Exclusive new video from CNN's cameras on the ground show US troops prepared to withdraw from eastern Syria. CNN's Nick Paton Walsh has been following troop movements and reports live from the scene. #CNN #News
Largest US troop withdrawal from Syria is currently underway

Putin is the man…
Putin is the man that has a little lap dog named Donald J Trump.
Squat Little Witch Not according to your beloved MUELLER. Remember that report?
@Don Williams So Mueller didn’t say Russia interfered in favor of Trump and they are doing it right now? He didn’t say Trump obstructed justice? Yeah, yeah, he did.
@r385671 – Muller can say anything he wants. It has to be proven in court. BTW Trump is an idiot.
It seems I have seen the flag of traitors floating on military vehicles!
The traitor is in the White House.
I felt deep shame upon seeing the US flag on the retreating military vehicle. The US are nothing more than cowards because we elected a coward in chief.
guy degregg : Is that right ??? Then ???????
haha you freaks have TDS! get a life loser! Trump rules your tiny mind! MAGA BITCHES!!!
Ahhhhh I thought they were going home? The President is insane and needs to be removed from office…
Obama should of been impeached and removed from office for putting America into Syria…only reason why he got elected was because of affirmative action..
It feels great as an American waking up every morning knowing my President is going to put me and my country first KAG2020


Pompeo is without doubt one of the least believable trump appointees , you can see in his eyes he lies .
Only Sarah Sanders was in contention with him. After she left Pompeo can only be matched by Trump himself.
Barr, Mulvaney, Pompeo (and Steven Miller) are the very worst
“Durr durr Pompeo is a big ol’ meanie. I’m a Leftist believe me. uh hurr, uh hurr, uh hurr.”
The Logically impaired Conservative propagandist .
Bring the troops home — applause
Where’s home?
Iraq and A.Saudi — applause
P J isis is the us government
CHAching anyone who thinks they voted for trump or hitlery are morons only the electors are the ones who vote and the people do not choose the electors so they do not choose the president he is chosen by the satanic elite
The US created ISIS and the civil war in Syria to get the Turkey Qatar pipeline built against Syrias will.
The US created ISIS Intelligence Services In Syria.
Under CIA operation Timber Sycamore.
This was a pipeline war.
The US and UK wanted to replace Russia as the gas supplier to the EU will Qatari gas.
Russia and Syria won.
Wrong . They are going to Iraq . Which is where they will load all the equipment to ship it home .
No country is a threat to america…..Only america can destroy america
Squat Little Witch you are an idiot no one chooses the president the electors do and the electors are not chosen by the people so unless you are an elector then you do not matter .
@Exion Studios Not until you qualify it with at least a few facts.
@J C Moron you play the governments game whether you vote or not.
If you like Trump I am glad you feel this way why bother voting?
@J C Status Quo Corporate Democrats & Republicans are the same besides on identity politics that is the only difference & it is window dressing.
Progressives are completely different & fight for the people instead of the extremely wealthy.
Bernie Sanders & Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Rashida Talib, & Ilhan Omar are examples of politicians for the people & not big business.
jeff zucker writes what fareed has to say
Not true the Council on Foreign Relations does.
Just call him Jeff Sucker from now on.
Russia are now the trusted broker for the Middle East, their weapons and oil markets are going to be pretty happy right now.
@Ryan Harper Assad was killing ISIS. The US armed and trained ISIS to kill Assad. The Kurds were hired to do the same job. Why would we train and arm ISIS to kill Assad, while arming the Kurds to kill ISIS when they are killing Assad’s soldiers while also touting that we are killing ISIS?
The Kurds are doing this so they can take Northern Syria. If you ever looked at a map of what they want to be Kurdistan it’s comprised of Northern Syria, Eastern Turkey, Southern Armenia. Northern Iraq and Northern Iran. You support the Kurds for zero good reasons.
@Ryan Harper Trump knows about the Bolsheviks! He doesn’t really care if the people he deals with are corrupt as long as it benefits him personally. He is corrupt
@A Colley Russia hates trump just watch Russian controlled news RT
@A ColleyThis is all over an oil deal Stria made with Russia and it’s bullshit. If Russia and Syria want to make an oil deal it’s none of our business idiot.

Vietnam 2.0 – he didn’t take part in the first installment and now also retreating from the second.
It will be Vietnam or Iraq 2.0. When America attacks Iran…using another false flag attack
That’s why he’s moving the troops to Iraq and Saudi Arabia, to help Saudi Arabia – they pay good – the only country that actually attacked America on 9/11
Remember when trump said we were going to be respected on the world stage again? And now the whole world is laughing at us.
@Sören Nilsson The many countries taking advantage of the United States loved puppet Obama but never respected him.
@William H can you give an example of anyone taking advantage of us under Obama?

Not even respectfully.
@William H Give me 10 nations that did not respect Obama.
Champagne all round in the Kremlin tonight!
Whenever Pompeo opens his mouth
a lot of poop comes flowing out.
That snail does not deserve the food he’s being given to eat that’s fattening his Big Gut, he’s useless.
Trumptards are useless
Lock Hillary up.
I cannot stand those three pigs Bone Spurs, Barr, and Pompeo.
America loves winners not Democrats. Obama said he would end the wars. So did Democrats. They failed.
It’s crazy seeing even the progressives support staying in an illegal war.

You’re one of those one track mind kinda guys, aren’t you?
I’m a little burned out on this ” ISIS” excuse to trample across the planet
Well, it wasn’t exactly trampling. It was 50 U.S military consultants placed with the Kurds to guard over 2000 captured Isis militants and to act as a deterrent to stop Turkey from killing the Kurds and leading to the release of 2000 Isis soldiers. Of the hundreds and thousands of U.S military personnel, having a few dozen stationed for that purpose was possibly the most effective use of military resources used in the last decade. Removing them was damaging in so so so many ways.
@Paul Thomas
Garbage the US created ISIS and the civil war in Syria to get the Turkey Qatar pipeline built against Syrias will.
The US created ISIS Intelligence Services In Syria.
Under CIA operation Timber Sycamore.
This was a pipeline war.
The US and UK wanted to replace Russia as the gas supplier to the EU will Qatari gas.
Russia and Syria won.
so they’re not even coming home and we just made it harder for them to do their job by handing it over to Turkey wow what a shitshow !!!!
Turkey is a NATO ally, nitwit.
Poo Poo Hmmm, well maybe NATO should do their job then isn’t that why it exist? Turkey is part of NATO remember.
Stupid post by stupid libnut. CNN trolls want to start a war with NATO member Turkey like crazed lunatics.
Nope , Trump just pulled off a historic and successful conclusion to this war . That’s probable the first time in American history that has ever been done .
Nancy Pelosi, a third rate politician, is violating the Logan Act by taking a bipartisan delegation to Jordan.
“Pull Out” and “Put-in” the POTUS is a disgrace to the human race.
Leslie Shiflet
You ever thought maybe your a disgrace to the human race??
Since all you liberals what us to stay there , why don’t we just send y’all . Oh yeah , that’s right , cause y’all are pussies that don’t know what bathroom to use .
CNN fanboys like you are sub human..
may Pompeo be blessed with a heart attack, together with the rest of the corrupt Mobster and friends
The Turkish offensive like ABC showed? Oh yeah, that was FAKE.
I don´t know what ABC showed, but Turks are inside Syria, and they were not invited in there by yellow taxis, one or two guns might have gone off.
ABC showed just footage that doesnt chnage the fact Turkey is in Syria and killing Kurds.
The Kurds who the US government has uses and left for dead theoughout history.
The only war Republicans want is a dishonorable, and traitorous civil war in our own country.