The Russian deadline for Ukrainian forces in Mariupol to surrender has passed. Daniele Hamamdjian reports from Kyiv.
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They will starve….
They’re fanatics. Their full announcement seems delusional, some talk of reinforcements and getting taken to a third party country somehow while being allowed to keep their weapons. Complete lunacy at this point.
They won’t starve if they order from a local Jewish-Russian restaurant that delivers.
@Cornelius Gal I don’t think they’re going to order from there.
@Cornelius Gal SkipTheDishes or Uber eats?
It will not end well for the Azov in Ukraine.
It will not end well for russia, ever.
@James D Slava Ukraini Heroyam Slava
Make Volgograd Stalingrad Again
No sleep til rostov
How about reporting on Gozola Lira fate the independent reporter thats been kidnapped in Ukraine
You mean RT under cover journalisim..
Reporter and Journalist are not exactly words I would associate that clown with
exactly what I just posted.
Gonazlo Lira has most likely been tortured and killed for being against the Azov Battalion
Brought to you from a hotel room in Kyiv
They will.soon
Old news ?
Repeated for the 8th time.
Has anyone heard of Patrick Lancaster, he’s done a lot of reporting in Mariupol and is regularly talking to civilians and he seems to paint a very different picture. Im not saying it’s legit or not just curious.
He works for Russia.
“Independent is just a front…
I have heard many reporters going missing.
Check out also the GLADIATOR, the Russian reporter name Sladkov filming and interwieving straight from the front lines.
I agree, I follow Patrick as well.
Graham Philips is a british journalist covering the conflict as well.
The civilans are kept as human shield for sure

1) they could let civilian go, Russians opened evacuation corridors few time, 2) they could use those corridors themselves, but… the truth is that they are war criminals who killed Mariupol locals, so they know what kind of treatment they will get from Russians.
What are you talking about
Where is Gonzalo Lira?
They will or they die!
Too many NATO officers hiding under!
That’s what I think as well. They just don’t want Russians to capture them and show that to the public.
too many putins……one is far too many
“Green corridor” in russians means “shooting gallery”
Ukraine does this too
Do Peace Talks … Hello Ukrainian
President of Ukraine
president what he thinks
He says not give up fighting
And other hand if soldiers be killed and peace collapsed so
Food for the flowers
There is no glory in dying for a pointless cause. Not that there is ever a cause worth dying for.
What has happened to Gonzalo Lira?
Murdered by Azov Battalion?