Captured American Alexander John-Robert Drueke is being held in Ukraine. His mother, Bunny, talked to CNN’s Kate Bolduan about a recent phone call she had with Alex as well as the State Department’s efforts to secure his release. #CNN #News
‘Laughter and happiness’: American held captive in Ukraine speaks to mom

I hope Alex and Andy will be free soon and can go home safely
Sadly he may wind up like the British Mercenaries who are going to be executed and dumped into unmarked holes in the ground by DPR/LPR. They have committed crimes against Russia and it’s citizens and will have to be held accountable. They could get hard labor sentences in Siberia, possibly death.
@Yakiv Popavich Well, considering all of the soldiers you are mentioning took an oath and signed a contract with Ukraine and were inducted into the UDF, if this is done then that violates the Geneva Convention. They are prisoners of war, not criminals. The only criminals here are the Russian forces.
Oh, and the DRP/LRP are not countries or republics with ZERO credibility and have no UN Representation. Nobody besides Russia recognizes them. That is Ukrainian territory.
Also, be careful Yakiv. If Russia starts executing prisoners of war, then Ukraine may start doing the same to Russian POWs. If you want to get nasty, so can we.
@don s The Geneva Convention ? Tell this to the murdered Russian soldiers who were killed by the Ukrainian military in March , whose throats were cut and their legs were shot until they died . That cnn didn ‘t show it ? They came to fight in a foreign country now they will get what they deserve . There are 8-9 thousand Ukrainian soldiers in Russian captivity , and 500-700 in Ukrainian captivity . Do you think Ukraine will go for it ?
@don s you must be signatory to Geneva Convention, DPR is not. And as far as Ukraine start killing Russia PoWs, Russia has 10x more Ukrainian POWs, which means Russia can always swap them.
Problem is that Anglos dont have Russian POWs.
1 No New Wars, $2 Gas, Mean Tweets Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
If you want to help contact voice of the martyr’s and they will get to those Left behind.
Me too.
Hoping Alex and Andy will be released soon from this arrest with the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Alex’s mom is very good with these details.) Has to be hard. 

Thank you CNN’s team. From southern Colorado.
1 Kary Herndon Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
TIKi 1
Sadly he may wind up like the British Mercenaries who are going to be executed and dumped into unmarked holes in the ground by DPR/LPR. They have committed crimes against Russia and it’s citizens and will have to be held accountable. They could get hard labor sentences in Siberia, possibly death.
You sound like a good person.. thank you for that Kary

@Yakiv Popavich shaddap
1 My Views Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
1 H o t r e t a r d e d c h i X Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
TIKi 2
@YT user You have potential
Bless them all, I hope every one of them make it home to their families.
TIKi 2
Why? He’s a mercenary fighting a banker war for the American Empire. Oh wait, you get your news from CNN. Nevermind.
Sadly he may wind up like the British Mercenaries who are going to be executed and dumped into unmarked holes in the ground by DPR/LPR. They have committed crimes against Russia and it’s citizens and will have to be held accountable. They could get hard labor sentences in Siberia, possibly death.
1 Sky Sutton Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
My mother was the best person I’ve ever met so far..
I hope Diesel’s Daddy gets home very soon.
We need to stay out of Ukraine.
Much RESPECT to these brave men!

Should have stayed home.
Much more important than the release of an arrogant athlete from Russian custody for drug charges
I heard some ruSSians saying they enjoy the mysterious explosions and fires in ruSSia and they would like more of those.
1 Tom A Fuk what you saying it here
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1 Xander The Great Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Wait, CNN is still on ?
1 Dave Mulka Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
Whether LPR and DPR are acknowledge as legitimate they have been the elected governments in Donbas for 8 years. If they are willing to release Americans that never were combatants and were captured their first day in the field negotiating, releases should not be a problem and done soon.
1 Eileen MC Connell Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
It’s a Happy day today , well everyday but OH Happy day, Prais eGod and Praise the Russians for this goodwill. At around 2: 00 in vid the Soldiers who allowed talks want exchange an hopefully it is met Immediately….I will try to delete my more ,militant replies on this matter now from Yootoob here. It’s better news those fools killed in battle than POW, I feel sympathy for ALL hurt in this operation. Thankyou Russia and it’s professional Military Leadership
1 Burnt Kitty Forge Fuk what you saying it here
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los mortales abian apreciado tan hermosa mujer
I feel relieved and a sign we have asome future personally thankyou
Oh andy. Heart goes out to you. Hero working for everyo in the free world especially Ukraine.
He knew what he signed up for.
and he was still alive unscathed when he knew bad choice so he surrendered fool