Law professor Kimberlé Crenshaw and police reform activist Brittany Packnett Cunningham react to the lack of direct charges filed against the police officers in the Breonna Taylor case. Aired on 09/23/2020.
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Lack Of Direct Charges In Breonna Taylor's Death A 'Slap In The Face' | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
There’s laws federal and state across the country that makes you as guilty as the main suspect. Doesn’t apply to police. Corrupt police unions, racist grand juries and Dept of Justice under siege by Trump’s lapdog Bill Barr
Relax…i agree with some of your comments. With Trump and Barr, I hope in time you see that they are truly fighting for your rights against the corruption in the gov. Don’t blame Trump and Barr as someone needs to standup and clean it up. I believe!!!
Dont forget the dirty cops who deal drugs themselves and shake down their competition. How else can one explain their elaborate lifestyles? In Queens, NY not that. long ago there was a prostitution ring busted that was run by…….wait for it…….NYPD
Justice for the neighbor who didn’t get killed.
No justice for the person who was killed sleeping in her own bed.
Looking good America.
she wasn’t sleeping in her bed- did you even bother to find out the details or are you just repeating other ignorant fools
That’s because she wasn’t in her bed, she was standing next to her boyfriend who shot at the cops first.
@BHowardify I know all I need to know when they settled to give her family 12 million dollars .Whites dont approved that kind of money last they have something they need to cover up.
People are honestly dumb and don’t investigate the situation. Multiple officers surrounding the scene heard these officers knock and yell that it’s a police search warrant. It was originally a “no knock warrant” but they announced anyways. Broke in after no answer, the idiotic boyfriend shot first hit the officer in the leg, they returned fire Breonna Taylor is screaming her boyfriend used her as a shield ran right behind her and got her shot.
Coverup. It was murder committed during a robbery. The cops are a crew that robs people who they think are dealers. They thought they had an easy score.
Finally someone with some sense. I suspected this was the case and they asked the ex bf to lie for them as part of plea. He was like no dice. SMH. Breonna Taylor was murdered by police.
@Truth Seeker Seems like there should have been many more police involved in the operation. Guy gets pulled over and there’s like 30 cops on the scene 5 minutes later.
Less accountability when it’s a small crew…. and less cops that you have to cut in.
If that came out, it would break all confidence in the police in this current climate.
Cover up!!!!!
Moro .
The police shouldn’t try to be just another gang of murderers in the street.
The only murder was Breonna’s boyfriend who opened fire on the police.. Just to save his fentanyl stash..
Yea cause BLM already has that covered.
they don’t, they protect our streets and work towards keeping us safe Joe.
They always find a sellout to deliver their lies and condone their coverups! Saying BLM MEANS NOTHING! Action is required.
@david Milton exactly, but evil never c themselves as such..
Burn loot & murder is BLM
@david Milton stay out of America
Da whole nfl bees right dey now wat hapenz to black folks vs da cops
Hate to say it again but these riots numbnuts are helping Trump. His re-election is a sure thing.
The best way to protest is on the ballots, because street protests would always lead to police comfrotation
Yeah. The effort right now would be getting people to vote. No point protesting when the wrong people are in power
No. USA is beyond ballots many years ago, not just under Trump. But especially now. Not just ballots, protests & boycotts too.
They shot two of them!
voting your brains out won’t help if trump refuses to leave office
So if you’re in law enforcement, you can commit crimes and be innocent
People are honestly dumb and don’t investigate the situation. Multiple officers surrounding the scene heard these officers knock and yell that it’s a police search warrant. It was originally a “no knock warrant” but they announced anyways. Broke in after no answer, the idiotic boyfriend shot first hit the officer in the leg, they returned fire Breonna Taylor is screaming her boyfriend used her as a shield ran right behind her and got her shot.
So you want police to not enforce the law?
@w4fjhDU514I1 yes they had a no knock warrent however they did knock and announce their intentions. Boyfriend used her as a shield and shot first. Get your facts straight.
These riots are only helping Trump get re-elected. Thank you for your support.
What crime did they commit?
Whelp, there you heard it folks. We can’t trust the government to uphold the law, so we have to do it ourselves. Sic semper tyrannis.
I’m finally on the BLM side of youtube
BLM is a terrorist organization that is helping Trump get re-elected.
@Mark bodman Quite wrong. The ILLEGAL militia who are instigating violence and looting are the REAL terrorists. By the way, hope you keep entertained by all the WH propaganda that successfully distracts people like you as they LOOT OUR TAX money for themselves. LOSER and SUCKER
@Carlos Leon As a person who lives in one of those “Anarchist Jurisdictions”, I can assure you that what they’re claiming about our cities are nothing but fabrication. The only time there has EVER been chaos here is when those sociopaths drove into town and started shooting at us.
@Kay Kay which sociopaths? The “nationalists”?
THIS is completely on the nationwide Police Force. It is up to EVERY SINGLE COP to out and surrender their own corrupt, racist, sexist, homophobic, violent, unstable, DRUG and ALCOHOLIC addicts. Until then, you will have NO confidence from us or one iota of respect
@Tony Smith, the death penalty is reaping what she sowed? Your disgusting.
@david Milton
@Carlos Leon hey numbnuts the Democrats created the KKK. Shows how stupid you are. Enjoy your white sheet.
@Mark bodman Yes moron. I KNOW this. And those very same RACISTS have found a new haven in YOUR trump party. Ever hear of evolution? We still have a Democratic Party who are now trying to correct the wrongs. YOUR party is NOT the “republican” party. Its the TRUMP party and YOU know this. You will ALL go down in the history books as TRAITORS ,SUBHUMANS and NAZIS. And look up the Nuremberg trials. That is where people like your “leaders” will wind up very soon. We as a nation defeated nazis in 1945 and ya know what they say “history always repeats itself” So find thee an underground bunker.
They won’t
MSNBC you failed to mention that the police HAD THE WRONG ADDRESS!!!!!
@Fred Smith Just because no drugs were found doesn’t mean the warrant was approved based on false information. Breonna had connections to a convicted drug dealer, her ex, who has been seen entering her home multiple times. Seems like a fair reasoning for a warrant to me. She shouldn’t have been killed, but that doesn’t change the fact she did have connections to a wanted man.
@Bree Kookie if you bothered to actually READ you would discover the warrant was supposedly based upon data supplied by a postal inspector YET the postal inspector in question DISPUTES that this was EVER reported to the police.
So someone is telling lies and calls into question the issuing of the warrant in the first place.
Does the fact she knew a guy who was a criminal justify killing her? That is all the evidence against her.
This is a total lie that is being spread on social media, the warrant was for that address as well as another one where most of the drugs were being trafficked.
@mkg1321 based upon a LIE the postal inspector denies ever giving the police the data they used to get the warrant!
You knew the verdict was gonna be soft. That city was told to board up weeks in advance. So corrupt
Much less corrupt than Chicago indeed…..where do you live?
What would be a just indictment?
It’s Kentucky. They don’t care for anyone that’s not heterosexual-WASP
Justice under the law sucks….
I hope you get the fair treatment you deserve…but now you thinks it’s unfair…
Facts don’t care about your feelings.
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” JFK 1962
@Judith Diraddo It was a grand jury of her community PEERS who made this ruling. 8 of 12 were black. They saw the evidence and did not go forward with prosecution.
Wow never heard that quote before.
Michelle, the facts about police behavior, their record keeping and cover-ups cannot be denied when people have phone cameras, some police comply with policy and wear, activate, preserve body-cam proof. Ask yourself what Breonna was guilty of and now she’s dead. And when you resort to swearing you are showing lack of facts and intelligence. Sorry to say.
Oh, yeah, Michelle…I follow all news outlets, read the Atlantic, Guardian, New York Post, WP, NYT, read many direct source books as they are published. And try to keep an open mind and think critically. How about you?
The attorney general had no plan of filing charges against these officers. He let it be known that black live does not matter.
People are honestly dumb and don’t investigate the situation. Multiple officers surrounding the scene heard these officers knock and yell that it’s a police search warrant. It was originally a “no knock warrant” but they announced anyways. Broke in after no answer, the idiotic boyfriend shot first hit the officer in the leg, they returned fire Breonna Taylor is screaming her boyfriend used her as a shield ran right behind her and got her shot.
All lives matter stop disobeying God and definitely don’t drive around with dead bodies in your car as what Breonna Taylor did. And definitely don’t shoot at cops after they announce that they were the police.
You’re racist! You’re automatically assuming the police officers are racist because they’re white. Stop the hate and fix your issue.
Michael Burton Black lives matter
so racist take this

Sorry the law doesn’t comply with your feelings.
This is very important! For us all . Grand Jury really screwed up
Bold statement considering you don’t know what evidence was put in front of them. Already proven that media and BLM had many facts wrong from the beginning.
They didnt screw up. They did just what this racist system was set up to do.
Learn your facts of the case.
#youtu_be_ebwk58BGTTs 1
The war on Blacks continue. It’s time to take a stand for the perseverance of our kids my brothers and sisters even if it means die trying.
and the war on my freedom also continues as a white tax paying American. 1776 we should all be grateful living in the US. Shame on you for dividing our country with race. grow up, slave has ended……reverse discrimination is a real threat and of which will be defended in the next decade.
#youtu_be_ebwk58BGTTs 1
I would love to see equality between blacks and whites.
Yes, take away all the many many advantages blacks have been given in employment, small business, education, taxes, and social services over whites.
@A Roberts yes, we have had so,so many advantages in all those areas till the point the racial wealth gap is now $171,000 medium for whites, and $17,150 medium for Blacks. The needle hasn’t moved since the early 1900s, but only an Ignoramus would believe so.
@Edith Mae’s why did you blocked me? Because I debunked your lying video that demonized the victim, and was void of truth? I thought so. Just another racist showing they’re true self. SMDH
Use of force is justified against who? She wasn’t the threat, if there was one at all. So if a cop ”fears for his life,” anyone he shoots in the area is fair game?
sounds right for me if the shots are being fired first at the cops first.
@Tim Lochner So the second amendment doesn’t cover intruders in your home? Just action taken as part of a “well regulated militia”?
*_”Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.”_*
~~ John F. Kennedy
Two cops were shot hows that peacefull. Riots are helping Trump get re-elected.
I almost feel like this abysmal court decision was deliberate in order to make the peaceful protesters turn violent and ‘lose’ credibility. So Trump’s deranged spewings about ‘shadow people’ on planes ends up more credible to his supporters’ ears.
AnnaKate you have a point. Keep provoking peaceful people then when they react charge them with sedition.
Makes sense. The only charges are for the bullets that missed. #badform
Officers “executing a warrant” MURDERED AN INNOCENT WOMAN! Breonna Taylor was MURDERED by so called officers!