1. Complacency leads to more tragedy. Do your civic duty and vote. Don’t let the single issue vocal minority voters have power over you. Don’t let them endanger your families and communities with this uniquely American plague.

  2. *Trump made a statement! Watch the video you will be shocked* EVERYDAYS.ML

    Mr.Dunn – respect for you.

    1. Really? I didn’t hear any squealing. No worries. No interest in what the Hogfather has to say. *Just say no to treason.*

  3. In Australia we had a mass shooting in 1996 after which the govt banned guns unless highly regulated reasons …. result: no mass shootings since, 26 years without a mass shooting … oh and we still have democracy alive and well

    1. @Utahyono Wibowo I will be more than happy to move there, at least I will find an army who protect me and my land, not the army who point their guns in their people’s face to protect the ruler and sell our land to Emirates, Saudi and Israel.

    2. Not from what happened during the lockdowns in Australia ,it seemed to me to be a tyrannical government arresting people ,if they had guns they would not try ,and it is not the gun that commits the crime it is the person , In Wisconsin there was an incident last year at Christmas event where someone in an SUV ran over and killed people at a parade ,nothing said about that , so does that mean they need to ban motor vehicles ?

  4. American, unless assault riffle is heavily regulated, you cant stop this from happen. No casual weapon user have any right to use such a dangerous assault weapon. This is beyond common sense. Today the live others were taken, tomorrow it will be yours and those around you. Its not a matter of if, its a matter of when.

    1. @mohd zammil abu bakar US nationwide rifle deaths in 2020 were 662 and deaths by hands and feet were 455. Should we ban hands and feet now? 🤔

    2. @Marky Mark According to the CDC, there were 19,384 firearm homicides in 2020. That is considerably more than 662. In most of those firearm homicides, the type of weapon used was listed as unknown, so could have been a rifle, just not identified as such.

    1. Listen to how many times it goes off. The shots are to close together. This was not a semi-automatic weapon.

    2. @Linux Patriot It was not modified in any way. This is what semiauto assualt rifles can do.

  5. When you give everyone over the age of 18 easy access to military style weapons as a constitutional right then this is what you have to live with.

  6. If someone claims they’re going to kill everyone it may not be grounds for arrest but it is easily grounds to hold them for psychiatric investigation at a proper psychiatric hospital.

    1. Our laws do not allow this and we do not have the facilities. There is essentially no mental health in America.

    2. @CJ Tymczak

      The cool thing about America is how changeable it is. We used to have mental health care. Three men – essentially – ended it. We can un-end it.

    3. @DC Publishing

      Well…. So are the families of the guards, the people that run the cafeterias, etc, etc.

  7. We had family members living in that house that had to be aware of his behaviors, having weapons, and isolation. Families need to be educated to be aware that other family members may be in danger of harming themselves or others. The family member reported him to policeIn 2019 for threatening them. Why did they no longer follow up or pay attention to his behaviors?

  8. Sounds to me like dad was spending way to much time seeking election and put his (less than desirable ) son on the neglected son! Some responsibility has to fall an his parents! They’ve done a stellar job!!! NOT! interesting enough the dad hasn’t been interviewed! I’d be highly interested in hearing what a textbook dad has ro say! Ugh!

  9. You always wonder how cops can take in a known mass shooter alive(good job by the way) , while so many innocents get gunned down and killed in custody ?

  10. As a psychologist I feel it is very important to point out that when Jim Clemente states that suicidal and homicidal ideations are “typically found together” he is simply incorrect. The average suicidal person is not homicidal. Certainly, depressed individuals are more likely than non-depressed individuals to be violent, but his statement would lead one to believe that suicidal people are “typically” just as interested in killing other people as they are in killing themselves – and that just is not the case. I believe I understand some of what he was intending to convey, but his remarks were oversimplified and worded so carelessly as to make them counter-factual. These types of mistakes perpetuate long-existing stigmas and stereotypes re: mental illness – the kind which often prevent people from reaching out and seeking treatment. What’s more, comments like these are potentially dangerous to those who suffer with suicidal ideation but would never conceive of harming another human being (which is the majority of such individuals). Of course, our country MUST do a better job to identify, assess, monitor and treat mental illness – especially suicidal and homicidal ideation. But unless we can be more accurate about the way we discuss these matters and unless we can remove the misinformation and associated stereotypes and stigmas, no amount of resources will be sufficient to combat the mental health crisis our nation is facing.

    1. @catalinacurio

      Not all people that are suicidal or just simply don’t want to live anymore, try to kill themselves in a violent manner OR even wish to harm themselves OR inflict pain either to themselves or to others. Quite honestly, and to put it in the nicest way I can, the fact that you are blaming people in such conditions, as perpetrating a “violent act”, makes you extremely insensitive at best. Your guilt, might be warranted, specially when you’re already blaming every person that tries to commit suicide of perpetrating a “violent act”.

      Want to be 100% for suicide prevention? Start with not blaming people who have suicidal thoughts and/or have tried with or without success to take their lives, because that is exactly what you’re doing. You’re asserting that, regardless if people that try to suicide do it consciously or not knowingly that they will hurt people, that the point IS NOT if the person is conscious or not, but rather the act in itself… And who is committing this act? The person trying to suicide. In effect, you are blaming the person who is trying/committing suicide.

      You seem more concerned about those people who just grief over their loss, than those who probably have endured years in silence of stoic suffering. While an attempt of suicide in itself can be triggered by a recent event, many people who try to commit suicide ideate it for years… even decades.

      And regarding the original post/poster… Thank you. Not everyone that wishes to end their lives, wishes to harm to others, and while I’m not stating that media is asserting that, it feels they are lumping it together, and I find it slightly disturbing. I also feel like I should add something to your comment. While is is true that some depressed people might be more prone to violence, other factors like drugs or alcohol are much more relevant to gauge violence as a whole. Substance abuse is also more prevalent in people handling mental issues.

    2. @Herlander Carvalho Who’s putting blame on anyone? You call a holistic approach blaming… There is no blame, only losers because everyone involved in suicide loses. People have to be careful not to glamorise or even romanticise the affects of suicide. An old friend took enough pills to kill a horse, he laid out flowers thinking when someone found him, people would feel bad. Instead he woke up in a pool of vomit with the flowers squashed and bashed were he had fitted. Stop being so defensive and listen, knowledge is powerful.

    3. That was my FIRST reaction to that statement as well. Talk about further stigmatizing mental health in America. Sheesh!

  11. Your 2nd Amendment is everyone else’s Russian roulette. Our rights to life are more important than your perceived right to own a gun, particularly an assault weapon.

    1. Our rights to life are important and so are guns. Example, if you break into my home and threaten the LIFE of my family or myself, your LIFE will end and you’ll leave my home in a body bag. That is a right to life

  12. WAIT A MINUTE – you interviewed the Uncle yesterday who said that his nephew showed no signs or issues with mental health. His Uncle thought he was “fine” despite the fact he attempted suicide and was under mental health medical care?

    1. @Tracey Holt Goes to show you how willing some are to turn a blind eye to neon red warning signs like this shooter had. I said the same thing as well about the uncle. It’s not surprising…most people want to paint a rosey picture after something like this happens…even if it is incredibly unwise to do so.

      Be well and be at peace.

  13. The irony of the news blaming social media and the desire to get famous, when on this clip just spends the entire 11 minute video talking about him 😅. Not sure if CNN is trolling or they just hire stupid “experts”

    1. One moment they’re saying “we are not going to show their face” next moment they’re plastering it everywhere lol

    2. @sheluvstvveak they should show the pic of him in your MAGAt flag or at your presidents motorcade cheering for him

  14. Red Flag laws, even when well written will require the expenditure of significant resources to implement. Following the trajectory of hundreds of lunatics with homicidal inclinations for each one that actually acts on those impulses will be very expensive and time consuming. Licensing gun owners would be less expensive is the applicant had to pay for his own investigations: psychiatric, criminal, and social media footprints.

  15. 🙏Prayers and condolences go out to all the families who sustained injuries and loss of life. Thanks and appreciation to all our law enforcement officers who finally apprehended this crazed, sociopath gunman. Lawmakers must give this weekly issue of mass shootings their top priority for it’s not going away magically.

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