Largest recorded hole in Arctic’s ozone layer closes

An ozone hole that formed over the Arctic this spring and eventually grew into the largest ever recorded there has closed after splitting apart.

#ClimateChange #CNN #News


    1. S J sorry but you are seriously misinformed. Volcanoes contribute 2% of the worlds CO2. Humans are causing the CO2 imbalance mostly from fossil fuels. We know this from studying C13 isotopes which are the smoking gun in the blame game.

      Do a google search on the improvement of air quality after just a few weeks of lockdown. Anyone who doesn’t think people are to blame is simply deluding themselves.

    2. @Zeke V Hunting? yeah, right, your “buddies” and you spending long nights in tents but never bring guns?

  1. WELL LOOK AT THAT!!! all it took was 2 months and MOTHER EARTH repaired herself from AS*HOLE MANKIND…She will be back!

  2. this is the 35th time its closed in the last 1000 years. It is the natural cycles of earth. period. and its perfect.

  3. Ok, that settles it! Shut the effing planet down indefinitely. We’ll freeze, cook, starve and go stark raving mad, but the Arctic ozone layer hole will be closed!

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