In a recent interview Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell downplayed concerns over voter suppression. LaTosha Brown, co-founder of Black Voters Matter Fund who personally had to wait hours to vote this year, reacts in an interview with Lawrence O’Donnell. Aired on 7/14/2020.
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LaTosha Brown On McConnell’s Claim That Voter Suppression Is ‘Nonsense’ | The Last Word | MSNBC
Mitch McConnell is Kentucky’s Bribed Chicken.
With only white meat and right wings . . .
@jones yummy
What does that make stacey abrahams????? Watermelon felon?????lmfao
@Steve C
Are you sure you want to stand by that remark?
_You may be tipping your hand, there, buckaroo._
@jones i got no hand to tip…just an equal response to a racist remark.
If the Republicans can’t win a free and fair election they’ll cheat lie and gerrymander.
@votive on a scale of honesty? Yes, they are. You start naming lies, and I’ll start naming lies. Then, we can total the results. I’ll save you the time; you would lose.
@Kevin McNeil your people my subservient beta
@Maloy Audy silent majority
And they win. History only cares about winners, not loosers
@Ariki Royal tell that to the dixie chicks of old
Moscow Mitch has to go. Vote Amy McGrath in November.
Bruce Gardner he has to go to jail !
There would be no better poetic justice if people like Graham and Mitch, who have put all their chips on t’rump, selling out America, just to have them lose re-election because they put all their chips on the most incompetent, dumbest president in history.
They should be removed from office because they are not acting in the best interest of their constituents.
Moscow Mitch has got to go !
Mitch McConnell is the poster child for the white establishment political dinosaur – he needs to wander off into the tar pits….
Alberta doesn’t want him. So don’t point him north.
Send him to La Brea tar pits, they could put it on the Nixon library tour.
@Robert Richard

Love It!! La Brea Tar Pits!!!Lol!!!
#moscowmitch should be tried in front of a crowd of Americans weilding pitch forks and torches.
Tar and Feather
Well, so long as it’s a fair trial. After all, there are good people on both sides.
Conservative means voter suppression
There’s nothing fair in this country…this country is in shambles and our enemies know it.
She’s 100% right. Look what happen the big lines 2 vote in Georgia, Wiscosin and other GOP control states. GOP use many forms of voting suppression.
Vote mosco mitch out this nov. Mitch is not for Kentucky he only cares for he’s seat.
Idiots here love the Red turd. I will never understand it.
Why can the Europeans manage to make elections easy and open, while it is such a big effort in the USA.
It’s like comparing a Ferrari to a Jeep
Bjørn Hjortshøj Andersen Canada,s wondering the same thing.
If Europeans are so interested in why this continues to happen in some parts of the US, they really should learn American history. But, they’re not going to take the time to do that.
@Rich Greene Same thing for Canadians: Learn some American history which means going back to, at least, the post Civil
War era. But, they’re not going to do that.
@Karen Byrd
Wondering the reason for your anger and cynicism.
And I am not looking to be insulted, merely curious. It seems a bit superfluous.
This is how people see how low down Mos Cow Mitch has always been.this is what he has so Much in common with the Puten Man Trump.
The people should set up a a crowd funding fund to reimburse those voters who have to take time off to cast their vote. Problem solved.
Same day registration, no Electoral College, national holiday.
Arrest the Secretary of State and the Governor until this is fixed. They aren’t doing their jobs and are breaking the law. JAIL.
Arrest Moscow Mitch. Dereliction of duty. Lying, cheating. Arrest the Secretary of State and the Governor until the voting is corrected.
He was poor when he went into politics, now he is rich. In the meantime Kentucky is waaaaay behind other states in many areas, education, employment etc etc. He wife has made out like a bandit in questionable deals. Something is rotten in Mitch’s house. From the outside looking in, Amy McGrath would do Kentucky well. I am getting tired of this Us and Them, it should be us and him. I remember when Republicans and Democrats were not that far apart and had the same goals (take care of family). Trump is not a Republican and Us (Democrats AND Republicans) against Him (Trump-non-Republican) need to vote him out in 2020. Mitch out. I believe true Republicans (not Trumpers) and Democrats can work together for Jobs/Health/educating our kids and keeping America Great.
Don’t stop there, you’re on a roll.
Why is he in charge of this voting please black peoples vote line up please don’t let Mich win he is an extension of trump wow Canadians are counting on you heck the world is counting on the black vote blue
If elections are not free and fair we now live in a communist Country!
Not communist government but an oligarchy.
Actually trump is a white supremacist fascist, watch Hitler and Mussolini speeches, and then Trump speeches, pretty much the same, aside from his attack on the press, taking over Voice of America and voter suppression of anyone other than Caucasian. And also he’s taking over the Justice department. America needs to wake up, he is destroying democracy. VOTE BLUE DOWN THE LINE. TAKE A PICNIC LUNCH to the polls, register , request to vote by mail, expect to wait in long lines, He has to GO! All of them!
@UniquelyLily Lily Good comment. Kudos.
I would hope you might consider posting more often. I spend too much time on these pages for a number of reasons, and your succinct directness is a breath of fresh air and much needed right about now. _Respectfully_ . . . . Namaste.
Jones , trust me I’m watching and I comment on many threads. I’m just very saddened and extremely appalled that our America has been ravaged the way it has. After all our parents and grandparents went through to build this country. I’ve lived a long time and never have I seen such turmoil and hate. And the fact that once again our voting is being assaulted makes me angry. That man in the Oval Office (I don’t call him President, as he’s not mine and doesn’t deserve that once-respected title) needs to GO! As my mom used to say, no ifs, and, or buts about It! I thank you for your kind words. I wish I could do more, this is my voice. Please stay safe and mask-wearing. Peace!
@UniquelyLily Lily Thank you for the reply. I am with you 100% and have also been around since we had that window of real hope, when peace and love were integral with the zeitgeist. There is reason for hope, however, as I trust you recognize. The pendulum swings both ways, and I believe the tide turned following Lafeyette Park, if you recall those events and the subsequent statement by General Mattis . . . followed by Colin Powell, et al speaking with one voice.
I hope you took note of the link I posted previously.
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It takes like 5mins to go vote here in Canada.
You obviously don’t have the lines we see in the USA.
@Dee Pattison we have lines but we dont have the voter suppression