Dr. Danyaal Raza breaks down his concerns with the lack of clear messaging and support for essential workers in Ontario.
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she is gorgeous
get your eyes checked.
She looks baked.
Ford should stop eating cake
!! And open the Rogers Center stop NHL open all the big fields and bring beds ASAP!!! Instead he is watching Canadian dying !!!!
Ford should have never been making the decisions. Why the F would a province defer to a football coach with a business degree to navigate a pandemic?? He should have stayed in the background and supported public health officials with logistics and messaging when asked.
@T BZ business degree? He’s a tenth grade dropout pot dealer.
No one’s dying of covid19
Fair enough. Keep everything open and expand the back end.
@T BZ but the public health officials support Ford’s decisions.
Is it possible to get a newsreader that doesn’t look like she’s at the club? Lol I mean wtf is going on? Send her some tutorials
That’s the new political correctness order. Get used to it
What is your problem stop policing the world and get a freaking life
@tutu beast Agree : )
If you are correct, that would be without mutations….
They all burn out in time. This garbage keeps going.
That is complete non-sense.
@Mr. UFK No they don’t . That is complete non-sense
It’s not baffling at all.
Cons don’t do ANYTHING for the working class. They never have and never will.
Implement support? Lol
Who pays for this support?
“Uhhhhh” what an airhead
Whatever, *Doctor* Eddy.
@Alan Macphail Thanks for chiming in, gramps. Stay safe out there.
universal benefit for all
He’s named after the wu tang member
What do you mean racialized workers??
Those that do have paid sick time have often maxed it out now because of COVID rules. Stay home with any symptom
Most jobs don’t have paid sick time, food places, restaurants, construction, delivery drivers. Private businesses like chiropractic massage Physio. I would say more have non paid sick time vs paid sick time. And again even with paid sick time it’s likely used. They have Cerb if you take two weeks off related to COVID. But they need paid sick days for 14 days for anyone who has to take time off for testing! Symptoms or quarantine related to being sick
Creepy news anchor