Foreign Policy columnist and MSNBC science contributor Laurie Garrett predicts that even though there are a few promising covid vaccines, they will not be widely distributed throughout the country until well into the spring Aired on 11/30/2020.
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About Deadline White House: Before getting into cable news, Nicolle Wallace worked in politics, including as President George W. Bush’s communications director during his administration and for his 2004 re-election campaign. Those experiences helped contribute to the knowledge and unique point of view she brings to this program. Wallace leads dynamic discussions on the political stories driving the news cycle with Washington insiders and well-sourced journalists. She also provides in-depth reporting while delivering up-to-the-minute breaking news to viewers.
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#LaurieGarrett #CovidVaccines #MSNBC
Laurie Garrett Believes ‘We Won’t See Large-scale Vaccination Until Well Into The Spring’ | Deadline
Until then behave like a mature Adult!
Only Science matters and Science doesn’t care what you believe.
Not MIA, but AWOL
He is trying to find a doctor to verify his bone spurs to prove why is he is AWOL.
trump repeatedly dumped all over Obama for playing too much golf instead of governing. Now he’s over 300 rounds in 4 years (and counting) versus Obama´s 98 over 8 years. Go figure.
Wow, you are super smart, you must have been the caddy to know those numbers
And still was able to get alot more done then obama did in 8 yrs
It’s absolutely preposterous that trump (while playing golf) now claims responsibility for the anti-virus vaccine. He could have supported and even led the vaccine development effort almost a year ago! He didn’t. Instead he left the nation totally vulnerable and in a place of “catch up” instead of “prevention” to the pandemic crisis. He recklessly and deliberately dismantled all the important measures the previous administration had taken to protect the nation from the 2014 Ebola infection crisis and guard against other possible infection situations in the future. And then he actually blocked the capacity for national action to contain the current mess and still is blocking it!
It don’t matter buddy. If a trumpet you don’t believe in science if a non trumpet you don’t trust current administration these vaccines are waste of time because of the level of mistrust out there by the way not only in the USA over here too.
It’s true that you can’t blame Trump for the source of COVID-19, but with his influence in Republican party, he could have done something to stop the spread.
We can’t do this because too many of us are selfish
Right. We have to get on the same page to get through this.
…. and stupid
I didn’t know December was in the spring?
It isn’t.
SOME limited amount of vaccine will become available in December to be used for people on the front line such as medical staff and those in direct contact with infected people. It will take until the Spring for enough vaccine to be widely available for the general population.
So now we have proof positive that all republican and/or tRump supporters collectively have a lower IQ than an Empty Aerosol Can!
But don’t worry as I hear that the republican party, are searching all state and federal prison’s for their next candidate to run in the 2024 presidential elections!
The trump family should be last on list for vaccination.
It’s all a hoax! Remember that?
The real TRUTH you need to know now!!!!!
@Nagy Erno Don’t waste your time you ain’t goin to heaven. Don’t waste my f*cking time, I’m an atheist…
@Nagy Erno
Will tRumps Covid19 Vaccine be like tRumps Tax returns or his beautiful NEW Health Care scheme?
It will be coming within the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks!
But if it doesn’t come then Don’t worry,
Because it will be coming within the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks, or the next 2 weeks!
But then again its possible that the Moon will turn to Green cheese before then, so it’s quite possible that there will be some further delays!
This vaccination process is racist
How long has it been since Trump’s desperate Super-Spreader events? How about all his “door knockers” who went into houses?
Anybody who claimed the coronavirus was a HOAX, should not get the vaccine…. by anybody I mean RepubliCONS!
Dont worry, anyone with half a brain wont get it. You demtards take it and you will be safe, so dont worry about anyone else if you believe it’s good to keep you safe.. Biden is not a president
AI really doesn’t know.
Experts: “If we all just come together for these next few crucial months before the vaccine is available, we could save thousands of lives.”
republicans: “Nah.”
Experts: “But it could save thousands….”
republicans: “What part of NAH did you not understand?”
US Intelligence has listed the things te Russian Trolls/Bots online are doing right now and most of it is convincing more americans that the Covid vaccine is a deep state control for them. Putin didn’t lose one soldier while helping trump wipe out a quarter million americans…
It will be so nice to have a real president again. It’s like we’ve been flying by the seat of our pants for the last four years. It’s almost over.

Those who are so “brave” as to not wear a mask, should be equally as brave and not apply for hospitalization once their “bravery” catches up with them.
Well said
no their “bravery” is just tribal loyalty. they will push their way to the front of the line. it’s the nature of the predatory conservative mind to see social cooperation as weak and ripe for exploitation.
Funny how the MAGA’s rally on the Build the Wall but not on mask or help other Americans.
And their beloved Trump never built the wall.
The fact is that Trump has been MIA since he was elected . Impeached = Infected = Voted OUT
He is in quarantine having infected his entire constituency….
Why weren’t the airports shut down?!?
Because that would make too much sense.
God help us, mask up people, just do it please!!
When this first happened, I asked God “Why did I have to change careers to become a license RCFE (Residential Care Facility for the Elderly) running multiple small 6 bed private room facility homes in a Pandemic?” Now, I feel so blessed and so thankful because no one (my staff and residents) has gotten COVID-19 and in October, the CDC, through the Department of Social Services, had given to all licensed Nursing Homes facilities an online application that I completed for all my staff, residents and myself to be the first group to receive the vaccination, once it is given the emergency use approval – December 10th for the Pfizer vaccine.
It is about individual responsibility. It is your life. Choose to keep it!
Unfortunately,an individual who is Not responsible (there are many) infect & affect us all.I wish it was just about them but it’s not. No one knows if that grocery clerk,fast food worker infected & did they wipe their nose & not wash their hands? They touch your food,food containers ,groceries the virus can live for 17 days on certain objects…. the possibilities are endless. Go watch a YouTube video from cnn & read the comments. It’s insane how many people don’t think it’s that bad or it’s a hoax or you’re violating their freedom & on & on.Wishing you all good health!
*—If you could reason with a Trump supporter, they wouldn’t be Trump supporters—*