President Donald Trump announced that Labor Secretary Alex Acosta has resigned, a move that comes after furor over a plea deal with Jeffrey Epstein.
Acosta has been under renewed scrutiny over his previous role as the US attorney in Miami, during which he negotiated the 2008 plea deal with Epstein. Epstein, a well-connected multi-millionaire, avoided a federal trial at the time and served only 13 months in prison for state prostitution charges over his involvement with underage girls. A Miami Herald investigation published last November described the plea deal, negotiated by Acosta, as the "deal of a lifetime."
Acosta's resignation is effective on July 19. Trump said the labor secretary will be replaced on an acting basis by the current deputy secretary, Pat Pizzella. Acosta, standing next to Trump outside the White House before the President departed for a trip, said he resigned to remove himself as a distraction.
"I do not think it is right and fair to this administration's Labor Department to have Epstein as the focus rather than the incredible economy that we have today," Acosta said Friday. "And so I called the President this morning. I told him that I thought the right thing was to step aside."
#CNN #News
Another Trump terrific guy bites the dust.
PizzaGate, From Day 1 We told you Trump is fighting Pedophiles. you didn’t lisren because CNN told you to turm your head away, sheep.
@Project Jack really? so what does this tell you about Trump’s judgement regarding the people he surrounds himself with?
@Project Jack is a Russian hack.
Ok so what about the Manhattan prosecutor who pleaded for him not to be labeled as a sex offender? You guys always point at trump but there’s a lot of dirty people involved on both sides. Even Schumer took money from this guy, he was a big contributor to the Democratic Party.
Trump: ” I hire the best people.”

Draining the swamp!………..
PizzaGate, From Day 1 We told you Trump is fighting Pedophiles. you didn’t lisren because CNN told you to turm your head away, sheep.
Trump does hire the best people THAT WOULD WORK FOR TRUMP..
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber is a Russian hack
Pedophiles will not replace us … The Pedo in Chief is a dirty walker , funky talker
@Trumprules Clintondrools ….I know it’s impossible for you Trumpet blowers to understand this. But if Bill Clinton had spent a month on Epstein’s plane with a hundred ten yr olds that would have nothing to do with Acosta giving Epstein a sweetheart deal and victimizing the victims for a second time.
Emotional cripple.
@Captain Win and that’s why democrats promote desmond is amazing? They hate pedophilia? Is that also why democrats want pedophilia to be labelled a “sexual orientation, not a crime” ?
Takes one to know one
@Captain Win I don’t know where you get your information. Probably Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson. But Democrats don’t hate the Clintons. They never have. Bill Clinton oversaw one of the best economic periods in the last 50yrs. Clinton also left a surplus in the budget which GW Bush pissed away and put us in trillions of debt. For your information. Clinton achieved a strong economy by raising taxes, not giving 1.5 trillion in tax cuts to the top 2%.
Trump will be slagging him off soon, Trump is worried about anything coming out about him….
”I am told Jim Acosta was just a covfefe boy, I hardly knew him.”
–tRump the tRaitor
“What about Hillary’s Emails?”
Dunno why? Hes gotten by for alk other crimes..
PizzaGate, From Day 1 We told you Trump is fighting Pedophiles. you didn’t lisren because CNN told you to turm your head away, sheep.
@Project Jack
Trumps fighting pedos for what.
Trying to get the youngest one.
@Project Jack do not react to project jack, it is a fake account to distract people
These are the people Trump surrounds himself with.
Like Robert Mueller.
@Talia Kay
@Talia Kay pedo SUPPORTERS will be dealt with accordingly.
@Talia Kay Muller wasn’t surrounded about Trump

So much winning, eh?
Trump seems to have the Worst luck at picking or keeping staff. Why, it’s almost as though he isn’t a very stable genius, almost…
Ver Coda ….. guess it business as usual….. bad gut instinct that set him up for numerous bankruptcies and now bankrupting America….
The imbecile couldn’t find his way out of a brown paper bag…..
Ver Coda Luck has nothing to do with this. Trump is just stupid and compromised.
Trump is closer to a jackass in the stable than a stable genius.
… And another one BITES THE DUST!!!

Trump only works with the best pedophiles. Takes one to know one.
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber Christianity is a mental disease and utter scourge upon humanity.
@SamoaVsEverybody_814 ™ 2.0 What will ALWAYS happen, when you discuss with a pedophile democrat?
*(1)* You will be called a racist, whenever you disagree
*(2)* If (1) doesn’t work, there is always *_The Bike Lock,_*
@Talia Kay is a fake account
@Muhammad was a pedophile caravan robber Christianity has an entire denomination in the Catholic Church dedicated to the rape of children’s mind, body, and souls. Nothing you can say about Islam will ever top that so STFU and have a seat pedo-lover.

@My Friends no gods, no Kings, only man. Sorry dude you’re barking up the agnostic tree lol now we can have a debate on your ancient sheep herding beliefs or you can get back on topic? Sound good kiddo?
Sex offenders stick up and cover up for each other. This is your president USA
@Florian Held Do you have any proof of that? except for your hurt feelings?
@Patrick Chole If you want to know more about the doctrine of pedophilia within the democratic party and the left as a whole, look up:
*The sexual revolution and children: How the left took things too far*
Yet more proof that the Trump Administration is a complete and utter mess.
@brian gardner << triggered russian troll exposed
@brian gardner Hi, comrade! How’s the weather in Moscow!
@Chris Lee Do you have a cogent rebuttal or just spout nonsense
@Uncle BS You are in great need of a sharp object.
@brian gardner is a Trumpbecil hack
Just another Trump loss. Tomorrow will be another and another.
very quickly and quickly terms over itis
pretend pretend pretend more pretend to same jesters
Emotional cripple
And they still will vote for that fucker.
Wtf is wrong with these people????
@The Raven << Trumptards are russian controlled social media zombies

What I don’t get is he broke the law and nothing happens to these people. When is someone going to be held as accountable as anyone else
Me too. Really how does this happen and no-one rioting. It’s a wow. We wouldn’t be having this in my good land. We’re not perfect but we’re not having nonsense from our leaders. They know ….we the people.
Sometime next eternity just after half-past never.
You obviously have no clue how our Justice system works do you? If you are rich, powerful and white you’re most likely going to get away with murder, literally. I’ve seen it personally. Two of my high school friends were killed by a drunk driver in a head on collision 3 young men not even 18 died instantly and the 50 year old drunk driver was a millionaire, plus he was a local celebrity and got 5 years, reduced to 2 with good behavior. My friends died with no justice and that scum bag is living his life. Our Justice system favors the rich and powerful.
Its ridiculous how Trump and most of friends and family simply dont get charged with anything. One law for the rich and one for the poor…
Remember when Trump said he knew the best people? LOL. One after the other resigns in disgrace.
Tim Long that’s all the GOP has…… tax cuts and the so called great economy……. Wallstreet isn’t the economy…..
Wages are up more for the lower class more now then in 30yrs. FACT
@brian gardner where?? No one I know got a raise because of the tax cuts. Did you?
Imagine the headline … *_Trump Resigns._* What a GLORIOUS day that will be!
@sick tuna uneducated, sycophantic, and wrong. Go you, YouTube warrior. “Make the libs cry” you alpha beast.
@laharl sama You are need of a sharp object and a good shrink
@sick tuna is a fake account
@brian gardner is a Trumpbecil
@The Raven You are dire need of a sharp object and a good shrink.
Finally, a Whitehouse more corrupt than Nixon’s.
Trump and his best people wanna destroy everything we stand for.
Too bad trump wouldn’t go with him and make America great again..
Guilty people resign because they know they’re guilty.
Draft Dodger Donnie hires the best people. “Believe Me”