At a hearing before the House Judiciary Committee, Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) pushed Catherine Glenn Foster, president and CEO of Americans United for Life, about the case of a 10-year-old who crossed state lines to seek an abortion six weeks into her pregnancy.
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Lawmaker gets in ‘bizarre exchange’ with anti-abortion activist

This is so sad, if that poor little girl was the daughter of one of these politicans, what would they do?
@Korey and for anyone to say it didn’t happen, or it couldn’t happen. To them l say, grow up. This planet is sick and we are as polluted as any other animal on the planet. Unfortunately the other animals don’t get a choice.
@Korey not one iota if that’s what a woman chooses to do with her own body.
Glad that little girl got the help she needed and I hope she can grow from this trauma. Anyone who is blaming this little girl is just proving they are pro birth not pro life.
@Nate S
No. But facts about serious crimes should have sources, right? Why the need to keep them hidden? It just makes you seem very shady.
“No exceptions for rape” The fact conservatives keep specifying this part makes me think there’s something they’re not telling us..
@Matthew Sharpe SHE IS TEN YEARS OLD. ..TEN.
@Chris Paul Control over women’s bodies and actions was never a State or Federal rights issue. It’s no different than slavery NOT being a true State’s rights issue either despite the insistence of some. In time, women will take back their right to control what happens to their bodies and it won’t necessarily be done through the constituion.
@JL Lynne I get that. Why didn’t her parents take her? Would you if it were your child?
Why did they wait weeks?
You see the strategy here? It’s about changing the definition of words when they don’t like the implication of those words
@David Drake what is their population and what is their diversity make up
@Victor Blüd it is not a religious issue as there are pro life supporters that are atheist, perhaps everyone should be responsible for their own actions… we are not a nanny state and the government is not your daddy… BTW the taxpayer is already providing subsidized housing and health care, WIC, Headstart, k through 12 education, free lunches, EBT etc.
@Kimberly Garrett What does it matter?
This is what happens when the lunatics are ACTUALLY RUNNING the asylum. God help us all.
What is a woman?
Impeach biden
Do you know God? Didn’t think so.
It is barbaric to make a 10 year old child have a baby.
@John Lampley they are not being murdered . they are not born how can it be murder for something that doesnt exist. what you should be worrued abbout is the lack of help to the born children. the lack of healthcare, maternity leave, the lack of a living wage in wealthy country. the majority of the world does not agree with you that abortion should be illegal. come to grips, i did
@R C “more important” i don’t think anyone has implied that any life is more important than the other, you’re quoting nobody when you say that. we believe in human dignity, all humans are endowed with the same rights as one another. violating an unborn human’s rights by taking his or her life does not undo the violation of a rape victim’s rights, all it does is multiply the unnecessary suffering. if a girl was 100% going to die as the result of the pregnancy then an unfortunate decision would have to be made but that’s not a case to make abortion legal in all circumstances. please stop exploiting the suffering of a little girl to further your own sadistic ends. God loves you
@valerie I think you meant to tag someone else. We agree.
@JL Lynne No they are all lives BABYKILLER!!!
That lady would rather say something completely crazy than say the girl should go thru wit the pregnancy. They know what they’re doing is wrong.
@gscurd75 Then the fetus is not a person. Which it isn’t.
@BigSteelThrill And? It is still a separate human life. Regardless your statement has no relevance.
A child should not give birth at 10 year’s old. She could die from the stress of child birth. I’m against abortion. But not when it comes to Rape. I would do the same for my granddaughter.
1 Donna Keeling Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I’m glad to see someone who is against abortion have some common sense and decency. I think most conservatives have it in their head that so many women go on a one-night-stand, then wait until they’re 8 months and 1 week pregnant to have the baby aborted. Not allowing exceptions for rape/incest, or for cases where the Mother’s life in endangered is just inhumane and shows how crazy these people are.
@B C you don’t know most conservatives then.
@MadSkillDawg My whole family is conservative and I live in rural America where just about everybody is conservative. I frequently hear them say things like “she should just close her legs if she doesn’t want to get pregnant.” If you know conservatives, you’ve heard it too. You’ve undoubtedly also heard them talk about how Democrats want to abort babies after they were born. B C generalized, but he’s not wrong in principle.
Nobody actually likes abortion, it’s like liking chemotherapy.
This is what happens when you don’t care about the right thing, you just care about winning and being called right
The RWNJ are out of their damn azz minds. To blame the little girl for being assaulted and then to go after the Dr who preformed the abortion, is just as asinine. It was in the little girl’s best interest, which is about her health and life. 😡😡🤬
1 Vicki Alway Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
You all need to talk about the damage done to a 10 yr old body bringing a pregnancy to term. It could even kill her!
1 mary hannah Fuk what you saying it here 😠
Felicidades, es un buen ejemplo. 😠
5:25 Se deja ver que hay muy buenos resultados 😠😠
Saludos desde la Cd.. de world 🌹😉💖
los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
@Kristy Campbell this must be a bot. You given the same comment for three different videos over the last month.
SAME EXACT MEDICAL PROCEDURE! BUT- if there’s a loophole found in the language, then it’s NOT an abortion? I’m having a replay of Kellyanne’s ‘alternative facts’ remark!!!
What would he say if it was his child? A 10 yr old shouldn’t have to go through childbirth.
Can’t wait for the future trial of a young teenage girl being brought up on murder charges for trying to get an abortion after being rapped and find out she’s looking at 20 years in prison, but meanwhile her attacker will get 5. Yeah… that should be great optics. That will look so fair and compassionate.
@gscurd75 Why isn’t the mother held responsible? She is the one that had the “murder” carried out. She is more at “fault” than the doctor who is providing medical services that are requested. Who is so crazy to believe it is a “person” and then not charge the person who is getting it killed?
@Timothy Young They are simple minded so unfortunately cannot grasp the true meaning behind your comment.
@BigSteelThrill Read the rules for each state. They are regulating a procedure and that is all. No woman will be prosecuted since they are not the ones performing the procedure. These are not blue states that don’t care about the rule of law so you cannot use that mindset.
I find it very concerning that some states seem ready to restrict state to state travel. I could be wrong, but it sounds like states seem to think that they own the women and girls living in their state and can restrict interstate travel for them.
@JL Lynne I would recommend not getting pregnant. It’s not that hard
@Lewellyn Crunkmeyer What do you mean Crunk? I was naturally assuming that if the rape happened that the doctors would have reported it! What is wrong with those doctors??? They need to go to jail!
Is this rhetoric?
Many years ago I had a cousin that got raped at the age of 12 years old and had a baby—my cousin during the birth had a severe stroke—her life was over— she couldn’t take care of the child the burden went on to my aunt—my cousin could not go to school— she could not really take care of herself—all her hopes and dreams of a life and future was taken away—if she could of had a abortion things would of been different
The poor girl may God give her justice
The pro-life position is a minority position that is typically held by far right Christians. We know by Pew surveys and various other sources that about 61 percent of Americans are fine with abortions . Their argument that life starts at conception is not some well thought out argument to be consistent with the real word but more so to control how women behave in a ideal Christian society.
Are you familiar with the violinist argument which is already sufficient to dismiss the pro-life stance. If a child needed a kidney or blood to survive the parent would never be forced to use their bodily resources to keep them alive. Pro-life only rebuttal is that your body is made for babies so continue having babies .
Then it’s the argument from moral consideration. We’ve had cases where premature babies before the 20th week had a heart , breathing, alive and growing but since they lacked all the brain faculties for consciousness they were put to rest . Now are they alive ? Certainly but being alive is not relevant to moral consideration. If they indeed had moral consideration at conception then why put them to rest ? The same with a comatose patient where the doctor informs the family that they’ll never wake up. The doctor won’t tell them they have a heart, alive or what have you so we should keep them alive . They would merely pull the plug .
Those who are pro-,choice aren’t people who want to harm a baby but it’s more so people who know intuitively it’s something wrong with saying moral consideration is given at conception. This is because whether something is alive is irrelevant to moral consideration and shouldn’t determine abortion. Pro life virtue signal and appeal to triggering terms to draw out an emotional response to something so silly .
Consciousness emerges the 20th to 24th week and fetal viability also happens to be within that time frame of the 23rd to 24th week . Pro-life won’t accept this because most abortions occur within 12 weeks so you can’t dictate how women behave anymore because most would have had abortions already . Where is all the fuss over IVF? 1.7 million embryos have been discarded in an effort to impregnate infertile women . Ban IVF and tell women to adopt or hope we find another method in the future .
How Swalwell didn’t say “are you shitting me?” is beyond my comprehension!
I guess it’s more important to be right even if this means playing games with the definitions of words instead of admitting reality. Wow, the hoops some are willing to jump through to declare their position appropriate.