interviewed a postal worker if she wanted to know the postage rates for packages. I use a special chart and scale to determine the correct postage for packages. I couldn’t tell you what the different rates are. I just know they are different.

    2. @bngr bngr Hes the postmaster general and has headed shipping logistics companies for decades. This should a piece of cake if he actually fucked with the logistics.

    3. TooMuchWubWub I doubt he is aware of the minutia of his previous companies. I work in Telecom, my boss has a general understanding of Telecom but he can’t program new phone numbers nor how to trouble shoot user profiles. He doesn’t need that to do his job.

    4. TooMuchWubWub what was the highest level of management you held and for how big of a company? A lot of ignorance when someone doesn’t actually run big business

  7. I hope Katie Porter never gets voted out of office. Her questioning is the most entertaining of House members.

    1. Post master chicken $ _it General. He’s not a General or a man . Plenty of layers of people between DeJoy and the creep that ordered him to destroy the post office. That creep was the mafia boss D J tRump. Ordered VIA several trump’s BROWN NOSE, LIERS.

    2. The person that ordered the destruction of the USPS is DJ tRump. RIGHT OUT OF THE Mafia play book so DeJoy could say tRump did not order him to do it.

    1. @Klaus Van Heusen The postal service is not meant to generate revenue. It is a service. One of the reasons it is so inefficient, however, is because of a Bush era policy. Republicans fucked it up, nice try to deflect though.

    2. @bngr bngr My family owns a few businesses. Each of the people who owns a business knows every single aspect of that business and how to perform every job. Most bosses whomare effective actually know what they’re doing. You are just a horrible sycophant. You’re literally saying that you would prefer a boss who knows less about the business he runs than one who knows more.

    3. Christopher Parks it might be true for a small business. Large businesses are not run that way. They might be aware what happens in each department but they don’t know how to do the individual positions. I can guarantee you that my CEO does not know how to run our telecom system. There is no need for the CEO to know how to do that. They need to worry about the over all strategy of the company and not be stuck in the minutiae of people’s individual job. I would say your family should delegate more of the every day function of your business and concentrate on the overall strategy of your company.

  8. “I’m glad you know the price of a stamp” 😂🤣 She threw him some serious shade. 🤣 Katy Porter is Amazing. Tampering with the Post office is a Federal Crime. What happened to “no one is above the law”?

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