Ahead of President Biden's speech unveiling a new plan to tackle a spike in crime nationwide, Los Angeles Police Chief Michel Moore joined Stephanie Ruhle to discuss how his force is grappling with a rise in gun violence and the impact of the surge on his officers. "We've got to roll our sleeves up."
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LAPD Police Chief Says City Has Lost A Decade Of Progress Beating Crime
It would go a long way for him to start cleaning up the criminals within his own department.
People raising their kid(s) to be better people would also go a long way.
a long way? meaning that 10 people per year would be saved? There’s more than 10 people dying in each of the California cities each weekend. I wouldn’t say “a long way”. Thanks.
@MilkCow I wasn’t talking only about deaths, I was talking about corruption and racists.
@Mr. White police officers not taking photos of Kobe’s helicopter crash and trying to sell the pictures for profit would also go a long way.
( The Most High ) GOD

There is no god. You are part of a cult.
The moon is higher and real.
( YAHAWAH ) Is His ( NAME )
Could be yehaw
And absolutely nothing to do with the defund the police movement and the media telling people it’s okay to destroy the things if you have a good reason.
@Matt O when you start using words like “kiddo” in a debate, you start to come across as being condescending. Also, you are an exception to the norm. I chose my words carefully to avoid a reply like the one you gave. Of course not every home without a father or father figure will turn out a criminal, but statistics show a majority do. Congratulations to you and your wife on becoming productive members of society.
@Blk Stang the main issue is there is absolutely no transparency or integrity within our police departments. How many times have cops been caught lying in their reports only to be caught after body cam footage has been released? That happens so frequently it’s not funny and those are just the ones we know about. Cops are known for hiding evidence of their crimes, that’s the whole premise the blue wall, they cover up for each other. There’s no telling how many innocent people have killed, injured or incarcerated because crooked cops and the so called good cops just sit in silence.
@Mr. White kiddo my wife and I were never not productive members of society. You think poor people in unfortunate circumstances aren’t productive members of society? Wtf is your issue? Not everyone has the luxury of growing up in a two parent middle class household getting everything handed to them like you did. Some of us actually to work for what we get instead of relying on mommy and daddy.
@Matt O I could say something similar for a multitude of groups.
Yeah you’ve got to work on community engagement to fix the public opinion problem. And people like Derek Chauvin make that job a lot harder
Meanwhile G Floyd normalized crime. If you get victimized by a criminal just know you deserved it.
@Scientific Methodologist Your posts have been deleted a lot this past week. An intelligent person (not you) would catch on.
As if the hood will ever respect the police. You people are more disconnected than the police and politicians.
The hood isn’t going to hold hands and sing kumbaya
Increase the penalty, no pass and other option. Let them know no pass.
More money ..less people…cuz the cost of quality policing went up? I call BS. Defund the police, fund mental health.
@Mr. White Very true. Not sure why some people have such a hard time understanding that. Everyone always wants to put the blame on someone else for there own actions.
@Common Sense Well, their upbringing isn’t isolated from the society, is it? How are their chances for a good education, even a good kindergarden to learn efficient social skills? How safe is their nutrition? How safe is their parents living situation? Are the able to make enough to buy a house in a safe neighborhood? All questions that needs to be answered not only by the individuals in question but by society, too. Without equality in education, job prospects a chance to lead a life in dignity dwindles.
@F P Do you really advocate anarchy? No common ground how policing is executed in a democracy? You truly want Chinese or Russian conditions where only the super rich can afford effective protection and the normal police officer is useless until he’s bribed.
You have no clue how a society profits from gouvermantal structures.
@SolSere Jeremy Well most of these people prefer to be on drugs/alcohol and make babies they can’t afford and live on welfare. They probably just need to do away with the welfare system or give people maybe a year of it and get them to work to make a good income so they can buy a house ect.
We need to hear this conversation more often
How about you train them in community policing instead of what PD’s have been training over the past 3 decades in military training, we are not your enemies but if you keep this up you may find yourselves in a war. Then no one wins. It only takes one bad apple but most PD’s are filled with them. Tell us the last time any one of your cops turned in another cop for their crimes against your citizens?
That why Austin held their funds back for the next cadet school. Traing revamped. It worked!
Cold Facts
Jiu Jitsu should be a requirement in police training
No it shouldn’t. Krav Maga should. Much more suitable against criminals.
Yes teach the State gang members how to subdue the peasant tax payers.

BJJ is a sport.
What a gentle snowflake.
You guys alright down there? We are worried about you guys

Doing fine, no need for the pigs, we got guns.
@F P The exact brand of crazy I was talking about, is commenting. Everything is fine
@K GM the Redcoats are getting the message down here, play stupid games win stupid prizes.
@F P Canada ranks higher than the USA in terms of Freedom
. Hey, atleast you get to have your guns 
Also, we are trading only in gold, silver, barter, and privacy coins like pirate coin and monero.
More laws + more cops = more crime…
Learn math.
Criminals speaking of beating crime…
I’m surprised msnbc put up a video that goes against the anti police narrative ? Hum…everything they do has a strategic reason …hummm…
Nice to see that defund is failing miserably. Note the NYC mayoral primary.
How about you lock up All Criminals! Those in Public and in your department.