The Los Angeles Times reports that Republican Senator Richard Burr was served a search warrant for his cell phone by the FBI has part of an investigation into controversial stock sales he made in the early days of of the COVID-19 pandemic. Aired on 05/13/2020.
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LA Times: FBI Serves Burr A Warrant Over Stock Sales Made As Pandemic Hit | The 11th Hour | MSNBC
There are going to be a few more senators served warrants for the same reason before this is all said and done.
GIRETTO OUTLAW As long as they all are locked upped then good.
bc democrats never commit this crime, right, Jonny?
Kent Horvath who said they don’t? They should all be prosecuted, left or right, or do you only want the left to be held accountable for their crimes?
You’d hope so
Pipe Wrench Feinstein had all her investment in a blind trust . ( if you don’t know what that means look it up) Her husband did sell stock he had in a bio-lab company in Jan .But I agree if anyone is caught doing this on any side should be charged.
By now, we’re all used to republicans using their power to get rich. But doing so during a pandemic that has killed more Americans in 2 months than the Vietnam War did in 14 years is a new twist. Thanks for keeping your old ways of corruption interesting and fresh!

@Snow, Think B as in Billions
Bill Clinton left the White House massively in debt, and now he is worth 100 million giving million dollar “speeches”. Obama is giving these “speeches” aka washing his bribe money too. And I guess you forgot the democrat senators who did the same thing that bill did. Oh wait it doesn’t fit the classical narrative that all republicans are greedy selfish corporates out for themselves while all democrats are the ones who truly care about the people … better forget I said anything
K K Making their money after they leave office just happens to be their own personal right to do whatever the F they want to do! Making themselves rich WHILE HOLDING OFFICE BEING PAID BY TAXPAYERS IS A WHOLE DIFFERENT BALLGAME. TRUMP AND HIS FAMILY AND TRUMPUBLICANS ARE ENRICHING THEMSELVES AS WE SPEAK! If you want to refuse to believe that, that is on you! But because you want to believe Trump is a giving generous man……oMG….that just proves that trumpanzees can only function on the level of a frozen pea!
Snow Angel
Trump paying the treasury department. For wealth made off of foreign nationals staying at his hotels.
Trump loses a billion dollars sense 2015.
@Snow Angel Trump isn’t making money in office. He is losing money and would’ve been better off if he stayed managing his own business. And you’re foolish if you think Obama and Clinton and Bush aren’t corrupt because they didn’t get paid during office. You realise how bribing presidents work right? Once they are in office they work for the big corporations and once they are out of office they receive their payment through “giving speeches” so that morons like you don’t suspect them.
He should go to prison like Martha Stewart. His case is worse as a public servant. Shame on him.
@Randy Smith Did she know he was a soy when he was working for her?
Would NEVER happen, too rich.
@Randy Smith Well, today the FBI are questioning Feinstein.
@Michelle Neville about time
@Adventure54 do you make it a habit of making stupid statements? “you can’t go to jail until you’ve been found guilty by a jury of your peers or you plead guilty & that applies to all involved.”
that statement is inaccurate. i guess you’re one of “those”
Another Republican elected official Trump supporter who ended up getting served. He will probably plead guilty & retire/resign from Congress not unlike many others.
@Jim Skarw Yeah, but it appears one side is usually getting BUSTED! So, they are either grossly incompetent imbeciles who do not know how to hide their paper trail or maybe the other side is simply following the law, most of the times.
El ganso Loco
Who is “we”?
Adventure54 This is anything, but over, John Durham’s report is gonna hit like a drum solo, from the Seventies.
J Moore everybody on planet earth.
El ganso Loco =
hiding behind fake profile.
Everyone on the planet gave you authority to speak for them??
Can’t you do anything by yourself?
Watch slick Billy and his king try to fix this one.
Slick HillaryBilly?
The swamp is draining itself
Yea right well the swamp got out today on a corna virus ploy. Prison at home. WTF
It refills quicker than it drains.
It’s not draining anything. This “investigation” will likely go on for several months or years until the majority of the public forgets and gets focused on some corruption somewhere else. All four of the republican/democrat senators involved in this will get off completely scot free and probably even win their next elections and go back to corruption as usual. Martha Stewart was an exception but 99% of the time they get away with it
I knew it Barr Jared Ivanka Miller Munuchin all did this too Mitch and wife as well.
@john emeigh “Prove it. Those are false allegations.”
When we do prove it you fools say, “It doesn’t matter”. We don’t need to prove anything to you imbecile.
They should be investigated
David Willis
When “we” prove it?
Who is “we”?
@J Moore “Who is “we”?”
Non-Republican, fact based people.
David Willis
There’s no “we”.
YOU seem to know everything.
Give me all the facts.
…and then Atty. Gen. Barr will “de-legitimize” any future investigations.
@Terry Michaels What has Barr done right? Sessions had more integrity.
@Toma Harley Cheap and meaningless, you represented yourself perfectly. Idiots like you are why I left the party (forty years a Democrat).
You have no ethics left.
@Slab Rat That’s kind of stupid, based on what, moron?
ARE YOU STUPID? Show your evidence or you’re just another meaningless, petty, bitter whiner making up crap.
@Fred A Kid, I’m sure you can find his resume online.
It might be an embarrassment for you to look at and discover he’s done so much more than you, but get a backbone and look instead of making meaningless cheap shots for no reason other than your Trump hate, little boy.
Terry Michaels funny TRUMP and his Nazi base are why I quit being a Republican

No surprise! I’m sick of these dirty MF’s! Lock ALL these SOBS up!!!!
Americans put them in office , we can take them out.
If only you were a cop.
@john emeigh lineman not as.bad as a cop.but just as dangerous
@Larrygilbertreyes Reyes Good for you; it is dangerous; pays well. Maybe you could contact your Congress people. Ever done that?
How much do you think Mitch, 45 and all his donors and friends at fox “news” made before and during this pandemic.. tax returns will shot it all
@Terry Michaels I see the Trolls are out laying their Troll eggs (shitballs). Go back under the bridge and leave real life to the human beings.
Miata love ….DRAIN the SWUMP!!!!
@Jennifer McGoldrick interpret ” we are having a party come on down, coronavirus is nothing” as what? Are you as stupid as you sound? Never mind.
Miata love
it all???
tax returns will SHOT
@Randy SmithRandy, little man, the fact that you address a woman with your big, bad keyboard the way you do states volumes about your character……or lack thereof.
What a guy, mister law man breaks the law in violation of Federal Law. Goes about his business of sucking smoke out of Mr Trump’s butt. What a guy!
Virtue signaling?
@john emeigh end of the place as we know as USA most likely.
@nuclearcasserole You can help to prevent that, vote Red.
@john emeigh this country won’t even survive the first year of covid 19, you should be spending your time learning to grow food.
Food? Nuclear casserole sounds yummy!
The list of #GOPTraitors is long. .#rublestooge cutouts need a jail cell
General pop please
I think you are projecting allegations at the Republican Congress people that now, there is proof that it was Dem leadership and Dem bureaucrats violating laws.
DOJ does something wrong, you attack, right, you attack.
And I think you’re deflecting
Literally the intelligence chair #Covid_19 was coming..and made cash off of death…#GOPTraitors
How did he know it was coming should draw American swords already…they all knew and are complicit..sedition or treason..people have died
They’re all abrupt terms. It’s like a roller coaster of turns.
He use the intellegiNce to his benefit he has to pay put this crook in jail
Richard Burr has been involved with insider trading and misleading the public.
He, and everyone else who had
suspicious stock activity before hand should be investigated
Robin Hood ok investigate me and well over half the country
dumbasses we all sold stock around the same time
He’s part of the pirate ship that misled Americans about the Stimulus check. I say let this clown walk the plank, better yet drown!
@Scot Mile Did you also go on television and tell everyone that it was all going to be okay & that the market was strong, all while knowing what was going to happen & rushing to sell your own stocks?
Matthew Namehere well that’s called capitalism if you believed that well he got paid you did not

Anyone with a brain knew they had to sell off boy your a smart one
Hey the sun is not coming out tomorrow you want to buy some stock in that
Loefler should be getting one of those warrants soon too! She is another one, her husband is a big wig on wall st..
Look how much Dianne feinstein sold and made during the same time frame
Though I agree with you, don’t forget Feinstein. She sold 6 million dollars worth of stock.
Don’t forget about Diane Feinstein! (I am against all the rich and powerful, who get rich dishonestly).
Both Democrats and Republicans did this. Get them all
John Soke Nah people love their whataboutisms too much
He’s not the only one!!! There were some dems that did this as well. Not taking any sides but ANYONE who used insider information to sell stocks should get what Martha Stewart got!!!
Name one.
We got some corrupt as people which are the Demonrats
I hope all four senators involved are probed. Fair is fair.
Very true ,these comments are pathetic. These morons with the left right thinking are not looking at the big picture of us getting hosed by dems and repubs ,stay angry at one side or the other like good little sheep for daddy media,good boy now get on your knees