Labor Secretary Marty Walsh joins Lawrence O’Donnell to discuss the bipartisan infrastructure bill’s next steps in the Senate and the Democrats-only $3.5 trillion reconciliation bill. Secretary Walsh says both bills are “transformative for America.”
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#MSNBC #Infrastructure #Democrats
“Too much money to be pocketed” Is what he means.
The American People gave these corrupt politicians 4.8 Trillion dollars in 2021 and they didn’t maintain our basic infrastructure. So giving them Trillion Mores will suddenly fix everything? We already know their end game and goal. The crashing of the US Dollar and the introduction of a one world Chinese run communist digital currency.
Joe Biden in office 7 months!! his infrastructure bill, Has 34 billion dollars in it to build 19 new silicon chip factories throughout America 70,000 new jobs. Look at the car manufacturing right now they can’t build cars because they have no chips. China, Taiwan, Samsung, South Korea, all trickling out chips to America!!! No more dependency on these Overseas chipmanufacturers!!!.. If this bill passes And just one of these projects comes to light you trump republicans are done. Just think that could have been trump sitting in the driver’s seat right now. But his priorities were on him!! not America…
@Republicans that didn’t vote for trump , Your pile of words translate to fact that biden and his handlers are a bunch of crooks, hijacking tax
for socialist schemes.
@Republicans that didn’t vote for trump The saddest part is you believes this. I’m not a republican and I didnt vote for trump, get help for that boogeyman living in your head.About 200 billion can be accounted for, used for actual infrastructure. It’s a bit over 1T total, so where the rest vanishing too?
@Republicans that didn’t vote for trump his “infrastructure bill” has 500 billion in pork. Do you understand what that means, you deluded leftist?
Nearly every comment in this thread shows me that my fellows are seeing through the nonsense.
@Republicans that didn’t vote for trump lmao under trump 50 year record low of unemployment and the best Economy in generations. Biden wants to out source our jobs to China just like what happen under Obama. Biden’s administration is telling Facebook what to censor and asking phone companies to spy and censor Americans private conversations. Merging of state and corporate powers is called what again?
@Kimberly Winters , Is biden and his handlers who spew ridiculous schemes under guise of helping society, while ATTACHING socialist packages into bill proposals.
@Cosmic Djinn , Handlers of biden are carrying on Obama projects of rot.
@Erastus Erazade yep another war on the working class again. Hopefully ppl can start to wake up bc of this nonsense.
@Republicans that didn’t vote for trump Your name is an oxymoron. I think the term you are going for is “RINO”
From the people who brought you classics like “Too Big To Fail” and “We Have To Pass It To Find Out What’s In It”.
Yeah, and it was so catastrophic we’re still talking about it…oh yeah you are the only one talking about it.
Bringing up fake failures of the Obama Admin is pathetic, you have nothing else do you ?
I bet you’re still haunted by Hillary’s emails too.
@Kimberly Winters *joined 3 months ago*
“Ah yes Democrats never do illegal elite activity”
Look how desperate this clown bot account is.
Sorry Faker, I’m not convinced.
@Kimberly Winters Oh, we have plenty to talk about with Creepy Joe’s illegitimate ‘administration’ if you prefer, loser.
@Kimberly Winters telling someone else they have nothing better to do as you read through comments…….with nothing better to do. Classic.
The only bigger fail than the Obuma administration is the Biten administration. Come on man. You know the thing.
I’m over Obuma because it is so long ago now and we have bigger fish onto fry with the new potatoe in chief.
@CRIMNALSNEAK I thought the same thing too. So many bots out there. Then you have the NPCs, which are almost like bots, but sadder.
You know what? Let’s just cut up their credit cards.
“We need this infrastructure bill to create jobs…”
headlines: *US Has more job openings than unemployed workers*
@Kimberly Winters Government’s job is not to create jobs except in Communist countries “you moron.” Really? Are a child hat has to call names?
@CRIMNALSNEAK Joe Biden in office 7 months!! his infrastructure bill, Has 34 billion dollars in it to build 19 new silicon chip factories throughout America 70,000 new jobs. Look at the car manufacturing right now they can’t build cars because they have no chips. China, Taiwan, Samsung, South Korea, all trickling out chips to America!!! No more dependency on these Overseas chipmanufacturers!!!.. If this bill passes And just one of these projects comes to light you trump republicans are done. Just think that could have been trump sitting in the driver’s seat right now. But his priorities were on him!! not America…
@Kimberly Winters Explain the bill, and tell us how it’s in our best interest as a whole. 110 billion on roads and bridges. Nation wide, that won’t go very far. The rest of the money is listed in a 2k page bill. Where is the rest of the money being spent? If it was a trillion in true infrastructure. I could go with that. But we can’t sustain this type of spending. It doesn’t matter what party you side with. If we keep printing money out of thin air, and spend it on things that don’t give society any meaningful return on investment. It’s money in the wind. Print money, and spend it on fairy pixie dust. We get inflation, which we are starting to see now. Venezuela suffered the same fate. It’s really not a partisan issue. Don’t say those jobs pay taxes. Taxes is a one time percentage payment. A Ponzi scheme. Inflation is also a continual tax, that hurts the poor worst of all.
@Kimberly Winters You know how many times I’ve heard that lame argument? Blame our current troubles on the last president. It was trump that fast tracked the vaccine. The vaccine biden/harris said they didn’t trust, and wouldn’t take. But now that they are here to save the day. It’s their vaccine, and we all have to take it. If they didn’t have double standards, they wouldn’t have any at all. The mistrust in the information we get from the government, comes from the shifting information coming out of the government. Get censored from social media for saying covid came from the Wuhan lab. The left says your a racist. Now a year later, it did in fact come from that lab. Conspiracy theories aside. There are some crazy ones out there. But there has been a lot of misinformation, coming from people we should be able to trust. If you haven’t noticed. Than you haven’t been paying attention.
The Crime has nothing to do with Trump, Unless your saying that if it wasn’t for trump BLM, and antifa wouldn’t need to be so violent. How do you delude yourself? What I wonder is why is the left so ignorant of human nature? If you defund the police, you embolden the criminals. So you either have no understanding of human nature, or you do understand it. And want crime and chaos. That is the definition of evil. There is no 3rd option here.
Under Trump America was energy independent. Are we now? Fuel prices work off of a simple concept of supply and demand. Google it. “supply and demand”.
@Kimberly Winters Great jobs like ‘work from home’ jobs? “I’m going to QUIT if my company makes me go back to the office” yells the woke. The horrors of not being able to surf on the internet in your PJ’s!
“Our elites…they really aren’t” – Eric Weinstein
This bill should not be passed. Nobody probably even read the whole bill. Hint: this bill has nothing to do with infrastructure
Forget the ‘hints’. Enumerate the reasons for your statement.
It should. Quite a few people have read it, it didn’t appear over night.
Hint: You didn’t read it, you don’t know what you’re talking about. STFU.
@A Harvey Pelosi said herself pass the bill and you can find out what’s in it afterwards.
@A Harvey Right. It’s 2,700 pages long. I’m sure you read it.
Just have the CDC pass the infrastructure bill.
@phillup space Planned Parenthood was founded to exterminate black people. FACT.
@Guided Meditation
why is it every conservative always begins a conversation with race ?
My Primary Care Provider required by my health care insurance provider works out of the local Planned Parenthood Office, simpleton.
anytime im there, there are just as many males waiting to see a doctor as women
regardless …
it is the conservative Supreme Court that has kept abortion legal for 40 years
the only thing that keeps qualified employees away from jobs is the rate of compensation offered .
you should have passed that high school *ECONOMICS* class, kid
*”the only thing that keeps employees away from jobs is the rate of compensation offered to the qualified.”*
Except facts contradict your claim:
*these same people had no problem with those jobs before democrats starting paying them just as much to not work at all.*
Or is it high school economics that if you give people just as much money, or even almost just as much money, to *NOT* work they’ll say “no, that’s fine – I’d rather work 40 hours a week to earn the same money that you’re willing to give me for free not to work”.
Interesting economics class you took – please cite the economics book that claims this.
EDIT: As I thought, you can’t back up your claims.
*’labor costs are no different then the cost of rent, raw materials, or power the provider of goods and services pay for the ways and means of production or they go out of business”*
Yes, they offer to pay employees the typical pay for any company offering the same job (basic economics friend). And before democrats started offering free money, people were working those jobs just fine.
Now that democrats are giving away almost as much money, they refuse to work since they can get just as money for free staying home and doing nothing.
*”no body is paid not to work”*
Yes, they’re not going to openly state “We’ll give you this money so that you don’t work”. But their actions have the same effect.
You also seem ignorant of unemployment: You only get unemployment if you prove you’re actively seeking employment and show proof of so many attempts each month and proof they rejected you, which is not the case here. They’re forcing landlords to pay their rent, which is a dream for those that don’t want to work.
So it seems clear you’re staying home with no job and loving getting paid to do it. When the free money runs out, you’ll find out the hard way.
labor costs are no different then the cost of rent, raw materials, or power
the provider of goods and services pay for the ways and means of production or they go out of business, dont they sparky
no body is paid not to work, dopey
Unemployment Insurance is paid to those who lose work thru no fault of their own.
the benefit ends the second the laborer is offered work
Grifters calling their blatant money laundering scheme an “investment”. An investment in their own 401K’s is what it is.
you would say that about any bill proposed or passed.
“I guess those shovel-ready jobs weren’t so shovel-ready after all.” Ha Ha. Barack Obama.
It’s deja vu all over again.
The Democrats would be able to get a lot more done at the Republican Stanton try to obstruct them to make them look bad for the next election cycle that’s all that is
You probably collect disability. After all, the ones who complain about job growth are the ones guilty of causing its stagnation.
@James Enos Unfortunately you and many like you are either in favor of Socialism and Communism, or you have no idea what is happening because you have not done your own serious, in-depth, time consuming research and are content to regurgitate the garbage coming from the MSM, which by the way, has spent millions of dollars on behavioral research to learn how to keep the ignorant ignorant.
Joe Biden in office 7 months!! his infrastructure bill, Has 34 billion dollars in it to build 19 new silicon chip factories throughout America 70,000 new jobs. Look at the car manufacturing right now they can’t build cars because they have no chips. China, Taiwan, Samsung, South Korea, all trickling out chips to America!!! No more dependency on these Overseas chipmanufacturers Crippling good paying America jobs.. If this bill passes And just one of these projects comes to light you trump republicans are done. Just think that could have been trump sitting in the driver’s seat right now. But his priorities were on him!! not America…
@James Enos, Dems would be able to do a lot MORE waste done. More money for bus and airplane far to scatter illegals all across the country; to pay for their medical .
All I see is one lying corporate spokesman talking to another lying corporate spokesman, while they both look down on your for not believing their lies.
“Pass it so we can see what is in it”. Shovel ready bull
Then why does less than 6% actually concern infrastructure?
Why is 94% pork fraud waste then. All of you need to resign and beg for mercy
All this HAS to play-out for OPTICS. HAS to be this way to SHOW American people what biden handlers reveal , the inherent ROT of this fraudulent admin for all to SEE.
@Erastus Erazade dude the plan has moved the goal post so much that I now believe the plan is to subjugate the patriots into non-action
You’re confusing the two bills. The bipartisan one is about infrastructure, and is a lot cheaper.
@Deborah Freedman NO! NO! NO! Little one. I am aware of the word games they play and you obviously are not, so please don’t let the propaganda out
@Deborah Freedman High % “ pork fraud waste” is accurate as is election fraud that put biden in his puppet STAGE show. World SEES phony that he IS.
When Democrats get so excited about anything, you could bet there’s some type of fraud involved.
“We’ll have to pass it to know what’s in it.” ~Nancy Pelosi on Obama Care.
Not one person paid for my three children to have childcare. NOT ONE.
No, but children brought here illegally will. That’s this country under Biden.
illegals go to the conservative states where they find the under the the table jobs, get paid in cash, and they find cheap housing.
when conservatives quit employing illegals, the illegals will quit migrating to conservative states
“Will probably”, that’s as close as we get to admitting the truth (CBO projection) from many politicians. Sad.
Real Headline: “How fast can Democrats steal taxpayers money to give to their friends”.
Less than 10% of Biden’s infastructure bill is going to actual infastructure.
Hmmm, sounds like you just made this up. I’m amazed that 16 people agree with you.
Infra-restructure of abortion places for Planned irresponsible Parenthood. clinics, to harvest organs. Free housing for illegals. Free medical for illegals, on and on.
@Erastus Erazade
@ROBIN SHOOP , Is understood that any infrastructure biden HANDLERS bill is packed with stuff unrelated to facade bill. Dump special interest stuff is ATTACHED, as planned.
This is reason why we need to limit government’s power to tax and spending.
The bill contains a provision to tax Americans for every mile that they drive